What would be the ultimate happening and when do you think it will happen?
What would be the ultimate happening and when do you think it will happen?
Russia and China going at it over China trying to reclaim Siberia. Next 15-20 years.
DJ Trump picking Condi Rice as his VP.
It better happen this year.
Me wreckin' ur mums vag and it is imminent.
Hope that happens.
Hope America teams up with Russia.
Hope we, together, crumb stomp those commie gooks.
A nuke or chemical strike in a major European city by the religion of peace. I'd love the fucking shitstorm... And we've been further away from it happening.
The biggest happening in the next century will be the upcoming economic collapse.
Pakis finally selling nukes to ISIS.
ww3 most likely. Will start with riots in european countries and then they will start getting violent. Then after they start making barricades the civil war will start, and other countries will join in. Screen this. ill give it to 2020
It's not happening, Northern China is barely populated. China wants African territories but there won't be much of a happening eiher.
It's not for lebensraum. It's for the resources. And they'll use the guise of "They took it from us!" to go get it back.
Rahowa of course
No, since China never owned Siberia. It was Mongol clay and China got buttfucked hard by the Mongols and built wall.
Indian-Pakistani exchange of nuclear weapons
No world war, just a shitload of irradiated shit being flung into the atmpsphere
From 2030-2060 when both countries are massively fucked from global warming
No, poos won't go nuclear over Pakis. But Pakis will give nukes to their Muslim brethren. Watch.
I'd prefer Oprah Winfrey for the lol's
It would be so massive
The HUGE amount of propaganda to defend Islam that is
Also the government trying to keep peace and using army to protect immigrants from retaliation.
Wouldnt be shocked if soldiers opened fire on a crowd of people to protect some Arab from being lynched
>overnight, every human being loses the physical ability to metabolise caffeine
Think about it. It's highly addictive and far more widespread than drugs like heroin. What happens if, one morning, suddenly nobody can get any satisfaction from their coffee. There would be riots on a scale never seen before.
The Pope Converts to islam. Orders the massacre and rape of all native Italians in Rome. Paints over the sistine Chapel and smashes the Michaelangelo sculptures.
This. And I doubt it will be enough to wake people up. It'll probably be used as an excuse to declare a state of emergency in more countries - following the French example - and increase surveillance, restrict rights, etc.
Ultimate happening would have to be something most countries would be unable to recover from in short-term, or even long-term.
I'd say nukes going off in capital cities across the world, effectively killing most - if not all - important world leaders and military leaders. The chain of command would be severely disrupted for the militaries, mass panic in the citizens, power vacuums being filled by all sorts of whack-jobs trying to be the next President, etc.
Off the top of my head, the Yellowstone supervolcano erupting.
It wouldn't destroy the US as a country but there would be massive casualties. America's status as the world's breadbasket would be over thanks to the amount of ash thrown into it's atmosphere. Her superpower status would follow soon thereafter and throw global politics into an unpredictable state. As a scenario, it's somewhat unlikely but not entirely beyond the realms of possibility. Yellowstone is long overdue for an eruption...
Ultimate happening huh? I thought about it alot and finally came out with this scenario:
>One, united and surprisingly peaceful caliphate from Indus to Jordan (terrorist are lynched, one of rising superpowers, with nuclear bombs from Pakistan) rises in less than ten years.
>China dealed with USA (no more american troops in East Asia, Taiwan is anexed, Korea united and Finlandizationed but for exchange China can do shit to USA economy and interests in Asia
>NATO and EU disbanded
>American banking system and economy finally died and we have Great Depression^2. Civil war on the horizon
>Jews and Palestinians finally united in one state
>Every country on Earth signed treaty in Jerusalem
>Media say that it is real end of hhistory, ultimate peace and shit
>Everyone drinking, masive parties in whole of Europe and America, euphoric as fuck
>In the same night nuclear attack on Israel, Turkey and Egypt from caliphate, plus ultimatum to Europe ("Unite with us in Islam or die"). China does the same to Russia. Civil war breaking out in US.
>Sup Forums goes offline for the last time. Race war now.
Russia invades Europe & USA does nothing about it
The universe is actually existing on a false vacume and it undergoes a phase transition.
George Soros kicks the can, his will is carried out by his heirs.
Within 10 years negative reaction kills all the jews. Eternal peace.