Seriously look at who is the main(agressive) protagonist of like 90% of clips in this video
They can't even handle themselves in sports lol
Seriously look at who is the main(agressive) protagonist of like 90% of clips in this video
They can't even handle themselves in sports lol
Other urls found in this thread:
Because blacks come from Africa, and the people who lived in Africa for hundreds of thousands of years lived there fucking Australopithecus, which was an evolutionary link between modern man and apes and by fucking these creatures and interbreeding with them, blacks managed to regress their populations into a less intelligent hominid hybrid.
small prefrontal cortex and lack of foresight
niggers chimp out without ever considering the consequences
M80, sapiens don't belong to the same genus as australopithecus nor did they exist at the same time as early sapiens. This is like claiming that chimps and humans could form a hybrid.
>Neanderthals and early Sapiens? Yes, probably, but most likely not fertile. Same with Denisovans
Stop equating the noble Silverback with the blood-parched negro.
It's unfair and disgusting.
RIP Harambe
Exactly. Blacks are proof of alpha genetics theory.
There was this Tyrone who went to my school. He never touched a weight in his life, never worked out, I even asked him how he got his physique one time and he said he didn't do anything, the only sport he played was football (soccer) occasionally.
I remember seeing him at the local health club (was a gym/tennis/swimming place) one weekend back then and he was absolutely ripped, perfect insertions, BROAD SHOULDERS and NARROW HIPS, VASCULAR AS FUCK. This was a guy who NEVER lifted (again, i confirmed it with him + he wasnt the type to lie anyway), yet he looked better THAN ANY GUY IN THE LOCKER ROOM. I asked him if he'd been working out and he said he hadnt, he'd just gone for a shower because his home one broken down. I remember just laughing after he left - why do betas even TRY to compete with guys like that? It's funny because he wasn't absolutely covered in muscle like most obsessed bloated gymcels, it's just he had the ideal SKELETON, BONE STRUCTURE and MUSCLE INSERTIONS. ALL THINGS ENTIRELY DETERMINED BY GENETICS. That was an early major redpill for me, realising that genetics, not lifting, nor roids, nor effort are what determine aesthetics.
Another funny thing I realised that day was how pathetic Sup Forumsfags are for even THINKING they have a chance. Yeah, I'm sure your "Aryan princesses" will reeeeallly prefer your "proud nationalist Christian morality" and powerlifting (FUCKING LMAO) to Alpha Tyrone's LONG, DOM BBC.
Lol soccer stars are such DYELs.
They did exist at the same time and there are many studies that have shown homo sapiens sapiens interbred with them.
settle down Jamal
Find one.
Lol Sup Forums loves to gang up on blacks but cries foul when they do the same thing. Fucking whites man that's you're racial bonus, you're able to do any amount of mental gymnastics to justify your own hypocrisy.
Go ahead and call me Reddit if it makes you feel better but I've been here since /new/ which I doubt 90% of you nu/pol/ faggots have even heard of let alone browsed
that makes me sad. You might think it's because I'm racist, well no. Black men have great bodies and all that shit, it's true. They are attractive. So imagine they fuck some beautiful Aryan princess as you say, we all know White women are the most beautiful. What will come from that? Probably an ugly niggress. If our women mix with black men then there will be no more beautiful women like the ones we have now.
Lol. The difference is that you niggers gang up on whites in real life and attack them for some spare change, or because he looked at you the wrong way. But you know, I don't mind. In fact I encourage you to continue just as you do now. More and more whites are getting fed up. Your hand is overplayed Tyrone. With the advent of Donald Trump we no longer care when someone whines and calls us racist. And you know what that means, little guy? It means one day we'll exterminate every last member of your miserable race.
You actually typed that whole thing out. Also
t. Daily mail
Whites and blacks are just different.
"the Big White Ghetto is different from most other ghettos in one very important way: There’s not much violent crime here."
it's in their blood
Find it yourself. I'm not your dad.