Does Sup Forums agree that the holocaust was fake?
Hitler did nothing wrong
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Can't say anything negationist or police will track me and LDJ will beat me up sorry
Well if we say it happened some Muslims may get upset. In this day and age, I think they face enough Islamaphobia.
So literally to be PC, yes didn't happen Jews are liars.
Lets be PC lol.
>muh swimming pool
May I check these double digits?
Holocaust is a Jew thing.
I'm not interested on middle east history.
With some luck you'll bave the LICRA after you now ;^p
There's more evidence that Boston was not a false flag then there is of the Holocaust being real!
The Holocaust is the only thing Sup Forums hasn't redpilled me on. Redpill me on the Holocaust guys.
no, but you can fuck off to reddit
Denying it is illegal in many countries, for some reason...
Nice try shill! If you're actually red pilled then you would be very aware Jews have been lying about the numbers of dead for more than 2000 years!
Red pilled equals knowing that Jews lie!
Of course the holocaust happened mister Shekelstein. I am really not implying that less than 6 gorrillion hard working jews died in evil concentration camps run by evil nazi's.
If the Holocaust happened the way the Jews claim it happened they would not make investigating the holocaust a crime in some European countries under Jewish control. If it were the truth there would be Jewish scholarships awarded to the study of the Holocaust and prizes would be given out to the people that helped bring out the truth.
Remember, the truth will always stand up on its own. If the holocaust is a lie then you would make it a crime to study it for fear that people would find the truth and stop paying reparations to Israel. Germany to this day is paying Israel holohoax reparations. Explain this: "Nazis killed 6 million jews" --> Auschwitz death toll had been officially reduced from 4 million to 1.1 million[even that is grossly exaggerated] -> 2016 -> "Nazis killed 6 million jews"
It doesn't take a genius to see it doesn't add up. Also, Red bolshevik holocaust had fucking 65 million deaths, yet most people forgot it even happened. But a mythical number of 6 million jews has to be reminded to us with a new holocaust movie, book, heartfelt interview or commemoration every other year, so Jews can get special treatment and reparations as if they're some eternal victims, a class of untouchables, and questioning it equals jail time in 16 European states. Denying Red bolshevik holocaust is perfectly legal though, who cares about a bunch of dead gentile whites and asians, right? This is the biggest racket of the modern age.
Oh yes, you, the “goyim” are always building gas chambers aren’t we. “Goyim” boys build gas chambers even for science projects in high school dontcha know. Gassing 6 million Jews is such an easy thing to do that Germans can do it with one hand tied behind their backs, even while fighing Russia and the entire 1st World and while being carpet bombed. They can burn them all, too. Just that Jews have to draw in the “smoke” to the aerial photos and the bones have to magicallly evaporate by magic.
It's obvious that the holocaust happened.
We wouldn't just silence any skepticism by threat of prison if it didn't happen, would we?
No, it was real. But partially justified. I dont think you can ever justify murdering children, but massdeportation of jews was a good idea.
It was fake.
>killing your country's enemies in war is wrong
Maybe the Jews shouldn't have been so hostile to the National Socialist movement and the Third Reich?
How the fuck is that reddit
You sound like a newfag trying to fit in
This. Holocaust before ww2 was about killing and draining blood from the bodies of Christian children. It's one of the reasons they got killed out if some many countries.