How is blaming everything on Jews any different from SJWs blaming everything on white patriarchy?
How is blaming everything on Jews any different from SJWs blaming everything on white patriarchy?
One is a truism. The other doesn't use practical reasoning
Because it's true faggot
Not blaming everything on jews
Just a good portion of it.
Deductively, it isn't. Inductively, it is.
OP is right, we should stop complaining about the Jews and just gas them all just for the fun of it.
One has proof.
The other has to use the benefit of the doubt.
Because 50% of Marxists who say some pretty obviously racist/sexist things are in fact Jews or PoC. I actually believe antisemitism in this manner is pretty disingenuous and relatively ignorant of Jewish cultural psychology, and I'm far from the only one.
The Jew thing does need to stop, whereas how many feminists do you see saying to stop the white patriarchy thing?
Sup Forums/pol/ is not stormfront, our opponents just want to believe it is.
Seconding that request.
Unlike the Patriarchy the global Jewish conspiracy is actual real.
what is image search?
>how is saying 2 + 2 = 4 any different from saying 2 + 2 = 5?
Really makes you think
When Jews either stop owning everything including governments due to immoral and illegal behavior, or stop abusing the power of owning everything to destroy white countries, then we'll stop blaming everything on them
>I have yet to spend 3.5 hours of my time to watch "Masters of Money" (1994)
Because Jews are the source of most of the world's current problems.
The other is just bullshit drummed up by cunts who are not properly controlled by a man.
Because the globalist elite are in fact the perpetrators of societal problems
Jews make up a disproportionately large amount of the elite
The jews are actually responsible for everything they are blamed.
Its not. Thats what the contrarian bitches on pol dont get:
>Theyre as bad, if not worse, than SJWs
Not that different.
They just mistook Jewish men for a white patriarchy.
heres the thing: both are real, the difference is that "white patriarchy" (western civ) is a good thing, whereas the international jew isn't. sjws hate "white patriarchy" because they are retarded degenerates.
pure coincidence goyim (delete this)
You do realize that feminists would answer exactly the same thing but blaming the patriarchy? Therefore, saying that is not good enough to rebuke OP.
you're right there isn't much difference. But Sup Forums isn't one person and i don't blame everything on the jews you fag
oops, I meant this:
>knowing about politics
See, the difference is, blaming the hebes is just a meme. The SJW's are 100% serious.
Little Caprice
There's a difference between pointing out crooked dealings that affect the general population and denying any personal responsibility for being a fat, repulsive cunt.
This is pure cherry-picking. Imagine a population of 100 people who either belong to group A or group B with 50% chance. 30% of Group A are criminals, whereas only 10% of B are.
Now, imagine I made you a picture of all the 10 criminals belonging to group B and use it in the midst of an argument claiming how people from group B are way worse than those from group A. That way, I'd be completely ignoring the fact that there are 30 criminals in group A; or the fact that 90 people of group B are not criminals.
That's what you are doing right there.
Can you not see when you're being baited.
This is the serious answer
And you just made the full circle to be a crank.
You are like Freud who said that if you agreed with his theories, then they were shown to be correct; otherwise, if you did not agree, your unconscious was preventing you from realizing the truth, which only proves him correct.
No matter the outcome, you are always right. That's the red flag for a crank.
>mfw this pic is scarily accurate about shit like gawker
>mfw men are unironically proud cucks
I do realize many people here say these things for shits and giggles, but many don't.
Well the Jews actually exist.
>oy vey just a coincidence goyim
Freud was a Jew. Coincidence?
Welcome to the world, buddy. That's just the way it works. People can say whatever they want to say. The problem starts when they start violating people's rights.
Its a long standing meme on /new/ and then Sup Forums
It just happens that American Jews tend to be socially left-wing, vis-a-vis the Frankfurt School, and due to their status as generally rather wealthy, they are in more of a position to fund Left-Wing political activism.
>inb4 who could be behind this post
Blaming Jews is appropriate when blaming Jews is appropriate. I don't blame Jews when somebody cuts me off in traffic, though I might call them a fucking Jew as a derogatory epithet. I blame Jews for things Jews are responsible for, such as fucking over our Mideast foreign policy for their own interests. They deserve that, because they've been fucking Jews about it. White patriarchy is the majority fucking minorities, it's also known as democracy in countries where white males are the dominant ethnic group. The patriarchy part is might makes right, but whatever. Jewish privilege is the minority fucking the majority, it's also known as apartheid or ethnic supremacism, and it's generally frowned upon in civilized company. Jews themselves should also be frowned upon in civilized company as a result of their beliefs. Stands to reason.
