>Islamic State calls for attacks on the West during Ramadan



>Nato commander: Isis ‘spreading like cancer’ among refugees


>CBRN substances have been carried undetected into the European Union

>Paris...Washington DC, London, And Rome were specifically mentioned, as well as targets in Belgium


>Tests of the uranium seized confirmed that it was high-grade material that could be used in a nuclear bomb.


>jihadists are also said to be recruiting foreign experts to help them develop nerve gas.


>Hospitals and emergency services across France have been supplied with the antidote to Sarin...and other nerve gas chemicals for the first time.


>The ISIS laptop contains a 19-page document in Arabic on how to develop biological weapons...


>"They want something that happens everywhere at the same time"


omg you are such a pathetic racist.


why was i born a cuck?



Nothing is going to happen.

It's people like you that make drive poor moderate muslims into their killing frenzies. If you would be more tolerant this wouldn't happen OP.

Reminder: #everysinglemuslim

They probably wound do a fucking thing until the end of June isis anniversary bullshit.

Nothing is going to happen
Something should happen tho

I vote for Gavrilo Princip #2

Who gives a shit.. honestly. The chance of dying in a terrorist attack barely exceeds 0.00000001%.

I hope something big happen during the Euro
Time to wake people up

This Ramadan's gonna be a blast

Maybe this year we'll be spared the disgusting D-Day commemoration
God I hate amerifats and their WW2 so much....

Don't hit Rome or Paris pls
Mow down London and Berlin all you want

>The chance of dying in a terrorist attack barely exceeds 0.00000001%

Have you forgotten the 6 gorrillion we lost at Pearl harbor?

Why do I share a non-country with retards like you?


Don't these mudshits realize that if this happens then Trump is guaranteed the US presidency? In fact I hope this happens.

no matter what happens all that you'll get is some sad emotional cartoon, I stand with [city] and "Je suis". A week later we'll be back with xenophobia, Islam is a religion of peace and nationalists are the real problem...

And the 62 gorillion lost saving frog ass on D-Day.

Finally some possible quality entertainment

Just wait. Oslo is going to burn. I'm fucking ready to spill some mudslims blood

They want him to become the president so they can finally have their apocalyptic fight against US troops they yearn for

If it wasn't for the Allies you Frogs would still be under German boot you piece of shit cowards.

I fucking HATE the French.

Hey man where in Oslo?
I know a good view point where we can sit and watch the destruction.

If something happen in multiple capitals at the same time I'm sure it will wake up some people. If it doesn't do anything I'll just sit back and watch Europe burn

>Mad British colony is mad

Oh look, another NON happening. Yawn, call me when some shit actually happens.


No i'll fight, I'll walk proudly on my land even if it is bombed to death, filled with cockroaches ready to infest my country and whoever make a step between me and my freedom will see how many virgins he cant get when his useless life will end.

For my country, my pride, my Queen (pic related), my family, i'll stand!

He's a retard tho, we're not all like him

I am thy kebab-remover.

I'll be in Dublin on vacation with my sister, are we in danger?

1/10 bait

I hope you have some guns because otherwise you're fucked

good goy

Yeah but not Muslim

>Terror attacks in multiple big european countries
>governments and cucks realize the threat
>states crack down on mudslims
>moderate mudslims become radical
>uprisings of muslims in nations with big muslim population (eg. france, germany, swedistan, belgium, maybe England)
>riots get crashed by police
>some mudslims cooperate with the states and voluntarily go into containment
>many other mudslims go underground and form islamist guerilla groups
>more terror attacks
>more counter-terror actions
>european race war

It's fucking happening.

Ever heard of Russia
We'd be living in the communist utopia we want so much if it wasnt for you (or more importantly for Americans since Brits and Cucknadians did jakeshit)

I see you kids forgot about 666 gorillion we lost saving the world.


This is just like the Tet Offensive only for the War on Terror.

It's going to happen and then some piece of shit news anchor person is going to claim that we're losing the War on Terror just like Cronkike did during Vietnam.


no happening will take place at a stadium or a public viewing place.
law enforcement have been shittitng their panties over that for months now. shit will be guarded heavily.
other places therefore wont.
so i predict many small scale paris-style attacks during a game but far away from a stadium or a public viewing place.

Please fucking god attack London please goddddddddddddd, it would be the catalyst needed to leave the EU

Ivan, you're country has always had one thing over ours. The complete and utter disposability of its people. Yes, 666 gorrillion Russians got gasses to death but ours were more important

Except we'll be fighting on our ground, not in a remote country no one give a fuck about

We were only remarking on our casualties, Ivan. We remember.

Mfw I live around detroit. We've got more muslims than any of you, and nothing will happen here. Because A. There's a ton of muslims and B. Nothing else worth noting.

Oakland county, I guess, but that's where the 1% live, so nothing bad will happen there either.



Terrorism isn't the problem

Immigration is.

Europe is being overrun with tens of millions of invading enemies and all you care about is muh terror attacks.

I'm not worried about it.

Maybe I'm too old to give a shit; or maybe I've seen too many of these panics over potential attacks, but here's my thoughts...

1. There hasn't been a time in the last 50 years when there weren't hundreds of terrorists around the world wanting to kill us.

2. The amount of damage a terrorist could do and the very low odds of it actually being pulled off are so low, it's simply not worth the worry.


Detroit is like one big no-go zone, that city is the biggest shining example of MultiKulti BS, they even turned the reigns (even after the populace) to spooks, it has gone to utter shit. White flight will continue from the large cities once the shitskins finish destroying all civilization around them.

Maybe the white man will wake up one day, maybe, but very doubtful.


They could drop a fucking nuke on Paris and the leftists will cover mosques with flowers.

