Why don't we get rid of age of consent again?
Why don't we get rid of age of consent again?
because 9 year olds are very easy to coerce
gobble gobble
Not really
this is what anime does to you, folks
>implying i'm not a pedo to begin with
>turk has failed at outsmarting 9 year olds before
not surprised
>he doesn't know how hard it is to get some underage pussy
Raping little girls is against isla....oh wait, no it isn't
my dick is rock solid now
>implying it's rape
based poland
>imagine this question in turk accent
The flag says it all.
You people are sad savages.
love you too turkey feelsbad that everyone laughs at you
>those pictures
Shit, maybe Turkey is on something here... A penis never lies.
Maybe we should actually listen to him?
people like you cannot be trusted around young children
cherry picking a degenerate from our country is not an argument.
Especially whenever your people are committing nation suicide via rapefugees.
You're no better than the pedos in this thread.
End yourself.
1. Will we ever have a board free of pedo threads?
2. Why is it always Turks who start these threads? Is this a VPN thing or is Turkey so degenerate?
It seems like europe is loaded with these kinds of people.
Muslim scumbags, the whole lot of them
Why doesn't Russia just nuke Turkey?
Poland and Turkey are the only uncucked European countries.
It's not one degenerate, this board is 90% America flags.
It's also 90% you who post BLACKED shill stuff and any interracial shit here. Also mostly you who post anime.
I would
Back to >>>/roach/ or >>>/Islam/
Also, reported for loli
>inb4 turkey-european meme
Cuz they are pedos too
I love triggering you newqueers.
Nigel knows his islam
how can this happen
why are 'based slavs' so trash?
excluding bulgarians, only south slavs are actually non-degenerate even though i still hate them
murricans, aussies, and canadians.
At least they aren't talking about fucking kids.
besides all those niggerposts are a different problem(pic related)
You can't justify your mental illness so you try change the subject.
We hate niggers sure but I hate pedos even more
First they said stop hating the blacks, let them into society
doesn't work
then they said let the gay man into society
doesn't work
Let the gays marry and let the man/women into bathrooms
doesn't work
and now the slippery slope argues let us sleep with your kids
Such a good series. It's the Metal Gear of harems.
That manga was pretty good mate
>That German fag that gets triggered by anime
Pedos aren't your enemy
Actually you can convince them to eat shit by telling them it's chocolate. they are too naive. only you are retard enough to not notice that.
B/c it's not okay to pound little kids!
Actually yes. You are my enemy, and you deserve to die
>Actually you can convince them to eat shit by telling them it's chocolate
Speaking from experience are we? I assume eating shit does more harm than just having a little sex
Yeah, no, pedos are as bad as niggers
and you're a pedo sandnigger
the only way you can get laid is tricking little children, since full grown women won't look at your cockroach dick
>treating fringe blogs as the norm
You literally cannot name any of those people because they are irrelevant, you cherry-picking assclown.
>arguing against legal prostitutiob
>since full grown women won't look at your cockroach dick
Nice feminist argument there
>wanting to have sex with little girls because it's not man enough to get laid with a girl near to his ages
man up bro, stop going to the easy-to-catch fish.
A pedo like you wouldn't understand because you're part of the problem.
Nice turnaround, leddit.