Cherry-picking! You can justify the evilness of any social group using these kinds of arguments. Yes, any.
You need to get a representative sample of Jewish people and ask their opinions on these kinds of matters.
Look at those statistics on Muslims by Pew Research. That's the example of what to do.
The Jews are actually real.
>Jews make up a disproportionately large amount of the elite
Maybe it's because they work hard?
Sup Forums isn't quite rational enough for that imho.
And you can be a 'progressive' without being a full blown, balls-to-the-wall SJW.
Supporting public healthcare, for example, doesn't instantly render you a tumblrina
Saying "cherrypicking" doesn't negate the examples, theres enough of them. Jews are destructive.
serious question: how was this list
not trying to say jews are/aren't a majority of that list. I'm just genuinely interested to know who's leading the push for globalization.
how was that list created*
as in, where did you get those particular names
This is better but still this is not enough as evidence for the narrative that Jews are evil, as there are alternative explanations.
In addition, I'm assuming that these 6 positions encompass all the possible high positions in the soviet union. If they don't, this could also be cherry-picking.
>if not worse
Confirmed bias.
Sup Forums has no impact on society regardless of the bantz.
SJWs actually do affect your daily life.
Also it's a big difference between blaming YOUR personal problems on something else and noticing a pattern in the global decline of society and trying to point fingers.
>implying when SJWs say, "Patriarchy," they don't actually mean, "Jews."
Holy shit, you actually believe someone took a poll of muslim beliefs? Not that that poll even as presented would be representative of anything, but do you really believe they sampled a legitimate cross-section of the muslim populations of the countries represented and asked them all what they felt? It's like my bosses at work... they say they sampled the whole company to determine the standards of production we should be held to and nobody on the staff knows anybody who was sampled or agrees with the results. Fuck the hell off, Jews will be judged by our experiences with them, not by polls faggot.
Worrying numbers indeed, could it be Muslims and not Jews are the real problem?
>Muslims are the Jews' natural enemy. Maybe it's Jews at Pew research that are behind these numbers. Maybe these Portuguese guy is a Jew.
>Shit! Really make you think.
I saved it off here. Though I'd known about a few of them already. Soros, Sutherland, Spectre, Schatter, Mandelson, Straw.
it's not
they are flip sides of the same victim coin
its not
It does not negate the example, true. If you do not like these opinions, you can judge the person saying them. However, you cannot say anything about the group that person belongs to. Statistically speaking, doing that is completely wrong.
Notice another thing. Almost all the people you showed me are men. Should I also conclude that men as a group want to commit white genocide? See the problem? If you say "Duh, they are Jewish Men", you are introducing and realizing that just identifying the group people belong to is not enough. Otherwise, we could say "Here are a few living beings that want to exterminate the white race, hence all/the majority of living beings want to exterminate the white race
Harlem Désir is not a jew and Laurent Fabius' family converted to catholicism tho
Because one is true and the other is not
You should try to keep that clear then.
A bunch of rich jews, no matter how long a list of them you may put together (but keep in mind the ones you find on the net are often half or more bullshit) does not equal 'THE JEWS' anymore than 'one white guy that owned my ancestors 200 years ago' equals 'THE WHITES.'
I know the OP is a shill but even a stopped clock is right once or twice a day.
the problem with jews is genetic. A jew who converts to another religion still has the genetic tendencies that manifest as subversive destructive behavior.
Oh good, so there's just a grossly disproportionate(Jews are under 1% of the population) likelihood that they're working towards the downfall of my civilization.
That's completely different and a totally acceptable situation.
that's inaccurate. Stalin purged the central committee of Jews in the 20's
One of them actually exists.
It isn't
SJWs are just another facet of that jewry.
except the complete opposite is true since jews are only a fraction of the international population when contrasted to every other ethnic or religious group.
both do involve leftist psychology
>he thinks all Jews don't see him as a useless goy
It's part of their belief system, so yes its applicable as a generlization. They're taught they're the chosen race and all non-Jews are cattle to be exploited and to serve the Jew.
>Should I also conclude that men as a group want to commit white genocide?
Well no, since a large group of men are white so that's illogical. They are all Jewish men, so conclude all Jewish men want white genocide.
Converting to Catholicism is a Jew tactic to deflect criticism of their actions onto Jews as a whole. Just like changing surnames and dropping a berg or stein. Been going on for centuries.
>going through mental gymnastics to defend jews on the internet
Yes but there are only 10 jews for 100 people. And there is still more jews behind the push for mass immigration than goys.
