what does Sup Forums think about fight club?
What does Sup Forums think about fight club?
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cuck bluepilled stupid ass garbage
The best thing ever until you get out of high school and stop being an autist
This, it is a very immature tale with an immature narrative.
Other people like it so he has to hate it.
based since it's like the only movie where the "bad" guys actually win and corporations get fucked
it has some redpills in it i think, but some edgy shit too
Rule No.1 bro!
>redditor posing as Sup Forumslack
Try harder faggot
Never seen it, and don't really have a desire to. It's a pulp fiction tier meme movie
Babby's first "red" pill.
Please, the only reason you faggots claim to hate it is because other people like it.
It's a good movie, edgy sure, but a good movie for it's time. You're just trying to be reverse counter-culture. Since counter-culture is mainstream culture, you need to counter that.
I don't see it being politics related
Teenage bait.
There's one every 5 years.
its a decent movie. the book was really fucking good. its a pretty short read as well.
Kind of cliche at this point but I still like it, it has great acting and cinematography, and it's an interesting story
Never heard of it
Old news for nostalgic 90s "rebels".
Its not like this movie or book tryes to persuade you to adopt the philosophy of a main character, its very dumb view.It just shows the story and character development of a one given character and his way to fight what he sees is wrong with the world.Death of masculinity, consumerism, children having no fathers(death of traditional values) are great topics to be brought up, how is this movie even bluepilled?
it's more touching on the briefest elements of socio-economic reform than overt politics
Nice if you're 15 years old
I didn't watch it until I was 22 years old and I was enjoying it for the most part until I realized they were pushing some odd message that didn't really fit in with the rest of the movie's plot.
"Weird schizophrenic dude starts a national trend"
"Also, fuck corporations"
>Le edgy ebil corporations movie
>Le society is ebil
It's the best thing ever when you're 14. I don't think it's all bad but it definitely didn't age as well as I thought it would
This, read the fucking book you lazy assholes, it's on another level to hollywood garbage
>Beta turns back on society, shoots self in mouth.
Entertaining movie, always been a good source of memes, wouldn't try to learn anything useful from it.
I've heard some people say the MC fails his own self-test by beating Tyler but reaping the rewards of his actions. Honestly, I saw it more as exceeding and leaving behind his own self-made mentor/shadow.
There is post-modern spiritual crysis in this world and you must be blind to deny it.
Yup.That's why MC reappears in second book.
arguable, it was the first bit of fiction that had me looking at the mechanisms of sociopathy that have been grown into the corporate ecosystem
>all things are politics
its a blatant attack on established society. it directly relates to "politics" "the state" "modern day civilization."
All the contrarIans.
It was a good film and well worth watching, on multiple levels.
David Fincher and Hideo Kojima are a couple of the entertainment kings of the red pill.
The book is great, movie is good. It has a couple redpills but it's mainly an-com idealistic garbage when it comes to a political standpoint. I wrote two essays on it in college.
Sup Forums is incredibly edgy and contrarian though so you don't have much use trying to discuss it here.
A good and pretty clever movie (based of a novel though), if not a bit overrated.
Forgot to say, it has one of the best scenes in American cinema. I love Edward Norton.
i dont thing you understood it
it wasnt "fuck corporations" it was "fuck this consumerist society of sheep why are we all wasting our time buying stupid shit and feeling sorry for your shitty life"