What is the best place to live in the USA?

What are the best cities to live in according to you?

I've asked this a couple of times due the fact that I'm considering migration to the USA.
It will take atleast 5 years but I want to get as much info as possible.

some comfy examples:


Other urls found in this thread:


NYC by far

San Francisco

North Carolina

Shut up Hans or you'll be working in our coal mines again like your grandparents did after the war

Jew York City? No, absolutely not. It is a cesspool of liberal arrogance and I cannot wait for the day I move out of it.


thread theme

If you're not a shitlib, Texas. If you're a shitlib, stay out of Texas. We're going to hang you fuckers when we secede.

If you're a Jew.

Fresno, California.

Why is it than whenever yuros ask about coming over they ask about our cities, here's a heads up our cities are just as cucked as your countries

I was not so much thinking about Miami or LA but more about Sioux Falls, Lexington, Nashville, Tulsa, Lincoln, ...

Just move to new England

Can someone in the US report this to their local police station ? A muslim from Belgium planning on moving to the US, probaly a terrorist, care.



As a Brit it still fucking amazes me how cheap American houses are. My parents house is also 4 rooms and probably about the same size (maybe slightly smaller), but it cost them £450,000 ($650,000), and they've been spending their whole lives paying the mortgage, and they're only about half way through.

oh look its germany trying to stay relevant


I moved here from MA and i can honestly say North Florida is perfect.

Jacksonville is beautiful with the nigger pop under control

But they are wooden houses that are about to collapse in the next big thunderstorm
t. retard

Anywhere in the south is wonderful. There is less economic opportunity however. All the smart people are forced to move if they want to make the best use of their abilities.

yeah... NYC is the best place i lived in.
been in six different cities over the last 18 years, Houston is a 2nd choice for me.
Over all if you make good money almost any city can be great for you.

>What are the best cities to live in according to you?

I've lived in Seattle, Denver, Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas City, and fucking Montana.

Believe it or not, I liked Helena, Montana the best.

Move to the Midwest. Iowa and Mid-Missouri are great.

I'm gonna shill for Florida a bit. Its very cheap to live here and our laws are perfect, the wildlife is amazing and if you're into sports, guns, fishing, or nightlife its all here.

Don't move to Pittsburgh.
Corrupt old city thinking

Phoenix if you don't mind heat and Mexicans. Good local metal scene, too.

a small town in northern minnesota, very liberal but very white

Can concur, if you're looking for a place that's cold and want space, northern MN is the place to be.

Me and my GF are getting our masters degree so there have to be some sort of job opportunity, that being said I promised her I would look for a place with a low amount of nignogs.

Rural Virginia/NC/Kentucky/Tennessee or out west near a source of water.

im moving to a nice area in washington myself,dunno about other staates through.

Pathetic. Secession.

Any place that never sees snow would suit me just fine.

Burgers, is there a state has snow and rain, but is alright to live in? I mean not too boring, so that you still have big cities, that are good to live in without chimp outs and shit like that.

Might be applying for a job in the US after my post-grad. I really hate warm weather unless it's during july/august. From what I've noticed, latinos and blacks tend to prefer either really hot states or huge cities like Jew York and Chigaco

Green Bay
Eau Claire
Minneapolis (the non nigger parts)
Milwaukee (the non nigger parts)

High populations of swedes and somalis. lel



Oregon's pretty nice if you stay away from Portland. And this is coming from a Califag

There's only Somalis in Minneapolis. On the West Bank to be exact - concentrated dirt in an overall awesome state.

x = 10

Explain how you're going to secede. What gives you the right to.

How is it living in Cali?

Tbh at first thought I'd think Cali would be cool to live in. However, the lack of water, very high temperatures and crime kinda makes me think twice.

Would you recommend living there?

>based MA
>live in the big city of Boston
>if I want to go camp in desolate woods just drive an hour out west or north
>if I want to rent a beach house on a nice beach in the summer just drive an hour south to cape cod
>delicious sea food
>cute college girls everywhere

Just don't get stuck in areas like Mattapan/Fall River/New Bedford and you're good

Commiefornian here.
I wish I was from texas. It seems it's like the last bastion against degeneracy.

Trust me, Ireland is way better if you don't live in major cities.

Depends on the climate you like desu senpai, at least if you stay indoors all the time like 90% of polers. I like the middle of the country that has seasons

I'm in LA and its a diversity nightmare. Dirty af. Living here definitely redpilled me more than any meme or documentary. And I came from Chicago before this. I think the difference in Chicago is that the highest populations of dindus and mexicans are segregated in their own shitty neighborhoods, whereas in LA, it's pretty smattered all over. Do not recommend. The pretty girls and nice weather kinda make up for it tho.

Alaska looks pretty comfy.

>90% male
>no sun
>cold af
perfect state to get depression and eventually commit sudoku if you ask me

dont you have a lot of dindu's there?

Also, do you guys have a lot of nature there? I love forests


T. Alaska

Casper, Wyoming

In general anywhere in Wyoming is pretty comfy

t. New Jerseyean wanting to move to Wyoming

How is it living there? If I was to move there for some time where should I go?

