Nutjob with knife charges Canadian cop.
Canadian cop shoots nutjob in leg.
Story over.
Will based Canadian cops teach this secret technique to American cops?
Nutjob with knife charges Canadian cop.
Canadian cop shoots nutjob in leg.
Story over.
Will based Canadian cops teach this secret technique to American cops?
>le shot in the leg meme
getting shot in the leg can actually kill you pretty fast
>female cop
>meant to shoot leg
>beta uprising
So can a bullet through the chest or the head. Moreso even. It's almost as if it's not the complete removal of the fatality factor, but the reduction of it that's at play. Hmmmmm. Really makes me think.
>get shot in leg
>bleed out from femoral artery
slightly more chance of survival than several bullets to the head and chest, you dumb cunt
Aside from all of the other good points that the other posters have made, Cops aren't always the best shots. Aiming for the centre of mass means there is a lower likelihood that they will hit someone else.
To be fair though, that guy got way too close and probably should have used a taser anyway.
where is the video.. looks like it could be a nice piece of entertainement
True. I saw someone shot in the legs. The bullet went through one and ended up in the other, severing the femoral artery on the way through. Luckily for her, I was there to put pressure on it. She died in route, but they resuscitated her in the end. Lucky to be alive.
American cops are told not to shoot in the leg. If you have a problem with cops not shooting people in the leg, you have a problem the people making procedures, not american cops. That guy also deserved to die, pussy canacuck
Sauce where?
only if you hit the femoral artery, which is unlikely as it is pretty narrow.
That fag looks like a strong breeze would have had the same effect as the bullet.
If your police is armed with something like Makarov the best option is to shoot into chest.
Getting shot in the leg is EXTREMELY dangerous.
If your femoral artery is hit your blood will just dump out of you in moments.
>misses the femoral artery
>doesn't die
what was pupper thinking about?
So you want officers to be able to use guns when they don't face serious bodily harm or their life is not in imminent danger? So a deadly weapon is a compliance device now? Congratulations, you've just expanded the states right to use deadly force.
If she doesn't hit bone or a tendon that would physically disable him, the guy could just keep charging if he's on drugs or gets a big enough adrenalin rush.
This as well.Cop literally risked her life for no reason instead of landing safe shot that probably still wouldn't kill the guy.That's plain dumb, you must be cynical and have no mercy to the guy that runs to stab you.
That's a woman, she was actually aiming for his chest she just fucked up.
>muh memoral artery
Cops here have the same hiring process as McDonald's they can't hit a leg and will end up getting stabbed so the aim center mass
>So you want officers to be able to use guns when they don't face serious bodily harm or their life is not in imminent danger?
No. Where'd you get such an idea?
>Things that happened
>misses the leg
>the cop dies
Because we train our officers to protect themselves first, then the safety of others. And when their life is potentially in danger, ie Jamal is charging at them at full speed with a knife in his hand, doing anything other than aiming for the center of mass is simply stupid and irresponsible.
All these government shills
beat me to it
Asking the important questions.
Don't make me open these boring threads if there are no fucking videos on it
Aiming for a leg is difficult, centre mass.
look at the pic
what are the chances of getting hit in such a small place?
protip: chances are greatly reduced if you don't grab a knife and charge at a fucking cop
If I had to choose between the head and the legs, I would take the head. He is attacking a cop, if he really wants to die, I am here to serve people and I can make his wish come true, I would shoot that motherfucker in the head and fap to it in the evening and than sleep like a little baby.
Why are canacucks such huge faggots? Aiming center mass is more efficient and reliable.
Aiming for legs is retarded. You are risking a ricochet that may harm an innocent bystander. Additionally - small calibers usually don't have enough stopping power to knock the guy down. Half the time shooting a madman in the leg will still give him a couple of second to stab you with the knife.
Aiming for the center mass is standard procedure in America, because it's the part of the body you're least likely to miss. Canuck cop should have shot him twice for attempted fellony.
Isn't one of the main rules on using a gun shoot to kill, not shoot to injure? Because if a police officer did this here, I'm pretty sure he'd get into a lot of legal trouble for it.
yup, cops should shoot for the head or chest shooting the leg can kill you
Anyone who shoots to wound needs to be shot themselves. They're a danger to themselves and others and have no respect for their firearm.
She was aiming for his dick. Typical woman. baka
oh fuck me - here's the pic
chances of hitting the femoral artery are very low
>just shoot him in the leg
>Staged photo
>No source
Are you a retard or a faggot?