Are you dumb leaf? Terror attacks=closing border
That's why it matters

I live in a northern suburb in Macomb County.

I agree that nothing is going to happen here.

To paraphrase a line from the film "Dr Strangelove".... our Muslims are better than their Muslims.

I'll believe it when I see it. They've lied about so many things

Why would they attack their own capital?

But where would we go ?
Think the ahnensturm of sd might be good ?

Yeah, more important for burgers themselves and frenchmen.
I'm still watching you, brah.

What an epic idea to host it there
I mean, plenty of foreigners dont even want to visit Paris anymore out of fear of merely walking in its streets after what happened last year, but surely they'll be okay with massing themselves in a stadium

FBI is so deep into Michigan. They are everywhere, you just dont realize it.

You have ceased to be human. That is my opinion.

Only a fraction of Muslims are radical islamists. I have no tolerance for them either, just as I don't tolerate you.

You and islamists are just two different flavours of the same human moral depravity. Degenerate psychopathy.

So please stop making the relation beetwen muslim and terrorism. That's all I want from you.

Southern Wayne County is comfy

Not to mention the fact that the Muslims who live here came to get away from all the shit.

They have no interest in supporting terror. And (assuming their name stays out of it), they are FAR more likely than the average resident to drop a dime on suspicious activity.

Out out OUT!

>live innawoods on a farm
Damn it, feels good man.

You piece of shit. Lick more deutsche boots, faggot.

#notallnazis killed Jews, some were just sweeping floors and doing their jobs, others killed gyps

Great fear mongering here, only people who are more afraid than some of you faggots are those old dusty farts. Listen well, you will fucking die of a heartattack you fat piece of shit. A fitting end to your shitty boring walmart life.

Fucking pathetic europe is.terrorist threat you and you get scared. Don't give a fuck about ramadan if you are not muslim rather enjoy summer at it fullest and dont get prices down are you stupid ! Here and in every arab muslim shithole the prices go up,almost adding 50%. (its like a 30 days christmas).And if you encounter a muslims who whines about work or heat remind them to shut up because ramadan is meant to suffer.
Spoiler: the crime rates will go higher cuz they take hunger an excuse to start fights.fkn animals

TFW flying alone for the first time (family holidays so long ago I can't remember) in June.

Will I be safe Sup Forums?

Underrated post

Bring it on goatfuckers.

This was all predicted in the book Rainbow Six, by the way.

God I hope they do something I want to make a Muslim scalp belt. Once this shit kicks off I will personally burn my local mosque and scalp anyone inside.

When is Ramadan?

>willing to risk and downplay the lives of his countrymen, family, and friends for the sweet sweet reward of not looking racist

>tfw i live in miami
Already a hell hole here, a bit of nuclear fallout wont change a damn thing, just create mutant saltwater niggers.

If a terrorist attack happens on the day we remember our country, then I will bring out Multikulti, the destroyer of worlds, and slay every single one of these barbarians. They might call me a barbarian, but I only act in defense, not attack. Yet, all I know is attack and that is my defense.

6th of june, you should know that Ahmed


Fuck off and die, Arab cunt. You were never human in the first place, and the only thing better than a dead Arab is a dying Arab.

>tfw start my new job in the city centre on the 6th

My city is going to get hit, I know it

Mohammed here is scared that people will resort to violence against the religion of peace that is currently murdering people all over the globe. Europe ran your kind out once before because of exactly whats happening now soon they will have to do it again. Enjoy the ride goat fucker.

Good. Wake up all of Europe in one swoop.

>implying we wouldn't love to see that multicultural degenerate hellhole cyst in a rain of hellfire
8/10 victims would be either foreigners or degenerates.


let's do this.

deus vult motherfuckers.

Has anyone here ever actually KNOWN or been friends with a Muslim?

Yes, there is a world-wide problem with radical Islam, but until you learn to separate the radicals from the normal everyday Muslims, you're never going to solve the problem.

You'll fight with what? You're literally defenseless, and you let the government make you that way.

>Has anyone here ever actually KNOWN or been friends with a Muslim?
No but the statistics are convincing enough. 25% of Muslims in the UK have sympathies for terrorist groups.

Or just blow up ottakring.

I've been somewhat buddy with some in highschool
In the end, they're just people like you and I, but their religion is utter cancer and they wont admit it

Just the 6th?

I have known more than one Muslim I never found a redeeming quality in any of them.

I heard there were some right wing death squads patrolling the streets in Corsica after the Paris bombings. Basically anywhere with a strong, redpilled, white majority is good.

I know it's a terrible thing to say, but I hope they do something major. I want people to realize that we've let tens if not hundreds of thousands of current and future ISIS members and supporters into our countries.

I don't know what kind of event it would have to be. People are so deeply unaware of what's going on.

I mean, holy shit!

You mad French is now an integral part of Canada, aren't you ?
Too fucking bad.

It's different here in 'murica.

As I said earlier, a vast majority of the Muslims who come to America came here to get away from all the bullshit.

In the last century, the Irish had a reputation of being flag wavers. You haven't seen flag waving until you've seen the Muslims in Michigan come out in force against terrorists. More American flags per square inch than you can imagine.

Even those who would be labeled as more "traditional", families where the girls wear the hijab.

For example, one family I know... the daughter wears the head covering. But what does she post on her FB page?...

... pictures of her at the Detroit Tigers games.

... pleas for someone to get her tickets to the concert of the latest boy band.

... pictures of her dressed in costume for Halloween (still wearing the head covering but with a costume hat over it.

... all the other normal shit that people are interested in.

Of the hundreds of Muslim people I've known, I've never known any of them who were anything other than just normal average people.