If you do not believe it's possible to derive knowledge from the experience of others, then it's hard to argue with you. That way, for any testimony somebody gives you, any statistic or any argument you will not believe that person on principle. I do think it's hard for you to actually believe this, but you are free to do it. Note, still, that when I say that it's possible to derive knowledge from the experience of others, I'm not saying that just a testimony is enough. You need statistics to actually be confident of whatever you are trying to find out.
You own experiences will never be enough to figure out what's going on. Behavior is the product of both genetics and the environment. Your experiences are based on the behavior of others, and these are partly based on the environment. Now, since you are there, you immediately become the environment. If you, in any way, are contributing something to that person's behavior, then you are only capturing what that person does around you, which is not the whole story. Moreover, your own experiences are a sample of size 1. I think a person trained in Statistics is not necessary to show why this is wrong.
Gas them all and let Jehova sort them out
Because one thing is historical fact, the other is jewish propaganda.
Ugh, it's like I'm arguing with a brick wall. The post you are quoting is a reply precisely to what you wrote. I will not add anything else.
90% of them are WHITE MALEs too, so how's it any different again?
Because it's true
That's what the Jews want you to think, OP.
You are, Shlomo. All your kind hates whites and wants to destroy us.
They want to destroy the white race- they're infiltrators. It's not whites vs everyone else, it's Jews vs goys. Destroying the white race only destroys the goys, whilst deflecting from the Jew- so they encourage it.
>more Jewish people support mass immigration than the others, despite them being a minority
I figure you must have counted them all or you have a source on those numbers.
Also, it's a conceptual example. I said "group A" and "group B" for a reason. Are you not used to think like this?
The patriarchy exists it's just a good thing. It's civilization and society.
Jews in the Universities/Media shift the blame to White people so Whitey & Shitskins fight with each other while Jews laugh all the way to the bank
Classic subversion & divide & conquer, you shouldn't need Goebbels to point this out to you
I'm not saying that all jews are scum, but... Holy shit!
I always feel like they mean it more as men all secretly getting together and think of new ways to oppress women. But in your context you're right.
Because we have legitimate proofs.
Like SJWs would care, just give everyone that is remotely related to the enemies of your agenda the same label.
>this person has a german/jewish last name, he must be part of the Conspiracy too
Nobody blames everything on them. They control hollywood and the media so we blame the spread of degeneracy on them. They control the universities so we blame the rapid decline in upper education on them. And they control most banks globally, which means they are culpable for quite a few other things as well, such as bailouts, corporate welfare, pretty much anything bad with the economy.
There is no such entity as 'The Patriarchy', but I understand how feminists could think that all men are allied together against them. The problem with that is, even if that were the case, it would be the worse patriarchal system conceivable, since women get better results then men in almost every case: education, justice system, you name it, men are worse off then women. The only reason SJW blaming everything on the patriarchy is ludicrous is because women are not be oppressed in the West in any way shape or form.
Because the Jews actually exist.
bilderberg or every time israel cries about some shit america has to do what they say or the fact that sorrors and a insane number of jews have bitched about trump and most of the jews are in the media
articles written by jews with very jewy names crying about trump
Uncle Stalin was on the leashes of Bolshevik Jews in 31, Stalin changed his tune about Jews once he kicked (killed) them out of power
Your conceptual exemple is biased. You deliberately take two groups of 50/50 people which is false. The jewish people are in minority in every western country and their influence on those questions is still decisive.
Furthermore the percentage of a population in favor of the mass immigration is not even relevant, i give you that. We have to look the elite and in the case of the jewish people there is no doubt that they are in favor of mass immigration. They promote and theorise this shit and their influence on the western world is huge.
So purging a central committee of kikes removes all the kikes from the government? No, it just remove a small committee.
You are trying to extract more from the example than I've put in it. It's conceptual, meaning that it's supposed to show why the principle of the post I was replying to is wrong. But if the numbers bug you so much, I give you the same example without numbers:
"Imagine a population of N people who either belong to group A or group B with "p" chance. A proportion "a" of Group A are criminals, whereas only a proportion "b" of B are; whereas a>b
Now, imagine I made you a picture of all the N*b criminals belonging to group B and use it in the midst of an argument claiming how people from group B are way worse than those from group A. That way, I'd be completely ignoring the fact that there are N*a (and N*a > N*b) criminals in group A; or the fact that (1-b)*N people of group B are not criminals.
That's what you are doing right there."
See, it's much harder to understand my message if I say it this way.
As for the influence part, I do expect that people with higher IQ have more useful contributions to add than people with low IQ, all else constant. Hence, i'd also expect them to be heard more often. You could be right in arguing against mass immigration (and I would agree with you on that) but if you do it like a retard people will not listen to you. To counteract what they say, intelligently argue with them/against them.
shit-tier shill
light yourself on fire