Why do poor people in America vote against their own interests?

Why do poor people in America vote against their own interests?

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Because almost all poor people are fucking dumb as shit.. it's why they're poor. Why have you not you figured this out yet?

im sure trump getting rid of low skilled workers eg Mexicans is in poor people's interest

you know what? these last couple of years are making me think that americans aren't that smart

It doesn't matter who we vote for, they are all owned by the 1% (jews)

The left keeps the jews socially acceptable and the right keeps them financially powerful so they will keep donating to keep them in office, along with the left.

Our leaders literally suck dick for a living.

Because they are proud. They want policies , that offer them jobs instead of handouts.

Pride you will never understand, you socialist parasite.

>cut 23% of tax for 94% of the country
>against own interests

as a Brazilian living in a leftist shithole country I can say, the Amrican Left is the most evil group in the world
you shills only care about what yours bankers masters and hollywood pedos want, but say that want the good for all people

I really hope that you all die

What makes you think you know other people's interests better than they do?

You mean the last 9?

Well this person gets it.

They don't. You're just a moron.


1. why do poor people exist and have hard lives under current tax laws?
2. how do you figure that poor people are a major voting force?

>Why do poor people in America vote against their own interests?
Because they're Niggers.

Oh look it's this thread again


>implying tax cut will make jobs

LEFTISTS: We want $15/hr to run the McDonald's counter

TRUMP: Makes tax break to support $15/hr



Dunno i guess the democrats are just that good at deceiving the niggers

>get free money
>"b-b-but your own interests! drumfpbhfphbpfbhp is rayciss!"

Exactly right. They don't want anyone taking responsibility for their own self. Of we all did that , we wouldn't NEED the govt in our lives. Limited govt is best govt

corperate tax cuts will make lots of jobs

(goy behind)
learn economics and u will understand that it's not gonna happen

You should kill yourself Op. And poster #2 aswell. Greetings from Europe.

> hey heres 100 dollars now and you pay the government 30k later. Sounds amazing right?
Trumpcucks are so degenerately stupid, i am kind of okay with them being scammed.

Implying there is a single politician who stands for the interests of the people in the US.
Just like the rest of the west, you get to choose politicians who'll try to get your vote based on emotions while basically doing the same thing once they get in office.

Multiple CEO's of big corporations admitted that they are not going to create more jobs with their tax cuts.


Implying Trump isn't the worst of them.

because their preacher told them it was gods will.

Everyone pays taxes moron, thus everyone benefits...why cant dumbocrats understand this?

That that I'm fully supportive of socialism either but it's a lot better than controlled market capitalism.

I never implied that, but now I know which one you don't like.
I don't like Trump either, but at least Hillary didn't get the position, you guys would be trying to sort out a civil war if she did.
My point was that the only way you can avoid voting against your own interests is not to vote.

Look at GE's profits and exuberant pocketing of billions before the tax cut lol. What will create jobs is taxing all these useless, unelected, mismanagers of the economy to hell and creating public jobs programs. Till that happens, america will maintain its slide into becoming a third world shithole. No wonder we're being investigated by the UN for poverty lmao. Because we've had a constant rightward shift since Truman

Alright. Burden of proof is on you now.

Its literally a few hundred bucks a year for 4 years and then it vanishes and you get dicked. The taxes for corporations and the wealthy get to stay though. This tax plan is laughable, not to add its going to put a serious hurt on our national debt. But Trumptards want you to kiss the ring of the benevolent president for less than $2k and an eventual assfucking. I don't think so.

because they are stupid ... they vote for Democrats for 50 years and they are still poor .
Once you get out of being poor you do not vote democrats any more

Socialism did take root.......amongst the elite. Tax breaks, non compete government contracts, different set of punishment laws. The only capitalism in our country is the middle class.

Wasnt me that said that, but here


And this to explain what ^^^ above article means

How has voting republican helped poor rednecks in the past though?
It's almost like either side promises things they don't keep.

#1 half of the population of amerika doesn't vote.

#2 elections are a total sham / illusion.. the establishment picks the candidates, the people have no real say in the matter

#3 presidents always break their campaign promises, or backstab the people in favor of special interests that control the establishment

tax "reform" is a perfect example.. disguised as a tax cut for the middle class, it merely further enriches the elite while fucking the average american.

want to reform taxes? get rid of the IRS and the income tax. like to see trump or obama do that. it will never happen. go kneel before your masters, or start resisting like real men who actually value liberty. the apathy in this country is pathetic.

Most freed up money from the corporate tax cut is going to super wealthy investors and shareholders. Dividends are increasing, not wages.

