Who has higher rates of incest: blacks or whites?

Who has higher rates of incest: blacks or whites?


I want her to suck my waitto penisu!

Blacks. The ones here have been the same 10-13% of our population with nothing new added to the genepool since the 1800s, whereas whites have been moving amongst themselves and the US was getting frequent influxes of new whites to the genepool. You wonder why American niggers have white admixture but still act like retards?

If I remember correctly, whites are more likely to have incestuous relationships, while blacks are more likely to commit incest.

Basically, whites marry their cousins, but blacks have sex with multiple people in their family. Anecdotal, but I've known a few black people, guys and girls, who had slept with their moms or dads respectively, and acted like it was no big thing.

>Anecdotal, but I've known a few black people, guys and girls, who had slept with their moms or dads respectively, and acted like it was no big thing.

Arabs by far

If you don't count the Hasidic and Mormons, probably equal


all whites are inbred thats why they need race mixing and immigrants


Sven is back at it

Can confirm. I knew these two black kids who were part mexican/ Arabic or some shit so they looked really weird and the boy one would make really, reeeallly sexual comments about his sister in front of her and she'd just laugh. Pretty sure they actually went to 3rd base- I got vibes.


You've fallen for a stupid meme.
It's inbreeding only if you're fucking a close relative. When you fall for this ''we need to shift the gene poll, oh shit, the gene pool is too small OH SHIT!!'' you're simply inviting immigration.
The reason blacks are so inbred is not because they are a minority. The blacks are inbred because they are fucking their sisters, daughters and mothers. It has nothing to do with the size of the population.

>population with nothing new added to the genepool
>frequent influxes of new whites to the genepool
What the fuck are you doing? You're literally advocating for dindus to add to your gene pool to save you from the small gene pool meme.

Oh Sweden please teach me your ways of love and tolerance.

Mexicans. My ex works for child services here in Dallas and Mexicans hands down rape their kids more than anyone else, at least here. Especially the loser illegals who get drunk and share their daughters with one another.

Actually it's pretty much only illegals now that I think about it.

sweden yes!


Arabs by far

The problem with this question is that it is impossible to know the true amount of incest in black communities since the father is always unknown.


African Americans are likely the most inbred (large) population on the planet. There are about 40 million of them now, they come from a seed population of about 250 thousand - and that population growth over a rather short period of time. As a side note, as one way to measure, this also makes African Americans one of the most successful populations on the planet.

Consider, many blacks are born to single parent mothers. These mothers have multiple children from multiple males. Often the children have no contact with their father, or even know who the father is (or the mother knows for that matter).

Because of this sex between (half) siblings is fairly common in black populations. Certainly common between first cousins. Children coming from such short term unions is not unusual either.

Intentional incest is another question. And given the rates (much higher compared to other populations) that blacks commit incest related sex crimes you can likely draw your own conclusions.