Little known fact, she was going for the headshot.
Her report includes her having to reload six magazines of 9mm. Suspect hit once.
Canadian cop and department is now liable in civil court for damages and perp is free to stab another cop.
She was clearly aiming for his junk. Classic woman response.
>using deadly force to not kill someone
Lol you going to jail for brandishing a deadly weapon
You're supposed to use taser in that situation
Cops shouldn't be allowed to shoot without intention to kill.
>using a lethal weapon to intentionally fire a non lethal shot
I hope a kike lawyer crucifies this cop like Christ and sends his ass to prison.
>shoot him in the leg
Jesus christ you stupid liberal fuck
>y'know it wouldn't be so gosh-dang bad if the cops just did a ninja flip and shot the tip of the gunman's finger off. Why doesn't the cop just do a roll and trickshot off a sign into his buttcheek I mean, gosh, really?!
It's legitimately a miracle she was able to do this. Aiming for the leg at the 20-ft. closing distance is dangerous as hell and frankly a little stupid. But now he's living, leaf, and your tax dollars will pay for the him.
Why are you telling me this? You think I don't know?
Officers make split second decisions, and that copper decided NOT to give them a fatal shot and take a riskier shot to reduce harm.
Good thing she was a good shot (pretty close distance, but still). I applaud that cop for good decision making.
>Miss the leg
>nutjob with the knife closes the distance and kills you
this was a fucking cop in the middle of a city.
What in fucking hell would your justification be for shooting to kill in this situation?
Sure the guy is a dick, but you are a COP not a judge. Your job is to apprehend, not to pass judgement, ffs.
How could you possibly justify it? Go ahead...
That's a good story. Could have ended badly.
Why would he lie about having some shitty EMT job? You know EMT's in my country make like 12 dollars an hour, right? I can make more as a pizza delivery driver than I can as an EMT.
>he's wearing
>on his shirt
Can't make this shit up.
Why waste taxpayer money locking up extra dindus when you can put them in the ground instead? Removing them altogther is inarguably a net positive for everyone.
The problem with American LEO the post
>shooting not to kill
>le ebin troll face
>wanting to waste more money in the court systems
>wanting to waste more money for state funded health care for the medical and mental health treatments
>possibility of missing the assailant and hitting a bystander
>possibility of ricochet
>man is possibly drugged
If she used less lethal, she should have used a tazer.
>just fire your gun off in public at the smallest mass on the attacker you can see, what could possibly go wrong?
if you don't need to shoot someone center mass, then you don't need to shoot someone. in most states, bare minimum, you will be sued and you will lose that case handily. you will also probably be indicted and if you face a jury you will probably be found guilty.
cops are not a special class of person in the united states, they are just citizens, and they are subject to the same laws, no matter how many "shocking" stories the media can dredge up. they are also subject to the same rules of combat, and since they can occasionally get away with risky tactics, they are more likely to do the right thing in combat and sort it out later -- shoot center mass.
"shoot to wound" gets the shooter killed or maimed for life most of the time. you want to make a special class of citizen, "above" the average citizen, restrict their available tactical options with laws or regulations or "procedure", then try to offer them shitty public-tier pay to work with one hand tied behind their back, you go right ahead and see how that works out for your crime stats. i'm sure it'll be fine since you aren't infested with niggers.
Cops in America used to do that. If you watch the old movies they had "sharp shooters" and hostage negotiators. You can see it in the media and newspapers. There was a bank robbed in California last year. Police shot up the car killing the robbers along with the hostages.
That's a good way to get yourself killed. CNS hits or nothing.
That woman in the pic was stupid.
guns are meant to be shot to kill. Shooting to wound is only done by incompetents or psychopaths
The only reason to brandish your weapon and fire on someone is if you fear for your life or great bodily harm.
And if someone intends to kill or inflict great harm on you, you shoot for torso/center of mass for maximum stopping power and likelihood of hitting the target.
This is pretty basic firearms and self defense training. I'd be very surprised if any police academy anywhere in the world taught otherwise. Aiming for the leg only happens in movies, not in real life.
The cop is either an idiot who ignores his training, or so much adrenaline was pumping that he aimed for the chest and hit the leg instead.
I prefer the 16 shots in the chest and head method, saves a lot of money jailing the perp.
i dunno about cops but for self defense the whole point is if you shot to wound in court they can try to make the case that you werent in fear for your life.
