Speed Freaks only!!! How do i extend my meth high and how do I conserve my dope to get higher

Speed Freaks only!!! How do i extend my meth high and how do I conserve my dope to get higher

hit it with a butane torch instead of a lighter

Are there any other dopers

Shove it up your ass.

I got a torch. I waa only able to pick up a ten sack tonight. I'm trynna make it last fuck my brain

take a tolerance break . plan out when youre gonna do it so by the time you start coming down you pop a xan and some benydrl and go to bed so you dont smoke more


Smoke some DMT man and I promise you it will get better

If you help(;

Goddamned speed niggers need to die

I have to smoke dope. Im already committed plus I got errands to run in the morning

Meth is fire nigga try it


Welcome to hell

jenkem is number 1

This guy knows

Shoot it bro. I usually snorted it, then I moved to IV and my God, the high is 100 times better.

No bullshit

I got a bowl left n I got another head on it. What tf am I gonna do guys

I can't do it bro I got too many homies crazy strung cause of shooting. So i stick to smoke.

Wtf happened there?

I just wanna casually smoke meth forever

Y'all motherfuckers need some ayahuasca

Anybody got tips for quitting dope either ? I'm about to have a kid and I mean, I like meth sooooo Hahahah what does a brether do

Literally ayahuasca with trip therapy brother

What s that

Who's got some good psychosis stories

For the lurkers interested in drug use n gang shit

I'm so fucking high

looks like he had a seizure on the tracks

google you faggot

What does butane do better than a lighter?

why did he catch on fire?

That's what you want isn't it?

He completed the circuit, and people are very flammable



someone get this hothead outta here

guys, very stupid question.

I did a lot of speed in the last half year or so.

the last few binges we're also pretty hard.

I'm constantly itchy now.
it's been a week or so fom the last dose and I kinda tapered down.

will the itchiness go away ?

Shoot it my dude

Bic lighter. Torch burns it up fast.

Don't share

itchiness will NOT go away
you fucked up, my dude

really ?
it's annyoing as fuck !
what's causing the itch ?

your fried brain is causing it

Both these options work great as well if you're too much of a pussy to shoot it. That being said if you can stay away from the needle good for you.

Gg itch 4 life can confirn

welcome to AA brother

It’s your partially destroyed brain trying to make the electrical connections.The brain can partially repair itself though it may take years. However sadly the extent of the damage may be permanent. Sorry user.

>How do i extend my meth high and how do I conserve my dope to get higher

Stop doing it for a while. Your tolerance will go down, making the next time you get high better, and it conserves dope.

At least you will die doing what you love best... meth

Hotrail it if you want the massive rush but your better off taking baby tokes here and there.

Like other anons said butane torch is also a good idea but only if you know what your doing, overheating will waste it and burnt meth is bleh.

smoke a shitload of weed is always my go-to, you get that fuzzy brain soup feel.

fug i want a pipe now.

forgot to add if thats your pipe you should melt the stem residue, looks like theres at least another couple clouds there.

Any tips for Adderall? It's all I've got so how I can I make the best use of it?

crap !
it isn't that severe but it's still anyoing

Take vitamins every day.

This has done wonders for me when I was banging shit

Well be sure to take plenty of vitamins including krill oil to hopefully restore your brain’s damage. If the urge ever arises; I recommend trying psychedelics since they have been shown to break even the strongest drug habits. DMT (can be made in ayahuasca) is definitely one I recommend. You can simply purchase the dyes to extract the substance from and brew it into an ultra-potent tea.

Lol hope all that shit keeps you rushing in the grave..

nerve gas
its not a seizure stupid hes being electrified. those rails are live

Take a bunch and then jerk off.

dangerous hallucinogenics

burns hotter, less residue


Meth bong all the way!! Plus if you use redbull or whatever flavor you like (obviously liquid form shit is a million times better)
Or if you have a decent length of glass pipe (preferably with a bowl on the end but work all the same with a straight tube), crush your shit into a fine dust, heat either the bowl or about 3cm of the glass tube and snort that shit!! Motherfucker wont be disappointed : ).
Stay high!

what effects does it have?

Serious question:
Why do you do stims?

I find stims extremely boring. I never knew why would someone want just "more energy" for a price of complete shitstorm of a comedown.

Why not do some more enhancing and less harmful drugs?

DMT LSD boisssssssssss

Maybe you can do the same as I do with weed to conserve my dope;
I only load up a bowl I know I can reduce to pure ash, as in at very MOST a lung-full.

This way nothing goes to waste.

I recommend more pure forms of DMT, ayahuasca will make you puke.

Inject it you pussy


mix it with ketamine