no fuck you nigger

Lol 1 in 12 million and suddenly blacks are superior. Go fuck yourself with this trigger hounding bullshit.


thats racist

yes praise a young nigger kid for reading childrens books. good job. at least the shitskin can read.each of those books have what maybe 50 pages at the most? 100 books of that caliper isnt a challenge for even a redneck kid.


Op is a faggot who takes donkey dick and his moms a cunt

good for you, your little niggerbaby can read 100 clifford and dr.seuss books in a day. soooooo hard. someone give this future criminal the golden drumstick award.

Those 10 page kids books with about 4 words on each page? And it took that nigglet a whole day? My kid finishes one in about 5 minutes.


retarded posing is in their genes it seems

chose one

so over 8 hours then.... which most people consider a full work day

Am I so powerful that you cant even type it out

protip: Its OK To Be White

I wouldn't consider looking at picture books reading

OP is white, shit bait

>100 picture books
Equivalent to about 1 page in a real book.
Good job, well done. Have a gold star and a free train ride.

You need to kill yourself.

We all do.


>implying outliers somehow nullify the rest of the group


Placing a child in close proximity to a bunch of books is not actually "reading" them. Unless We Wuz Osmosis is a thing.

Fake news

Fuck you right back, your assumption about me assuming black people to be stupid because I am White, is just as racist as if I actually believed all black people to be dumb, which I don't present OP excluded.

The really remarkable thing is how this young gentleman lived to the ripe old age of 4 in Chicago.

>100 picture books

He mean caliber, but you can't expect too much accuracy from a redneck.


Holy shit... a 4 year old reading Where’s Waldo?! This day and age sure is the craziest humanity has seen yet.

Fuck if I found out that any race of people could learn from osmosis, I'd be courting one of them asap so my kids could get that trait.

I bet he stoled all 100 of those books.


You nigguh.......my son red like 1..2..3..nah!..like.. fawken 100 books son ... fo real !

Did he read them or just look at them...... If he read them aloud was the video 100+ hours long if not it's fake, were they books or children's picture books (especially nignog ones with 1 word per picture)

Where's the video ?


Fake news

2+2 = 100 nigguh

Maybe by the time it's 20 they can train it to keep a job

The joke is,that's how young negroes talk, you humorless mong.

He'll end up being shot for no reason. Next.

He's going to be disappointed when he gets to prison. You're only allowed 3 books a week through the library.

If he plays his cards right, it might be three very long books.

Quick rundown on BAIT THREADS
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>"Reading 100 books in one day!!"
>the "books" on the pic are kid books with about 7 words and 3 complete sentences max in the entire book


The average negroe is generally ought to be envious to its superior white counterpart. I would be upset too if my skin reminds me of the fecal matter I originated from.

Dude, white people are descendants of black people, they just moved to places where paler skin was needed in order to get vitamin D from sunlight.

this is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever read. so if I move to africa I'm just automatically a nigger?

No, because you can't experience evolution in one fucking generation.
Have you ever gone to school?

Nope, but if you moved there and your descendants spent the next couple thousand years there, then yes they would be darker.

A cursory study of genetics has determined...That's a lie.

You are already a nigger

That was not my point, smartass. Impress someone else with your knowledge. For I am, if anything- letdown.. All that aside. Same origib but different paths. Some of them are still stuck in our good old neanderthaler roots. Atleast their mindset.

oh... alright, thank god, I can go jewel hunting in africa without turning into a nigger.

Grade A bait. Nice

Well sure, they also interbred with neanderthals.

At the end of the day.. Be grateful to us whites. For we have shaped this world and the comfortable 21st century. If you disagree.. Go back to africa and wear your shitstained tribe clothing. Good day.

Bingo. Creating a stronger genetic base, hence a more evolved species.

You have every chance of turning into a nigger, you just have to act violent and stupid.
Being a nigger isn't a race, it's a behavior.