North Carolina or Alabama, easily. Fuck California.

How about Charlotte, NC?

>Booming Economy (if you don't mind working for a bank or Duke Energy)
>Top NFL team
>Great nightlife
>Dozens of craft breweries
>Based Carolina BBQ
>Chimpouts are random and light
>rural farms and camping nearby
>Carolina Rebellion music fest
>Liberal City Council had totally fucked itself, which will keep SJWSs and trannies out for years

Up in the Arctic it's 90 percent male cuz oil fields. Cities are about 50 50.

Make good money, I make 30 an hour as a mechanic. Suns out right now.

If u contemplate suicide in ak your a weak faggot

What do you guys think about NoVa (Fairfax, Arlington, Alexandria)?

Most jobs are mainland, go to the state jobs website, they're always hiring. Working as a teller at the treasury office is like 20 an hr plus bennies. They might bring a state income tax, but you get oil gibsmedats so it works out.

If u got any more questions ask quickly cuz I'm about to go gold panning and make 500 bucks off this hole I've been working

probably in canada

Most of the state is being overrun with Pajeets or spics. Would not recommend

Completely based

Chicago, Seattle, and Portland

Don't move to New Jersey

>Shit tier gun laws
>Cities have liberals
>High cost of living
>Property taxes are high

t. New Jersey

dc: its not the most interesting life but I get really homesick when I am gone for more than a few weeks. I have also lived in Portland (Or), Bend (also Or), and Chicago.

Central Florida, really quiet and moderately nice people.

Ca seems like the weather would be really nice but ruined by the people, also way more hispanics then I would expect coming from the east coast.

Isn't DC a crime and poverty capitol? Do you just have to stay out of certain neighborhoods?

Anchorage seems pretty chill.

What are your cities like for gay people. That goes to everyone. /polgb/ here, I want a place where I can hold hands with my bf at a concert and not get weird looks.

I don't get why you wouldn't live in Asheville.

Don't go east of 16th st nw except for sightseeing/nightlife. Everything west of 16th st is pretty white and wealthy. If dc were a state, it would be the richest one. The people who aren't from here can be rude, but in my dreams its a charming southern city that blows NYC out of the water by being cleaner and having overall better food.


That depends what your into. I live in florida and i like it here. Theres good fishing, the Ocean is always close by, It doesn't get cold, Good gun laws, Cheap cost of living. It can be hard to make money here though depending what your line of work is.

>in vermont the vermont constitution is everyone's personal gun permit
>97% white
>100% if your not in a city
>Bernie will be dead soon

Rural life is best life

Don't move to the Midwest. Seriously.

Lincoln, Nebraska
>low to no chimp wars
>all the Mexicans are over an hour away (the ones there have jobs)
>bar district is not full of nig nogs
>and people there actually know how to cook a steak. (unlike Texas)

Get yourself some land in rural Texas and buy an arsenal. All of the other states are gay as fuck.

I agree that rural life is pretty great but what do you do for work?

Hating New Jersey is a meme. You guys are one of the best states anywhere in the Union.
>Gun Laws
This is the only thing you guys have a problem with, and the only thing Pennsylvania has it better than you in.
>Cities have liberals
In other news, water is wet.
>High cost of living
>Property taxes are high
Those are both good things, keeps nogs the fuck out. You're one lucky fucker you don't live west of the Delaware, Pennsylvania is so much worse.
t. Pennsylvania.

You niggers voted Rato, fuck off.

He's trying to move away from Belgium. He doesn't want to go somewhere worse.


here you go

He doesn't want to move somewhere third world.

east coast is civilization

central and the west coast is utter barbarism


you'll fit right in

>Wanting to live in Seattle, aka Cuck Capital Minneapolistan, Washington D.C, Nigsvillle, TN, Houston, Dallas, Austin or New Cuba
Shiggy Diggy.

Not Utah.
>Mormons are the most annoying muh morals and muh purity fags on the planet
>third of the states population is beneath the age of 18
>pollution increasing
>infrastructure sucks
>political corruption from the Mormon church constantly fucking around with local politics

Do not pay 6 figures to live in fucking Jacksonville Nc

That better be a gated fort community

boy oh boy

Ignore memeing faggots. New Jersey is top tier, followed closely by Arizona, Texas, Florida, and Indiana.
New Jersey is largely Conservative in the Suburbs, and the entire state is literally one giant suburb of New York. People forget that New Jersey HAS no giant clusterfuck city to turn it blue, al'a New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles. New Jersey's largest city is only 200,000 People, which is fucking nothing.

Too many hippies.
Not enough IT jobs.
Pretty out there doe



>to turn it blue

they havent voted republican since HW

Anything in the north. Unless you wanna hear shitty country music about lawn mowers and overweight nascar fans talking about how great their "culture" is.

Most people farm, let's just say I farm. I'm also an artist and graphic designer. The cost of living can be very low here, especially if you live simply. Old car, growing a lot of food, shopping at junk shops etc..

Pennsylvania is the North, and it's what you just described. It's a volatile mix of stupid fucking rednecks and faggot liberal cucks from New York City. I WANT OUT.