TOP LEL. How can one grandma be so based?







Ha I thought it was a picture of Hillary with a Trump hat Photoshopped.

So what is this, a new reddit meme?

wow looks like I'm a #gilfmissile now

It's just a defence mechanism
just like the #cruzmissle stuff


these people are so insufferable i swear i cant watch more then 25 seconds of any American x party vs y party "in the street" confrontation

they are entitled beyond belief
they are rude
they barely make any arguments
and they always stand in huge groups so they can slink back behind the lines if they feel that there precious feelings have been hurt

>have you created any jobs?

>furniture refurbishing jobs, furniture movers

>but what are the movers going to do for us???????


And of course, in the middle of every anti-Trump mob, there's an ugly screaming mudslime

>23 minutes long

jidf pls

>Adding Bernie to a Slayer shirt

I have been found out



All these videos are 99% just a bunch of retarded people trying to start chants louder than the other side as if this furthers any actual agenda.

Murka is a joke.

>old lady: "to buy drugs you have to have money"

>libtard kids: "No you dont"


For people that went to college, they sound like big mouth uneducated children.


what's up with the black english accent guy claiming immediately and without being prompted that he was born and raised in america?

that's very fishy

Only 3 minutes in and this lady is wiping the floor with these entitled cunts.

He looks ugly as fuck. He probably couldn't get a grill over here so he's gone over there to get soem libshit grill.

Beautiful american women...

USA= Mutiracial Mordorland.

>i was born and raised here in the us.
>carries a mexican flag

Wtf is wrong with these progressives. They are fucking legitimately insane.

well, they could also buy drugs in exchange for sexual favors, or clams, or shiny beads

It saddens me that these libtards are going to live longer than this based old lady.

Redpill me on nignog speach. Is that even correct to say:"ain't no smth"?

Typical of those "peaceful" protesters to gang up on one person like that. Are they afraid of having a one on one argument with someone?

Isn't that the mysterious cigar guy from the other fence video talking around 16:00?

Other than that, these elections seem to be the last wake-up call for America. After a couple of years the amount of idiotism is probably tripled.



>somewhere around 11:00
>mentions Trump wanting to stop playing world police
>a traditionally very leftist viewpoint
>suddenly they all stop shouting and start listening

This is fucking gold.

>implying its new

its just a shorter version of "duality of man"

She deals with the generation her generation made

What's the point anymore lads
These people have the right to vote our freedom away
I hate to be a defeatist faggot but what the fuck do we do if Trump loses
They're taking our country away from us and it's killing me

>he likes entry level thrash

these discussions always get so convoluted and angering

>answer the main point
>"ok ok whatever but what about this small semi-related topic????? :^)"

you never get a "oh, i never thought about it that way". it's always some pathetic effort at grasping at another straw.

>what do we do if trump loses

Well I'm going to kill myself when trump loses, not if.

>he claims to like thrash metal but is too cool to like Slayer and Metallica


I don't get it.

They're complaining about jobs, yet they're supporting the candidate whose fiscal policies is going to cause the most job losses and attacking someone who supports the candidate whose fiscal policies are going to create the most jobs.

I don't get it.

Pretty much.

She answers their questions and reks them with logic and then they just say "well what about this other thing?"

It's a never ending cycle. There is no point in arguing with these people.

She isn't based ... she literally said that muslims are WHITE
>murricunt criteria

These people can't think past the next welfare check.

She was an easy 10 when she was younger, you can tell...

>A whole group of people sorround a single trump supporter
Every fucking time

This. Can't be older than 18 with that mentality.

I fucking hate immigrants. Do they realize they were brought in to rig our electorate ?

>Expecting rational thought from liberals, who make policies and decisions based on emotion.

Every time, the ones ganging up on the Trump supporter are those who shouldn't be in the country to begin with.

You gotta pay attention m8.

The guy with the speakerphone was claiming that the majority of terrorists in the us according to the fbi are "white" and she said that according to the us census criteria, muslims are white and therefore she is white.

Google us census race and you will see on the official site what is "white". White in the us is anyone from the middle east, ñorth africa or europe.

I mean If trump gets Presidency we could probably sort out a deal to provide precious minerals from our mines right? we and America could totally Cuck the Commonwealth out of a decent amount of minerals

Confronting the Obama Youth

I like thrash what are some better bands than Slayer I like Megadeth I need some good shit to listen to over the new DooM game.

>she said that according to the us census criteria,

No stop fucking lying, she don't talk about any us census criteria she just say that muslim are white... don't lie to me dumbfuck.

I was thinking the same thing. Lady is a total package.

group of niggers attacks a boomer, neither have an idea what they are talking about

The best people in this were the two black guys. Respectful, calm, asking proper questions, trying to get a dialogue going. Fucking PoC women and the cucks who worship them are the bane of political discussion.

What accent did that fat white chick have, BTW? She didn't sound American. Also, I'd love to pound her fat ass. She and the chick with the eyebrows were the best looking girls in this.

Its the same protest/rally/whatever

>what are the furniture movers gonna do for me?
kill these fucking land whales.

Sepultura, Coroner, Artillery, Death Angel, Kreator, Sodom, Overkill, Forbidden


>being this autistic

Obviously when she refered to the dune coon as white, she was responding to the man who claimed that ""white"" people are the majority of terrorists in the us according to the fbi who would use the us census racial classification criteria.

I wouldn't expect a dumb frog to understand context

>al these fucking spaniards and muslims not even hiding they're greedy fucks with no patriotism.

First thought was polish but that can't be. Maybe spanish or italian?

you barely know english
leave the listening comprehension to the native speakers

Nah. She's a grandma. Her offsprings generation.

I'm just glad I had good parents who didn't raise me into a pussy.

Might be. It does sound a little like that. You'd think she'd be too white to be Italian or Spanish, but they sometimes have fair-skinned, blond women.

The fucking muslim screaming "I'm not white" was hilarious, too. It really bares the racial theory that's so prevalent in leftist circles.

this QT is really out if place with those mong

>"Go to, it's false that Muslims are terrorists"
>6/10 are mudslimes including #1

No. Nogs think they are special enough to have their own version of English.

I thought I misheard, but apparently not. What a moron.

every angry leftist mob needs one :°

Looks like a bloke with long hair

>Give me a job right now!!



that muslim is actually a kafir because she supports LGBT rights which is against islam and if she's a bernie fag its even worse. that means she supports weed (haram). if she votes for either she is also supporting a pro-israel politician which means she is helping the oppression of her muslim brothers and sisters. also if they are clinton supporters they are a supporting a woman who supports bringing civil war and unrest to various muslim countries. also she is defiantly disrespecting an elder which is against islam aswell. this means she is not truly a muslim.

Slavic of some kind I would say.