She bashed his skull with a metal bat:
Read the comments and awaken your inner commie killer.
She bashed his skull with a metal bat:
Read the comments and awaken your inner commie killer.
Other urls found in this thread:
when does it happen
Really makes you think
Read the youtube comments and then this:
This is why Far left extremists deserve post birth abortions.
If words can make you kill, you deserve post-birth abortion.
no one cares fag, he had it coming
literally same shit as the westboro baptists
>"he said something I don't like, assault him!"
Being a liberal is a hell of a drug.
Freedom of speech, bitch.
Kill yourself if you disagree.
Calm down nigger, no need to get angry/physical because bad words hurt your feefees.
Brother Dean has the best preaching voice.
It always makes me smile when I hear it.
>If words can make you kill,
He's gunna cash out
Kill yourself faggot
You are a literal enemy of freedom
>all those people in the comments celebrating the death of free speech
we really don't deserve it, do we?
>sticks and stones may break my bones but words do really, really hurt me.
>calling others fag
>being a giga-fag
They are far-left extremists.
We can change the minds of liberals and social democrats but the far-left extremists deserve post-birth abortion.
Far-left: ANTIFA, Communists, "anarchists" etc.
They do deserve to be raped. I don't see why she's so salty about it.
> I need a safe space from scary words
> You literally need a safe space from me when I come to hit you in the head with a bat for using scary words
The world is mentally ill and devolving rapidly.
Hitting someone in the head with a baseball bat is a good way to catch lead.
The more this madness progresses, the more I feel only exteme and extra-constitutional actions can succeed in saving the Constitution and the ideals is upholds.
Anyone who takes actions to impugn others' free speech should be destroyed. We've gotten really soft about this.
People can speak about limiting free speech all they life, as stupid and ironic as it is, but the very second they take that to action we should crush their skulls against the pavement. We really need to start purging leftists.
seriously. does that fucking idiot think we want to watch 25 minutes of his nonsense? edit the damn thing down to 3 minutes tops.
>waaaahhhh, you have to be willing to face consequences for what you say
>mee-hee, I deny reality so I don't have to acknowledge how much of a loser I truly am, mee-hee ;) ;)
>only exteme and extra-constitutional actions can succeed in saving the Constitution and the ideals is upholds
Absolute truth.
Is there a screenshot of which woman hit him? It seems to come from behind while that sophisticated melanized individual says he would go bananas on him if there weren't any cheeeeedrun around
You're right the time for words is over. The time for mass violence is coming, good luck with your average age of death going down to 30. I'll sit and laugh.
Still waiting for the day when all the far left nuts battle all far right radicals. It's going to be like the end of The Dark Knight Rises but not retarded.
>tfw you will never go to the same school
>tfw you will never hear about it through social media
>tfw you will never rape her and kill her with an ice-pick
If only she succeeded.
Weev deserves to die too but he's better at hiding like a faggot.
Yeah, I don't give a fuck about muslim faggots. Feminism is shit but so is the reverse. I'd be happy to watch both extremes kill each other off.
Damn, not Bro Dean. He's based. Fuck that feminist shit.
America, why don't you have hooligans?
Over here in Limeystan we have football hooligans and chavs who have recently been besting up liberals.
A feminist even got her own taste of gender equality when she have her head kicked in by some chav.
It's time to use violence against peoppe who're incapable of debating
Oi m8!
They want to kill white men while they ignore Muslim preachers saying worse.
Based brother Dean ruining a leftist degenerate's life
>I love free speech until I'm offended, then they should DIE!
>Tabitha Brubaker, 19, responded to what she called hate speech by striking him over the head with a baseball bat, according to authorities. She has been charged with felony assault. Police also charged her with marijuana possession.
dude weed lgbtmao
Really ?
I knew jesus would strike down this cunt
>arrested for marijuana possession and felony assault
She fucked up her whole life for no reward. And if you're planning on committing a felony, why the fuck would you bring your drugs with you?
>nigger threatening violence
How unexpected
>gets hit in head with bat
Lmao, America is just savages
You are considering leftist as someone wit a brain and ability to think ahead
they're like niggers, they live in the moment
No forethought, no planning, no ability to do anything but party for 3 days after a paycheck, then bitch the other 11 days that they're broke
What did it say?
Sometimes I wish I lived in Murica only so I could kill some lefties. It's so rage inducing seeing shit like this I don't understand why you aren't all boycotting America by going on mass shootings. Honestly, you need more of them. You need to just kill these people. No excuses. Just go and kill as many of them as you can. Make them afraid of expressing their opinions for once in their lives.
The best part is that Bro Dean's crew is always more diverse than the crowd protesting him
Brother Dean has been putting up a great job, I would be really proud to be his friend. People are incredibly dumb and violent these days, I know a Christian has to deal with people who are just plain wrong everyday.
There was a video of Brother Dean putting Muslims in their place, there were the famous "YOU DESERVE RAPE" signs to all the sluts and sinners who get raped in this sick society they have made sure to build.
His work, as far as I have seen, is absolutely amazing and useful. If I could say something to him I would say "keep up the good work, brother." and "don't stop improving this great task God has given you". Narcissism is on the rise, people live in an age of abundance, they don't have a sense of guilt, of mistakes, which relates with the orbito-frontal lobe. People are lazy and effortless, their fore-fathers would rage in their graves. People think like a pack of thieves these days, they have run out of resources and they are thirsty for all God's Man possessions. Their passion, hedonism, knows no bounds.
