A lot of them are saying so.
Are blacks planning a race-war?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Black can't into civilisation
>Planning anything
Even if they were, they'd fuck it up so bad that it wouldn't last more than a day.
Especially considering white americans have much better weaponry, and actually know to to use it.
They will chimp out until they get some shinys and proceed to turn on each other.
I hope so. They'll finally give us an excuse to truly genocide them once and for all.
I sure hope so, folks around here have been anxiously waiting for an opportunity to cull out some of the sub-prime. It would literally be a massacre.
>porch monkeys
Top kek m8
yeah, the 13% of the population that can't read, work, support themselves, think, raise a family, graduate high school, stay out of jail, not steal and loot, follow the laws, wear a fucking pair of pants properly, or contribute to society...these fucking niggers worry you white man?
they shouldn't. you ever heard the saying "don't bring a knife to a gun fight? yeah, well its pretty similar. niggers can't compete in real life, they would be squashed, killed, literally genocided over the course of a few short days. and they fucking know it. after those few days, the only place that would have ANY niggers are the large metro areas. and the Mexicans would take care of whatever niggers missed. because mexicans hate niggers too. fuck all hoodrat niggers.
>Blacks Planning
>In America
>Literally 14% of the population tops with almost none of the wealth
>Starting a war with 86% of the population with almost all of the wealth
k, keep me posted
wew, triple sixes.
not saying i disagree, just that "planning" might in their case mean "the hundreth monkey catches the same meme". We know that memetic energy is propagating at an alarming rate in the age of the Internet. Just go to black twitter, they're all talking about race war, constantly. It's like memetic feedback loops.
Maybe their notion of racewar would look more like a zombie outbreak, but it would still be a happening. They're all talking about it.
I really hope they try.
It would be the fastest way to get rid of them.
Against whom?
Nah, niggers have just been claiming that forever. It's a nigger fantasy. Like day of the rope is a white trash fantasy. Same exact thing.
"Careful . . the blacks are getting their shit together," said no white man, ever.
We should brigade this video. They are all commenting things like ''white people stole our gold''.
''white people stole our inventions''.
It's like white supremacy, but backwards.
Blacks are to race what Sup Forums is to the boards.
Settle down, Paco.
Running around Trump rallies with spic flags isn't exactly progressive.
then let them "try".
we can watch them finally destroy themselves, once and for all. they are incapable of the simplest tasks in everyday life, but you think they will be able to orchestrate, carry out, and actually win a war? hafuckingha. no way. niggers have had it easy for far too long. when they rise up, we will be justified to take action and use deadly force. niggers will lose this game and they know it. niggers are ALL talk. if you fear them, you are weak and you bought the narrative of bullshit sold to you. niggers are not a threat, as they are literally incapable of keeping themselves alive. imagine how easy they are to kill.
White boys only dare to touch weaker and older black males, but Yakub forbid if you had to fight a virile young buck.
What the fuck are they even doing? Why does everybody look homeless and why are they all gathered there? Are they homeless? Wtf is going on in America?
>blacks planning
a bullet will easily penetrate that coon hide. doesn't matter to me how many reps you got in at the gym, nigger. my aim is true.
This is hilarious!
what's gym practice going to do against someone who practices at the range?
Wonder how many of these guys know how to properly handle a gun...
They don't have to. They instictively begin destroying things if another person does it. Like a horse stampeding. They don't need to plan it they just know what to do.
I hope so, they'll get fucking #rekt.
Acting "hard" with a highpoint is not at all comparable to actual training and competence.
Black people can't even plan a monthly budget to live on.
Genocide takes a lot of planning and teamwork to accomplish, it's not really something you can halfass.
Saying that, Hitler did pretty well halfassing it.
They aren't planning anything. They are just waiting for it to happen.
Actually, what they are planning is to loot stores and shoot each other when it actually does happen.
Is that homeless black guy trying to fight a tranny?
They shouldn't be
Black Planning:
ugga bugga ugga bugga ugga bugga ugga bugga
>tfw there is actually still a chance we might exterminate them
Feels good.
really really want this to happen
Really.. makes you think
Fortunately warfare has never been about the raw physical specs of humans. Even the strongest, most skilled combatant in the world is going to get ruined in hand to hand combat when outnumbered by a couple dudes with pointy sticks.
War tends to be decided by numbers and supplies. Without having a good edge in either you're pretty much fucked.
I hope so, they are outgunned and outmanned.
I would pay money to see 100 /k/ autists dumping volley fire from Nuggets on 500 charging hood rats.
Blacks can't even plan their own day to day behavior. The moment they see a sheboons ass they'll forget all about what they were doing.
