A New Map for America

This map is what America should change from now that the "50 State-system" is out of date.
It's from NY Times.

I love how the South is "The Southeast Manufacturing Belt"

So what does Sup Forums think?

Other urls found in this thread:


>No land labeled "Nigger containment zone"

>(((The Great Northeast)))
>Southeast Manufacturing Belt

>liberals don't understand the fundamental governing system of America set up by the constitution
>"LOL guys, states are sooo boring, let's just balkanize everything, that OBVIOUSLY won't have any consequences what are states rights LOL"

My face as well, fellow old lady

Yeah i agree imagine if Sup Forums was just one board fucking chaos

There's also an edit at the bottom about the Erie Canal. The guy had originally said the Federal Gov't payed for it but "apparently" State of NY actually did.
I can't believe they did it without the Federal Gov't!

>the great northeast

No. This map is gay, just like you OP.

All it is calling for is an even greater disparity between liberal urban centers and more conservative rural areas.

Unlikely but interesting. If I were American I wouldn't necessary oppose it.

>Proposed High Speed Rail

just a huge step to communism

the fact that i even share a boarder withe West Virginia is offensive

i dont want to be in the same zone as those inbred idiotic cousin fuckers

There's no way a Texan would let anyone partition Texas. We are a superior state with superior people, there would have to be a war to force us to partition.

Gerrymandering on a country-wide scale. Can't say I'm not impressed honestly.

>Nova is part of the Yellow North-east dominated by NYC and Boston
>Even my fucking alma mater UVA is too

Looking at it again, I noticed a lot of the zones go into Mexico and Canada. Also a term like "North American Zone" or some shit was in the article fucking liberals

Gonna be hard to have those Urban zones going South once Trump is around

And rightly so. I just wondered why the great plains area is deprived of sea access whereas inlandwest seems to have one in south california.

Each state has it's own constitution, and arguably distinct culture or cultures in some cases to it.

Making it giant hodge podges of states that have dissimilar characteristics is absolutely retarded.

You know I didn't think about that. Good insight


It's basically the equivalent of the EU shadow government sweeping in and saying that national borders of european countries and their governments are hereby abolished and that the EU will be the overarching government of the singular european nation.

Just to let you guys know, this is just the beginning of liberals trying to do away with the constitution for their own, communistic, wants.

Take a look at the "Humanity Party."
They propose to dissolve states rights all together and make it so that congress can only pass anything if they vote on it unanimously. Also, no guns


This map looks similar to the one from The Man from High Castle.

To be fair NOVA is kinda the liberal drag in the state.

Utterly retarded anti-Federalism

Okay I get that and as a EU victim I toally agree with that. Beside that fact that I guess it's legally impossible to do away with the states I still find it interesting.

Mainly because I see it as a drwaing board approach to the question: "How would we organise the US today, if they were no limits?".

For instance: It kind of makes sense to order the law making institutions in a manner that there are more urban, coastal centres as well as states focusing on developing laws for the needs of more rural areas.

>equality equality equality
>abolish states
>general welfare for individual needs
>hurr the old constitution is out of date


hhmmmm Article written by ( PARAG KHANNA ) a poo

Gerrymandering gone wild. This would only serve to diminish the power of existing states.

I'm imagining her encountering a pothole in the road on the way to a weight watchers meeting and deciding that all of America's infrastructure is falling apart and we need to redistribute the means of production to cope with our failing system.

I've talked with numerous lefties from my college and they all have this notion that our "infrastructure is shit" because they were told so and they have proof of it because they got stuck in traffic once. Meanwhile whenever I look around I see roadbuilders paving new highways and optimizing intersections based on problems that occur.

They all want this utopian future yet don't have the minds, skills, or work ethic to create it. They instead want to fulfill their pipe dream by voting for government officials who could care less about their silly communistic vision and would much rather be their friends long enough to get their vote and subsequent money and power.