Differently evolved perhaps, but black people have evolved just as much as white people, just in a different direction.

they are thinner than a magazine

This is a fact. Although about 85% of blacks are niggers, as opposed to about 4% of whites. (slavs excluded)

uhhh, haha, NO, nice try! being a nigger means your skin is black and that you like kentucky fried chacken! (found the nigger)

just to be clear. slavs are classified as niggers right?

Lmao. Parents who make claims like this are always full of shit.

Were you expecting a 4-years old to read Dostoyevsky?

Damn, when I was 4 I don't think I owned 100 books, I remember Go Dog Go, I had some dr suess shit, and a bunch of them books with the gold on the binder for kids, whoever publishes those.

Either way good on the parents for either teaching him to read or having an early tutor do it.

This is true. They have been devolving more every generation since the 1950's.

Nice job on proving my point white nigger.
I kind of agree with this, at least if we are talking American black people, I've met plenty of actual Africans who hates that behavior.

No, but they exhibit niggerish behavior more than your normal white.

Are you claiming that a group of people could devolve in only 67 years?
How fast are their generations man?

Wow op you are a busy little nigger arent you? When did you join Sup Forums? Yesterday? Sage

American niggers are actively trying to devolve. It's ingrained in their culture now. I feel that Africans are at least trying to move forward.

Not in to bestiality, sorry

getta loada this fuckin' nigger

Not physically, but culturally they are devolving at light speed. I don't think that can even be contested.

looks more like 100 flyers, ongo bongo watermelon chicken 5% discount flyers

See, how racist. Black people are absolutely by far the most racist people there are. Hate me cause I'm white? Chances are that your people were here before mine were. Don't act like I'm in some way responsible. Your people have since been afforded every opportunity around, and YOU fuck it up. You run around like pack animals stealing and raping and then complaining.

Go eat your own shit, Jamal. Keep this up and you'll be riding at the back of the bus again if you're fortunate enough to be allowed onboard at all.

You know who you black people could learn from? Morgan fucking Freeman. I like that guy a lot. Morgan fucking Freeman for president! He'll set you pack animals straight!

17 of those are chinese takeout menus. We wuz bi-lingual n shit.

I think the difference might lie in Africans having gone through actual hardship, instead of going gimmedats whenever something new and shiny comes by.

Don't chomp down on that bait so hard, friend.

Which one of us is aggressively asserting being better with no proof though, white nigga?

Well the thing about culture, is that you can change it with education and work, I thought you meant genetics which take way longer.

I was hungry.


Protip: It’s ok to be white

Which is the same as: It is ok to be white

This is not correct: Its ok to be white

>Sup Forums grammar lessons

Well if you’re gonna try and act like you’re smarter than someone, you should actually know what the fuck you are talking about.

Yes, you certainly can change it with education and work, but a wholesale rejection of those two things which grows stronger every day within their culture does not bode well for these people as a whole. It's pretty sad really.

I have such a raging boner now.

You know, if you are tired of stupid people, educating them is the only moral way to get rid of them.

>Nigger reads
>Is news
Shows how rare it is

Well it doesn't help that they've had a party telling them not to change and just expect handouts for ages.
I mean part of that culture is the democrats going "Oh, no don't worry, you don't have to take responsibility for anything, let us take care of you".

Exactly. They just changed their approach to slavery. Democrats still control where they leave (section 8), what they eat (food stamps) and what they can buy (welfare). Plus they got the lazy whites too. And the Democrats get to stay in power.

I'm not giving you my wallet. You're gonna hafta take it, like I know you will.

That is the absolute heart of the matter. They have created multiple generations of gibme addicts who don't know anything else, and there is no rehab for that.

Dude, I'm white.
I just don't assume that that fact makes me any better or worse than others.
What I do and say defines the quality of my person, not my skin color.


Have either of you noticed that many American blacks live like feminists say would be good?
I mean they've bought into fathers not being important and acting like they are the victim of everything.
They're basically the canary in the coal mine, showing us where radfems want society going.

The old "a hand up, not a hand out" meme fell by the wayside many years ago. That system is so firmly entrenched now that I don't see it ever going away.