Is this true Sup Forums?
Is this true Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>reading all that shit
>Being a fucking leaf
Literally only two is right. But seriously with number 15, do they think we are their "jews" ?
I dunno, who fucking cares what they think anymore?
nothing to believe. history has proven it over and over again
>use white inventions to shit on whites
No arguments here.
>number 1 is literally "Muh Dick"
>posting shit random people say on the internet is normal now
fucking kill yourself
>steal black culture
Meanwhile look at what's going on in Africa, all of the culture, civilization and technology comes from ther- Oh no wait...
>Only thing to be proud of is usually muh dick, rap and twerking
>commit 55% of the murders while being 14% of the American population
>Have the highest rate of rape in South Africa, one of the highest murder rates as well
>Need affirmative action to compete in the job market
Cease and desist, those are my new year's rezzies
>steal black culture
Since when do whites eat bugs and rats and then stick large metal plates in their mouth before dying of a mosquito bite?
>be white
>invent abortion so niggers kill themselves
>being cold
How is 1_3_ different from _2_4?
>replace white with black
>see what happens
this lol
Wow, that really made me think, thanks based finbro.
Fine African Dining (Whites plz do not steal):
>Mosquito Burger
How to be a nigger
>Believe you wuz kangz
>N shit
>Believe you have a bigger dick despite no facts being behind it
>Believe you are being targeted by police despite no facts being behind it
>When your wife gives birth to a young pharaoh, walk out on it so it can get stronger without a father figure around
>Commit crimes and complain when a majority of pharaohs are in prison that it is because of racism
>Any time someone approaches you with facts call them racist and claim to be the son of the designer of the pyramids
I wish all this crap were true, if it were we would have purged them from out nations by now.
>show less
How to be black, steal somebody elses work.
1) not a white thing
2) we literally are
3) sandnigger thing
4) poor thing
5) beta thing
6) satanist thing
7) bad parent thing
8) Christian thing
9) Christian thing
10) serial killer thing
11) never heard this ever
12) not even true
13) >complain white people hold all the money and power >lack of success
14) not even a thing
15) not even a thing
16) not even a thing
17) not even a thing
18) southern thing
19) drug addict thing
20) rich person thing
21) not even a thing, we don't want your shitty culture
Try harder
Literally the first condition is
>muh dik
Dropped and saged