Imagine if the races were reversed in that video
>A nigger attacking a poor old man for expressing his point of view? Fucking SJWs.
But no, when its not a nigger, everyone gives him pats on the back.
>the doll is saluting
It's the little things
Hopefully they are. We would finally have an excuse to kill all the niggers and re-enslave the ones left alive
>2 out of 11 of the men pictured is not a manlet
We know they cant think beyond:
>get sum chiken
>muh dick
We need to plan a purge though. All black people go back to Africa, we'll even put them on cruise liners on the way back.
Everyone's waiting for a race war.
Like actually, people are talking about it all the time IRL.
Good luck with your shitskins in a few decades Sven.
I just love this picture so damn much. I love how it was supposed to be scary for normies.
Most blacks are obese. Faggot.
I know when people talk about race war, it's in terms of black vs white, but when you factor in the other races, I would think Asians would side with whites, Latinos would side with blacks, and Arabs- I don't know cause I feel like all races dislike them
No, the jews are
>when i get to the bottom i go back to the top of the slide
>where I stop and I turn and I go for a ride
>till I get to the bottom and I see you agaaaaaiiiinnnn
>mfw whites think they can win a race war.
>Trump gets in
>Blacks chimp out
>Police state increased
>More surveillance
>Less freedoms
>4 years later a socialist takes over
I wonder who could be behind this?
>yeah, the 13% of the population that can't read, work, support themselves, think, raise a family, graduate high school, stay out of jail, not steal and loot, follow the laws, wear a fucking pair of pants properly, or contribute to society...these fucking niggers worry you white man?
Devil Trips is 100% correct. Nogs can't even plan 15 minutes ahead.
And God forbid a group of them gets together without any whites around. In-fighting, shucking and jiving, just general chimping. The only thing to worry about are disingenuous white liberals who will sell civilization out for some fleeting warm and fuzzies.
>The race war will be a hoodrat street fight.
that bitch stole my hair
>"""planning""" a race """"""war""""""
the greatest 'race war' in human history by the naz against the jews was a relatively disorganized mess.
now look at the rwandan genocide. black supremacists are like the less-violent equivalent of the KKK in the first third of the 20th century. they're just a bunch of kooks (or spooks), with kookie, completely unorganized ideas, and some intimidating rhetoric.
these people aren't literally seizing power, they aren't a large majority, they're just a bunch of thuggish niggers not capable of planning a real war let alone a RACE war that would entail the greatest genocide ever.
>We need to plan a purge though. All black people go back to Africa, we'll even put them on cruise liners on the way back
This. I don't care if some die, or go back.
We just can't live together anymore.
It would take longer than days, just based on people relying on the government first, and liberals getting in the way. Plus urban environments have a much larger density of blacks.
The ironic thing in the end is that yes, blacks would be wiped out and white conservatives would rule for a generation. The based black man would finally have done something good, if you think about it.
>two posts ending in 666
>both are on opposites sides
Good point.
Nope. But this guy is.
kek confirms
No, those are like the white boys in the mountain who claim that they want a race war when in reality, they just want a job
/fa/ joins Africa?
The first few things you listed are completely untrue and you know it.
Hugo Boss, African Collection
Dude looks like a video game villian
>A lot of them are saying so.
some retards yelling in the street
Why blonde hair? Brown is better Tbh
Pekka pls
t. someone who lives around them and has been in fights
When obama got elected the black hate came out. There was a news story about blacks confronting police after obama won saying stuff like "a black man president now, you can hurt us". They believe they're going to usurp and genocide the whites because of a mulatto president.
fuck off jamal
i wish people could link whole videos worth of this shit
Fucking pipe wielding niggers what a surprise.
That's the movie africa, addio or goodbye africa. It's a really sad movie.
>and actually know to to use it.
If niggers didn't hold their weapon sideways it might help as a start. Honestly a nigger in a car is more dangerous than one with a gun.
>tfw can hit a bullseye at 100 yards with raifu
Wish a nigger would. After nigs slaughter the first hundred or thousand in reach (probably hipsters, coalburners, and liberals because who else gets near enough to nigs), it will be open season and I want to get the high score. If you live in a city, it will be like a zombie apocalypse. City folk may have to barricade themselves until the country folk move in to remove niggers while their backs are to the treeline.
I know some blacks IRL and they say shit like this, like, "if Whitey is going to put us back into slavery we're just gonna start killing [whites]." Hard to contain my smug.
>the Mexicans would take care of whatever niggers missed. because mexicans hate niggers too.
True. Mehicans hate nogs even more than white old boys do.
you misspelled smoking
The Glory.
Holy fuck thats funny
does the black dude have a boner?
Satanic Trips never lie.