Inb4 example of at&t. $1000 one time bonus is nothing compared to what the workers will lose in social security and medicaid and medicare.

> Burden of proof always falls on intelligent people as retardo trumpists only watch fox news



> Major companies( like cisco) said they will give money to shareholders, not creating new jobs.


I gave you multiple sources as trumptards are usually reading facts just shit out "fake news" and move on. But if you can find any CEO saying he will create more jobs with the rich people tax cuts, i would gladly read it.

But but but, muh welfare!

>Shit, I better act tribalist in order to avoid the notion that both the democrats and the republicans screw over their voters from the poor demographics.

The media has it spun that the big rich evil companies are getting this big break and they are getting nothing.

There brain does not connect the dots that if you pay little to no taxes there is a little of nothing to give back.

> trumpist as always has no argument

The mainstream media isn't convering it, theyre instead covering trump and russia, because they want it to pass. Media barons get billions in tax cuts.

>1.5 trillion in tax cuts
>they spend a total 70.2 billion (0.04%) of total savings on backing investors overseas to bring their momey back here
>renewed money in company somehow wont result in increased infrastructure, expansion, and hiring.
Seriously tho?

Actually mexicans have skills, roofing, electical, drywall...thats the real damage because whites charge more and do shittier jobs than mexicans.

>This guy has a point, better imply he likes Trump.
I liked neither candidate, it was the choice between a giant douche and a shit sandwich.

> no argument.
Why would less taxes increase infrastructure? What do you think taxes are?

I don't know why democrats do what they do

Never said mainstream.
I'm talking the retarded twitter faux armchair reporters and click bait YouTube personality that are still pissed off about the election

CNN tax calculator says my income will increase by 7% now.

You voted Trump though, didnt you

>Why do poor people in America vote against their own interests?
kek yes because higher taxes is their best self interest. If that was the case then every major city would be a paradise. Fucking joke. Even poor people understand that their tax money is wasted and goes to corrupt politicians

Basically you put in any amount amount it throws random numbers at you.

Are you like literally retarded or did you never have 5th grade economics or what? Overseas profits will be paid out to stockholders, not invested to create jobs. That's not how things work, faggot.

Let me specify
As in more facilities and services as in more jobs.
>no argument
Seems I just countered yours and you have no argument yourself

>spend money overseas on labour and manufacturing to save money on taxes
>no jobs in home country as a result
>lower taxes in home country
>no need to export jobs overseas anymore
>jobs now in home country
Are YOU fucking retarded?


I can’t take you leftists seriously because this is what you occupy your time with.


And why should anyone in the West listen to an average pleb from a corrupt shithole?

Doesn't seem like we'd get great solutions for running a successful nation from someone like you.


At least read the article first, retard.
CEO's of multiple companies stated there won't be new jobs because of these cuts. They will push this money onto their shareholders. You say, no it will still make more jobs. Not even pointing to anybody in the industry saying it.


>Overseas profits will be paid out to stockholders, not invested to create jobs.
And what exactly do they do with that money? Burn it? Bury it in their backyard? Have money fights like some cartoonish Monopoly guy?

Nobody ever said these jobs will be brought back. Or can you proof that? They won't import these jobs back.

I love how people lump Americans in one big group. Most of the country is somewhere in the middle of these super far right it left fucks. Not to mention, one of our states are bigger than most of your shit fucking countries.

a profoundly undemocratic picture.

Goes to corrupt politicians because every politician in america is literally owned by a corporation.

Corporations are your fucking problem people. Quit fucking worshipping these undemocratic tyrannies who want nothing more to steal every dime youve ever owned.

Tax money is wasted because 2/3 of all contracts are siphoned off as profit and go to furnishing billionaire homes.

Quit being fucking cucks to billionaires who've never worked a day in their lives. Tax the fuck out of them


forever poor detected

Nope, I didn't, voted third party(for all the good that did me).

Goverment will not help you stop being poor . If you let your 22 year old kid stay at home and play video games all day what is his incentive to find job ??? Employment is available everywhere but if you paying welfare to enable bodies and minds you keeping those people poor for generations .

Literally fucking yea. They horde it in bank accounts. They buy 10 homes in each city, driving up everyones rent. They stash it wherever they fucking can. Ever wonder why your rent is so fucking high? They already had money coming out of their fucking pockets. If more wealth to the corporations created jobs, GE could have already employed literally millions of more people before the cut.

