What's the Final Solution for the German Problem?
What's the Final Solution for the German Problem?
The oncoming Crusade.
Germany stronk. Germany need no help.
They are holocausting themselves already.
Muslims are the solution to the German problem.
Polan's looking a little bit like a European Australia.
>Czech Silesia
Not so fast, pepiks.
If Germany goes down then western Europe goes down
It's like the Germans were the best in Modernity
They turned out to be most ruthless and efficient. They toppled France and Britain
Who would have fucking predicted that one country will be able to dominate France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal and Ireland
It's like if Modernity is about statism, nihilism and violence, then Germany won the competition
They were the most subortinated to the state, created the most efficient cult of ubermenschen and were the most cruel. All other countries are just incapable to mobilize themselves in order to destroy so much
Killing the Turkroaches in Germany.
I fucking hate you guys. It´s how it´s always been the world hates us but now we even hate ourselves....
They infected with islam cancer, it's already over for them
There is a reason why the world hate you.
We entered the EU hoping for mutual benefits and friendly collaboration, but you deal with everyone as they are your enemy.
>everyone as they are your enemy
That is just wrong. This was the case before ww1 but the idea og the EU is that we have a humatarian and liberal society that show solidarity for eachother. But it´s understandable that most european citiziens don´t like cucked lefty policies.
Boys, play nicely. You are bros remember?
Hate England together. It'll make you feel better.
Eastern European confederate boots on German soil and gleaming white steel bayonets lodged up the arses of islamists continent wide
gee I wonder who could be behind this post
People who don´t like germany. We see it every year in such ridiculous show like euro vision song contest.
Fuck off with your jewish conspiracy
look closer at the copyright.
©Theodore N.Kaufman
google his name and have a few fun being disgusted about his jewery.
Oh, you were talking about the picture, I thought you were refering to the post in general
Where did this "Germany runs the EU" meme come from? France is a big ass country with huge powers in the EU as well, but apparently nobody dislikes France...
France did not play jew trickery on other economies. They played in a fair way, why we should hate them?
It would be over quick and be better for everyone involved when you just let us win
Murder filthy eastern europeans for Lebensraum.
If you disagree you're a commie, slav or half turk
>It would be quick and over for everyone involved when you just let us win
>Belgium still exists
Total shitpost