>what could we do to celebrate the 100 years of Verdun
>I know play African music and run on the graves of the soldiers
they actually did it
I'm speechless.
I'm fucking done.
>what could we do to celebrate the 100 years of Verdun
>I know play African music and run on the graves of the soldiers
they actually did it
I'm speechless.
I'm fucking done.
Other urls found in this thread:
Youtube video, the massacre starts 1 minute in
>this is what our ancestors died for
where did it all go so wrong my frog eating friend
What the fuck is this shit, why not have smart dress people and french military bands in ceremonial WW1 uniforms paying respect properly?
This is so bad, I bet we're being laughed at everywhere in the world
They made it about the kikes too
"aux soldats musulmans morts pour la France"
they're not doing it on purpose at all
I'm not laughing anymore
>muh 6 gorillion
every one of those people needs to be put in a ditch
God damit, you retard western cucks. It's like your are purposely destroing your culture and heritage for the sake of niggers and mudslimes.
We all knew France was lost.
Now we know that it is not even worthy of redemption.
>french monument
> 90% is written in jooish moonrunes, and at the bottom, with the smallest font possible some french apologies for the Holocaust.
said the country that legalize weed & prostitution , and has the shittiest generation of sandniggers
Never said we where redeemable
this is the future you chose
We lost.
Oh God no.
>prostitution should be illegal
t. mudslime rapist
that's hilarious
problem, statists?
I just got up and now I'm angry. Thanks France.
WW1 is about muslims and Jews, stupid goy.
10.000 japs could've done a better job than actual french and germans.
t.your future son-in-law
What's going on? I can't read frog
So Japs can actually speak the R sound?
Not taking Hitlers side and eliminating the kikes all together
Please tell me the Muese Argonne cemetery received more respect than this.
You don't use the guttural R when you sing, you try to roll it or it won't come out
Just when i think that europe can't be more cucked, they go and prove me wrong.
Thanks guys, your sacrifice will hopefully not be in vain when australia conquers the islamic state of europe.
group drumming ≠ African music
t. Jaekwon Jones
I'm going to try n explain you
You know Verdun right? Big battle between frenchies n Germans n English n others, but mainly a lot of French vs a lot of Germans dying for taking ground as little as a meter and then fall back for 300 days
Now, it's been 100 years, and we needed to celebrate it
French President François Cuckllande said "hey let's have a black french rapper coming so it can attract young people"
President said "k" cause he was afraid the people would come to the ceremony and make violence
Everyone was peaceful then, "finally we shall have a proper ceremony for our DEADS :)"
And then
Ceremony just took place, it's a bunch of young people running on the Graves, dancing, mimic of the war action, with a boungalaboungala music, a shitty black character coming and moving funny, etc
So everyone is like "wtf, this president trolled us"
Watch the YouTube video so you'll get how ridiculous and disrespectful it was
You're welcome friend :)
>this video is not available
Use a proxy website, believe me it's worth it
I'm guessing I'm going to have to use a proxy?
Would would Marshall Petain say?
I don't think they'll even honor him even though he won the battle.
He'll probably say let me rest in peace you cucks.
I suppose so, have you tried the Rutube link ?
dubs of truth.
Many of our great-grandfathers and grandfathers, maybe even one of your own fathers, fought and died in two massive wars that resulted in peace and mutual rejection of war between European powers and to a lesser extent the average US citizen (not the legislators or alphabet agencies).
We became so optimistic about the future we forgot that the rest of the world is fucking insanity.
I can't think of a single country that isn't fucked or in serious proximity to being fucked.
Truly abhorrent.
thank you for the explanation.
>run on the graves of the soldiers
>mfw it's not even an analogy
Imagine if you could go back in time to 1916 and show a French or German soldier at Verdun how the memory of their sacrifice would be treated 100 years later. It's depressing.
fuck sake they zoomed on the rabbi and the imam but no priest in sight
>so how are we going to conmemorate our brave soldiers?
>let's run on their graves and then have a shitty "art" performance
what the fuck France
what does it say, Chaim ?
To the Jewish soldiers who died for France ?
