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uhhhh there are women there :(

how can women in to khutbah



Used to love those. Still do. Thanks







When your country is such a prison niggas actually search your place and confiscate a screwdriver shank.

Stay cucked britfags and ausfags










we need more dota memes

Thank you, been looking for this pic


a lot of times they hide the kids in the gym so she probably gave those kids a death sentence



haven't read an inglip comic in years, thank you :D

That just makes me sad.

t. studies school shootings for some reason



fucking lost,good one


this pic is great



I just know because my parents and extended family are teachers. Am I the only one who had drills about this in school when they were younger? I was in middle school during the Columbine shootings and that's when all of this mass hysteria started


Fucking lost. Is this real?


Every time I see this format I instinctively check it for loss.

Its time to go outside


It would be funnier if you just said you can only cum when you read school shooting stories

Who told you my secret?


Yep. They are the absolute worst. Sweep normal folks homes for cutlery but continue to admit kebabs into their country at record rates.






If you don't enlarge it, the picture looks like a hillbilly dream catcher.



you = fag


It's all yours, my friend.




There's no hope for America. The two-party system is failing.

Kebab have badass guns and explosives... Kinda makes you wonder if the government's setting the citizens up. Fucked up situation when the government disarms it's own people then lets a heavily armed invading army in.

I'll agree that the two-party system is fucked up, but there is hope (and historical evidence for it).

lost to vid

o o f

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Back to 9fag


great thread, one of the best of Sup Forums for 2017 for sure.


What two parties? They're both communists

not being forced to buy insurance triggers the libs?

nice thumbnail nigger

These are so bad, it hurts

that's actually neat


republicans had been advocating for the individual mandate since the early 90s

Orin Hatch sponsored an individual mandate bill in 1993.

mitt romney passed an individual mandate bill when he was governor of massachusetts in 2007

house republicans added the individual mandate to obamacare.

don't think for a second the individual mandate is anything but a conservative idea

one of the deadest things i've ever fucking seen i hope whoever posted this gets cancer


Sorry guys i lost

Yet Obama actually made it federal, so it's bipartison if anything. Repubs are supposed to be about small gov so yeah they're hypocrites, that's not a surprise. But still, why would anyone get triggered by it not being a mandate?