Because Faux news
Because fear
Because ignorance

why do you assume the people who voted are poor? you sound like a poorfag.

because fuck that whore bills wife

Let's go back to the first point
>they will push a grand total
>on share holders
>out of a total
>a percentage of 0.04%
In what fucking way do you expect them to just funnel out 1.5 trillion to shareholders when investing in their own infrastructure is far more profitable and lucrative?
Considering its historically consistent that lower taxes in nearer locations causes job hiring to increase and additionally over 200k jobs have been made due to regulation and tax cuts prior to this just this year and it would be more profitable to pay a lower taxed rate locally now than to pay for cheapened and imported labour overseas. Yeah its pretty fucking likely.

All americans think they'll be millionaires, and are ok being combustible fuel for billionaires until then

I never claimed that.
The only way out of poverty is working hard and saving up money.
Having lower taxes makes that easier though.

no the fuck they dont

Poor Americans = dumb Americans.

The only way you can be poor in USA is if you're a dumb motherfucker. Anyone with half a brain can get a decent job and work their way up from there.

right .... Only one that will not benefit from tax cut are one that do not pay taxes

>every politician in america is literally owned by a corporation.
Well if that's the case then shrink government. If corporations have sooo much influence and power then shrink the one thing that gives them a monopoly on power: government. Starve the beast

>Quit being fucking cucks to billionaires who've never worked a day in their lives. Tax the fuck out of them
Why tax them? Why? For what? For more money going towards programs that are broke? That is always wasted and abused? Even my liberal, bright blue state of NJ the state government has robbed public pensions, raised consumption taxes and made things more unbearable/livable for the average person. All they do is shuffle around debt. Hell they do it in every major city. All my life for almost 30 years I've under the idea of taxing the rich and everyone gets poorer in the process. You know who never is poor though? Politicians. Amazing how that works. Go on, tell me how the magic idea of taxing the rich has worked so well in cities I've lived in like Philly, Baltimore, Washington DC

I make $260k/year and CNN's calculator says my taxes are only increasing by .03%

So there is nothing to really complain about, you all just need to stop being a bunch of poorfags

The "work your way up" thing is a myth they tell dumb people. If you have a good job it's likely because of nepotism.

Gotta love trumpcucks saying that poor people profit off of this aswell. Yeah, they save a whooping 200 bucks a year from this while trumps rich friends will make billions. Democrats arent better. You both deserve to burn in hell you fucking jewish cocksuckers.

Only people who don't work, don't pay taxes. So we are kind of at an impasse here user.

So how do these people, who you've admitted are greedy as hell, make more money? Maybe, just maybe, they would have to invest it in jobs which are a byproduct of wealthy creation for business.

Nothing changes OP ....

Well if we are poor then leave us alone. We want to keep more of our money. It's that simple. Somehow you cannot imagine a world where people want to be left alone

nope that is wrong ... about 49% of USA do not pay a dime in taxes ... lot of them even get money back ...

>when investing in their own infrastructure is far more profitable and lucrative?
[citation needed]

You also go against the word of the very same CEO's running these companies who say they won't invest in infrastructure. So who would you believe? some user talking shit, or the people working in these companies on exactly these decisions?

This. Stupid people are so easy to control, it's not even funny. Go to any high school and you'll see that they dress like their idols, paying a lot of money for brands. The quality isn't much better than a reasonable priced similar item.

The corporations pay them all for their campaigns so they'll do just that - shrink their regulations and redistributing power. Read the history of america in the early 20th century if you think small government is great. Please. Wealth inequality was absolutely horrid, and corporations ruled every aspect of your life. Think shit is bad now? Wait until you get rid of and shrink the one institution in your life that is even somewhat democratic.

And corporations get all their money through your labor lmao. You think billionaires actually work for their money? You think one person's labor is worth literally 50 million times more than someone else's?
True definition of a cuck, justifying why your master deserves your money. Denial about your condition as the man slaving for him.

Do you even know how much your owner makes a year?

One of my family members moved to USA. Worked whatever job was available. He moved there without having any contacts, no friends, didn't know anyone. Didn't even have a college degree.

He's making around 300k a year now.

>why dopoor americans vote against their own interests?

Its pretty fucking simple. Poor people are grossly undereducated. To get a decent education (in USA) you need to pay a shitton in tuition. To be able to pay tuition you need a decent job, to get a decent job you need a decent education ,leading to a VERY low social dynamic, ie. Thepoor stay poor and the rich get richer.

Basicly the very small part, of richfags, in America can shit all over the middleclass and poor because they lag the critical thinking and basic understanding of economy and society that education brings. They can coin (proven) bullshit like trickle down economics. Calling all basic forms of welfare socialism or communism. And fill their heads with complete BS

brilliant anecdote

No, they collude, steal research from public institutions (colleges) and extract labor from idiots like you.