Pretty sure it would cause inmediate peace in Europe and actually make the holohoax real
Honestly i would normally don t have given a fuck about the celebration.
But with that.... I am truly sorry for my ancestors.
Great job kike-cancer
How can anyone think that this is okay?
Ten Commandments
I don't know what it has to do with WW1 though
I don't know either
Oy vey remember the 6 gorillion jews who got gassed in verdun!
but seriously, this is not funny anymore
Any youtube vids that aren't blocked in the US jewtube?
we didnt chose shit
we are forceface fucked with inmigrants dick every single day , the movements of opposition are shut down by the media and our "leaddership" ignores everything they dont want to do completely
we are in what the libecucks define as fascism done to us , the people who dont believe this shit who are trying to mantain the concept of nation and european culture by any means they can , by either shutting down the movement , ignoring the claims completely , lying or manipulating all together the facts and even encarcerating the leadders of said movements
case in point of 1 guy who has been 30 years not buying the holohoax and when he actively tries to do something , they put him in prission
regards to mossad , i know you visit pol constantly
Anyone can speak any sound, it just takes practice and repetition. AKA hard work and youve got to say "fuck you ego" and don't be afraid to look like an idiot until you get it right. Practicing in front of the mirror is a good way to start with sounds that you don't know how to create.
Protip brought to you by someone who speaks 4 languages
wat ?
Why would anyone think this was a good idea?
WTF IS THIS. Can you imagine dying in a war for your country and 100 years later they do that shit on your grave??!!!
Looking forward to seeing what you have in store to celebrate Ypres and Passchendaele, Belgium.
A muslim tranny in a weelchair? An Islamic preacher? A parade by the loving population of Molenbeek? A wallonian speaker?
what the fuck
Why are they even running on the graves? What is it supposed to symbolize and in what world is that not incredibly disrespectful?
I dont know if I should laugh or cry.
Thank fuck that could never happen in Funland. At least here even young people have respect for the fallen.
At least they tried.
In a world where the single purpose of the event is to promote immigration and the european union
I'm literally sick
i'm sorry france you can't be ww1 anymore in the name of diversity :^)
162 thousand of your ancestors were killed for Merkel to open the door and allow ficki ficki and enrichment.
Germany should be punished.
We respect those who died in a war.
Every night in Ieper under the Menenpoort we play the Last Post.
We celebrated this, but no nigger music.
I'm not even offended at this point, I'm just baffled. Who the fuck came up with this?
I know right!
At least Finland has respect for their heroes!
Who thought this was a good idea? It's so disrespectful I couldn't even watch the entire thing, it feels like watching war veterans being mocked or something, it's so perverted.
Do they realize their are corpses beneath them?
Holy shit.
I couldn't watch the whole thing either, every time I looked at the TV I saw one more horror, like when they zoomed on the rabbi, the imam, but I don't even think there was a catholic priest there.
It's what the EU wants. The destruction of our histories, a spit in the face of everyone who once fought for the freedom of their country and continent.
That was a massive blunder though and most people were appalled by it.
You can end this all if you desire.
Turn your guns against Germany and end it all, permanently.
>video not available
>bergan op Zoom
that is a fucking cool name
oh my god ive never laughed so hard what the fuck is this
This is too much even for me.
video is gone
Destroy Germany, rip the heart out of this beast and end it all.
You have been told what you need to do Europe, you need to do it. Set yourselves free.
Kill every single German you see, rip their entrails out. Cut their lungs out, cut their hearts out. EAT THEM!
Richard Harrow, what a tragic character :(
this is so fucking gay holy shit
you know your funny wacky event was truly shit, when even Merkel and Kikey-Marty had a disgusted look
Honestly it's hard to be angry if I have no fucking idea what I'm seeing.
We have your fucking traitor teens, so what exactly are you saying
It is time to put an end to Germany.
nice work guys, you watched it to death.
shoo shoo beady
kill all germans
and you tought you won
No Turk, you will not win this war.
So did you.
YOU WILL NOT WIN THIS WAR! Death to all Germans, kill them all. Dirty, ugly filth! ALL OF YOU WILL BURN!