We as Christians should go back to Theology, to militia, to academia, the Earth is our planet, not the Devil's. We should have our imageboard, we should apply Justice to all that is evil and impure. Pagans have low intelligence, and yet incredibly confident, we all know that, so let's put them in their place. We should expand our sense of property, your house doesn't end at the door or the street, home is all around you. Public property is YOURS, we should take it with all our might and put the skills we develop with our daily repentance to use to please God. Let us persecute Pornography, Anti-Social behavior and thought, stupidity, and the devil. This is not a time to be defensive, if you are being defensive you don't know how bad it is, you are denying the Lord. Let us pray daily, so GOD will clear this Earth so that we can raise our boys. Let us take the next step, let us go beyond what feminists expect of our puny selves. God will help us.
The youtube comments... ugh..Fuck libtards.
of course she is a lesbian wigger
why are lesbians so violent
>tabitha brubaker
>still in high school
And people kept saying only God can judge.
Looks like he just did.
No Ken to play with their barbie leaves them bitter and angsty
>being this much of a cuck
oh god this is fucking delicious
Welp he surely had it coming. He should definitely press charges tho.
Both the attacker and the edgy guy are stupid
Of course it was a nigger school.
Of course.
This junkie needs to die
What's a nigger school ?
17 minutes in
>Implying your wife, mother and sister won't be filled with Achmed's bbc.
17 minutes in
>three felonies right out of high school
>that pic
No gofundme is going to get her off of felony charges when there were dozens of witnesses who watched her hit a guy in the head with a bat unprovoked. She's lucky she isn't being charged with attempted murder (she honestly should be). If he had a gun he could've LEGALLY ended her life for doing that so she should be grateful to even be alive right now.
filled with niggers
only lessons you take is on doing the dab
a school with lots of them lol
He gets a free pass just because the guys he yells at are leftie parasites, but he is a no good retarded idiot himself
He belongs to the oven along with the rest of the degenerates he likes so much to poke, the purgation by flame is the only solution
I thought niggers just don't go to school. I thought they do what they want
They are mainstream leftists, dummy. Post this video on Fagbook, all the single moms and dummies will cheer on, not a single person will defend him.
>Autists getting hit with bats for being autists
I side with the batter...watching 2 mins of that video made me wanna hit him too lol
Because simply put we have guns.
When you don't know who is carrying and who could pull on you, you tend to not get in retarded scuffles unless you're a low-IQ, high-impulsive nigger. And even then they shoot each other all the time for the same reason.
I do wish that the Right had more of a tribal identity though, and one not tied to Jesus. We need to come together and stamp these fuckers out, but it will probably never happen because of a combination of "love thy neighbor" cuckery, extreme anti-Nazi propaganda and leftist institutional power.
He must have left it at home, I dunno what to tell you. Might have protected his head a bit ya know?
Idiot thought he could go to a highschool and preach his own interpretation of the word of god disrupting a learning facility and getting clocked by a delinquent. Dumb faggot had it coming I thought christians weren't stupid hipster nu-males that can't have the foresight to see this shit coming? What the fuck.
she is still in HS I believe
>dozens of witnesses who watched her hit a guy in the head with a bat unprovoked
SJWs will threaten and character assassinate them.
Sup Forums is so triggered lol
>that post
Propaganda of a Jewish sect called "Christians"
What triggers you in life? Brown people dying?
over 18 though
that's the whole reason we know who she is
She's an adult and she's not allowed to go back to school. Three felonies and no high school diploma, her future is looking bright.
They're all leftists, no one in that crowd would have a gun. Why not just fucking shoot her?
Fuck off
Anyone bet the assailant was black? In groups, one will distract you so that another can sucker punch you.
Really makes you think
kek the 10 year old boy at 15:40
>ay yo dun record me brah
>i'll knock dat shit out your hands
ANTIFA are pro gun.
>please circlejerk with me, PLEASE, PLEASE TELL ME IM RIGHT
Lmfao! Fucking OWNED.
I love how stupid Sup Forumsack morons ACTUALLY think Christianity stands a CHANCE of surviving. It's fucking dead ALREADY.
Videos like this make me so happy, because it shows the ACTUAL beliefs of the youth. COMPLETELY atheistic and liberal, just as we intended.
Your politicians FULLY support open borders and NONE of them are anti-Islam, our breeding rates are 5x yours, and your women are converting to Islam more than any other religion. Islam will not be the second most popular, but THE religion and LAW of western nations. Also, LITERALLY NO Western teenagers are Christian anymore, your people are Godless and will cower to a much stronger enemy. NO WESTERN ADOLESCENTS FUCKING BELIEVE IN GOD. You HONESTLY think white girls who go to church to stop feeling guilty about being whores are actually Christian? LMFAO.
Your religion is fucking DEAD. It's hilarious seeing you lie to yourselves, acting as if Christianity is still alive, or that ANY normal western teenagers are Christian. Nope, it's over for you. With nothing to believe in, the West's children will see Islam as the shining beacon of light and willingly convert.
Go ahead, shout "deus vult", play Rammstein when you lift weights tonight, act as if you can do SHIT. But at the end of the day, your politicains are COMPLETELY loyal to us,we breed at 5x the rate of you, and we are utterly devoted to Islam when you can't even get up for church on Sunday. LMFAO.
>Dude he said something I dont like
What are you 5?
What did she mean by this?
Really made me think.
Kill yourself slowly disgusting little parasite
>baiting in 3d
>surprised when (you)d
>righteous man beset on all sides by degenerates as he walks the narrow path
Non nobis, Domine, non nobis
Christians are anti-semitic by definition. Jews killed Christ.
I came
Leftists have panic attacks if someone even spells the word gun near them. They don't own guns.