I just saw this today, why is Trump building a hotel a block away from the Whitehouse?

I just saw this today, why is Trump building a hotel a block away from the Whitehouse?

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so he doesn't have to sleep in that shithole where a coon has been living

back last year
"I'm building a hotel down the road, I'm going to live on Pennsylvania Ave one way or another"
and you only just found out about this OP? where have you been?

To confuse protestors.

Pennsylvania Ave, in the Federal Triangle area, is prime real estate (DC).

cool hotel, trump. why don't you bring it to the white house?

he loves his luxury and his money but he can't mess with the White house and plate it with gold or something


>this serves as both an ad for his hotel and his presidency

he really is on another level

How does Bankrupt Donald afford to construct new buildings across the world?

Maybe that's because he's not bankrupt you twit

>Trump looses election
>moves onto Penn ave
>great wall around building
>huge signs and loudspeakers trigger liberals
>perpetual riots in DC
>rioters try to get into trumps house daily
>the wall stops them all

Because filing bankruptcy on failing businesses you buy is not a bankruptcy of yourself.

>obama has to see that sign every day

>Trump wins election
>told he now needs to move into the white house and use air force one

>I'm not using that nigger plane
>it probably has Afro stains and smells like coco butter
>I have a penthouse above the DC hotel, we will run the country from it.


I argued this to a liners and she knew she was caught and she just kept repeating "oh my god you can't be this stupid" with no reasoning or context over and over and walked away.

I hope this happens to hillary

Because he's known that he's going to win this for quite a long time.

>where a coon has been sleeping

STFU Bernout POS

first post best post

Because all he does is win win win win win

Is this it? This is a nice looking hotel. prob the best building in dc

It's genius, he invites foreign representatives and world leaders, and makes them stay in a building that has his name plastered on the side. The perfect power play.

He bought the old Post office Pavilion and is going to Trumpify it

You know that's half the reason he's doing this. Just to force the faggots in DC to see his name in giant letters.




bc you have a small child's understanding of bankruptcy

you should instead ask "why ISN'T he building a hotel"

It's for us. He's building so Sup Forums can hang out with him and advise while he's in the white house


This. Obviously.


Just looked the photo gallery from inside. Jesus Christ, Trump knows how to make a nice hotel.


Gotta love how tiny the font on everything except the word TRUMP is... almost like a stealth advert for his presidential campaign >_>

I was pretty upset when they announced this. He is building it over DC's original post office building which had a really baller food court inside. The food wasn't amazing, but it was good and cheap.

It's prime real estate though, definitely a great business move.

Can't stump the fucking trump

First post, best post.

Every time.

Top fucking kek

That place was so weird it felt really outta place i always felt weird eating there

BTFO, I'm Standing With her and feeling the Bern of a Cruz Missle


Well, where else will he make his Trumpstaffel headquarters?
because you don't have any idea how bankruptcies work

That hotel has been under renovation for a long time.
The sign isn't actually visible from the street in front of the White House, its around a bend in the road.
Hotel has a cool castle look, and the top tower is visible from pretty far from the south.

underrated bost

Because there's no rule that says he can't


>Burn the bedsheets... and the bed... and th- you know what? I'll just build myself a nice hotel and penthouse up the block instead.

I'll give it to you, user. It was out of place considering it was surrounded by business buildings and right next to the Mall. Still, I miss getting the good deal while in the area. Made DC day trips so much better imo since it seemed like few people knew about it