She panicked.
American cops are based, when you charge a cop with a knife you need to be put down.
You don't deserve to be a lifelong drain on society's resources. Then released out to do more insane shit.
I thought they didn't have guns in hentai-land?
>muh tazers
Yes, because while the guy with a knife is charging at her she has time to holster her weapon and pull out the tazer and warm it up as well.
Idiots. This shit isn't a video game. You can't just click a button and suddenly see a new weapon in your hands.
>guy forfeits his life on a murderous rampage
>better not hurt him too badly
It doesn't take a direct hit dumb ass.
It just takes a bullet fragment or just some hydrostatic shock to tear that thing open.
Jap beat cops carry service revolvers
Are you really this stupid? The point is you should either shoot to kill or you shouldn't shoot at all. One or the other. If you want to temporarily disable someone, use a different tool.
A fatal shot is the only way to 100% remove a threat. A gun is a last resort and its only purpose is to kill.
The problem isn't what cops should or shouldn't be taught to do an infinite number of possible life or death scenarios.
The problem is cops are just normal people who spend most of their day like us, desperately waiting for our shift to be over while trying to find some kind of mental stimulus.
They mostly spend their time at the scene of car accidents and ticketing various infractions they see from motorists. Sometimes a cop who doesn't patrol a shitty neighbor is suddenly being assaulted by this nutjob. You think they're going to think of training, or analyzing the threat of the attacker with themselves?
>Some White cuck
>a Massive 7 foot Nigger on PCP
Geez i wonder why American cops shoot to kill
>cop in the middle of a city
So if she missed this man would be an even larger danger
>justification for killing
Immediate danger of death or harm, aka the man with the knife moving towards her.
I'm glad this maniac is alive to eat up our tax dollars over the next few decades through prison and expensive mental health treatment.
Your perception of reality is informed by old movies? That's retarded because
I once was a Canadian criminal ...then I took a bullet to the knee
Lol I want to see more pics of wild Canadians
Exactly. Anybody that's been through LEO or use of force training knows you don't use a lethal weapon to apply non-lethal force. An average defense attorney will fuck your life up on the stand in court over that shit.
Cops number 1 priority should be to make sure everyone around him gets home safe
His life should be secondary to everyone else, these guys need to learn from firemen
being a cop should be a selfless job
Let me make this simple
A. All people have a right to use deadly force if they face imminent serious bodily harm or death.
>no one is obligated to merely wound someone who is trying to kill them
B. You do not have a right to use deadly force (gun) if you are not facing imminent serious bodily harm or death.
>Cops can't shoot you or a crowd just for being unruly
If you change one you change the other and make it legal to shoot people who are not imminent threats, or prevent people from effectively defending their lives if they do face death.
Guns are not for disabling. They are for killing. I don't want cops to have leeway to shoot me JUST to disable me. That provides too much subjectivity. It either has to be justifiable deadly force (capable of and meant to kill), or no deadly force at all.
This in between shit gives cops too much power to shoot anyone.
I don't know about legal trouble, he'd probably lose his job over a miss step in procedure or something, maybe demoted a rank.
nope we need lethal force on nut jobs in america. we dont have room for more prisoners
why are all of you too stupid realize EVERY SINGLE japanese flag is US military?
Do we really have to have this conversation every day?
literally everything you said is bullshit, she shot once.
Shooting took place in Vancouver, Canada -- google it, asslint.
An average house in Vancouver costs about $1.7million US dollars, so maybe that guy was just trimming some rope on his yacht?
Found an article.
>“You are always supposed to shoot in the stomach, or the trunk (area) … but you can see how stressed she is. I understand how you can shoot at what you think is his trunk and it winds up in the leg because she’s shaking and that’s a big gun,” he said. “It’s lucky for him.”
>you can see how stressed she is
>she’s shaking and that’s a big gun
police are trained to shoot to kill not shoot to disarm
It's quite obvious that the SJWs never watched Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
she couldnt shoot the canadian flag
>What in fucking hell would your justification be for shooting to kill in this situation?
Because a man is charging you with a knife, a deadly instrument, intent on doing bodily harm.
A you don't need a judge and a fistful of lawyers to figure that one out.
Anyone should be able to defend themselves from that, cop or not
>my starting assumption on human nature is that everyone is as bloodthirsty as me
It's got to suck to have to interact with you irl for any reason
>canadian flag on shirt