Every report says she's a horrible bitch behind closed doors who throws hissy fits, screams at staff and treats them like shit. Read the Secret Service testimonies. Working for a woman like that would be horrible, it'd totally destroy your morale.
Meanwhile Trump's probably a hard-ass, but is the kind of guy who'd buy you all lunch if something good happened.
Jaxon Wood
So is it true that the debate between Trump and Sanders isn't happening because the DNC didn't agree about it behind closed doors and Trump is using the charity money the networks won't put as an excuse?
Jose Morgan
Dylan Green
James Diaz
Jeremiah Hernandez
Eli Fisher
Christian Howard
>focusing on making sure the people of Bhutan can make rice safely
A sure vote winner
Xavier Hernandez
He most likely knows he'll landslide most of the states Romney got either way (except maybe keep an eye on NC and Arizona, we all know Hillary might try playing there) but I think he still should get more people in states like Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania because those are bedrock to a victory in November and will be HOTLY contested.
Florida is a state you can never take your eyes off of, Romney was leading in most polls in Florida but King Nigger managed to just oh so slightly steal it away with his ground game.
Ian Gutierrez
why don't you post the full link, are you doing it for the (You)s?
Jaxon Diaz
is his face shopped? he looks like a strung out druggie. not just because he's a pill popper too
James Wright
I don't even understand who that panders to.
Daniel Campbell
It's still early though which is why I'm not concerned yet.
He's already stated he's going to campaign in stats that any other Republican wouldn't have even tried to.
Connor King
"wonk out" sounds like something you'd say a crazy old lady is doing, and calling cooking one of the most serious problems in the world is a mess.
This post reeks of sarcasm and if I didn't know who it came from I'd think a Clinton opponent wrote it.
Mason Parker
Have you seen his twitter? He still fucking loathes Trump. He loves loathes Hillary more.
Parker Nguyen
As someone who puts Bhutan first this is a very important issue for me which is why I am now a #Shill4Hill!
Nathaniel Cruz
Any civilized modern country should have free education, even slavs got it
Carson Cooper
Trump broke him like Bane broke Batman
Kayden Parker
Sieg Heil my superior white brothers and sisters. It has been brought to my attention that the KKK's chosen candidate, Donald J, Trump has recently been seen in public kissing the portraits of dead black people.
I cannot support such a thing any longer. Following my rock solid morals, I am now forced to to officially announce we've decided to support the only racist candidate left, Hillary KKKlinton.
Luke Edwards
>make cooking cleaner
all you need is a fucking fire and the fire cleans everything.
Nathaniel Robinson
I see butthurt.
Anthony Sanchez
Jonathan Baker
Marco's a good boy. He's finally com home.
Christopher Perez
And that's why Britain's 20th best university is 10x better than your no. 1 university
Adam Jones
and Daddy Trump was ahead of them every step of the way.
Ayden Gonzalez
As far as I can tell, wonk is a term american apparatchiks use for political autists.
Julian Martin
it's literally the top story on the front page of CNN you lazy gypsy
Kayden Diaz
pat pissing people off?
Adam Edwards
Jeeze. It's been a few months already. He should have recovered a bit by now.
Julian Howard
What happened?
Noah Gray
Her twitter is run by someone who still uses MySpace and AOL dial-up.
Benjamin Barnes
Translate this gibberish.
Robert Edwards
While some blue states hang by a thread, California is just so blue we can't be too sure that Hillary will even bite the bait.
Republicans don't go to California because unless you get like 55% of Hispanics, you can't even compete in the state and it's expensive af.
But if he's going to campaign in blue states, I hope he visits us in Hawaii
Christian Allen
Milo please leave
Asher Martinez
When will Chicken Trump debate Crazy Sanders? A man should stand by his words.
Bentley Allen
I think she's just scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to find anything that she's done that is of any good to the world. It's hard to find good acts when your career is based off starting wars and selling guns to terrorists.
What the fuck does this have to do with helping Americans anyways? I know Leftists eat this shit up because they're children but still...
Zachary Thompson
you dont understand american colleges. everybody there is literally a marxist. do you want to make marxist brainwashing free?
Samuel Green
Holy fuck that first image is beautiful.
Matthew White
Its likely that he's fallen into a depression and his drug use has escalated. Breaking people down emotionally and psychologically can be pretty damaging.
Lincoln Edwards
>EMOTIONAL: Trump Kisses the banners of The Remembrance Project Moms’ children at Anaheim Rally!
Andrew Lewis
no this is the front page of cnn
-endless race baiting like holy shit can we stop having every third article about racism
-the 700 drowned free shit and ooga booga hopes
Brody Hernandez
>I can't keep Americans safe but at least third worlders can heat their meals
Juan Cooper
>I hope he visits us in Hawaii He very well might
Odds are he'll start upping the ante after the Republican convention when they officially bend the knee and he receives his campaign fund.
Joseph Jackson
>American taxpayers are now even on the hook for teaching third world nogs rudimentary human shit like how to clean and how not to die from carbon monoxide
Can somebody do a red hat shoop on Mr. Fronk? I'm terrible at it.
Nathan Foster
First off, Bernie sounds like Count Chocula yelling his order through a drive-thru speaker.
His campaign was never really serious anyway. He just wanted to loot the last nickle out of his gullible supporters. Some of them are even sending in their grocery money!
Bernie's campaign is basically one giant Ponzi scheme that's about to go full Venezuela. Much like Bernie's socialist policies would've done to our economy.
Bernie “Madoff” Sanders
Bernie Swindler
Jack Watson
He goes to states he doesn't intend to win to rile up degenerates. Normalfags in other states will see the triggerings and chimpouts on TV, causing them to associate democrats with people like trigglypuff and aids skrillex.
Nolan Phillips
2:30, I am hoping it will be on youtube or tv
Leo Robinson
Reminder that the US almost certainly paid for the Poo in Loo UNICEF campaign
I think Twitter rigged and/or is rigging Obama's twitter to have more followers. Obama has 75mil followers and an average of 35k new ones a day to Trump's 8.5mil and 20k a day average. But if you compare the likes and retweets, Trump averages much higher. For likes he is averaging around 12k per tweet. Obama gets 3k average maybe. Its a lot easier to have sockpupptet bots (or whatever method os used) follow somebody than have thousands of them like and retweet.
Regardless of Twitter, in the world of the 60 second attention span, Trump ia the most famous person in the world.
Jaxson Edwards
Nathaniel Reyes
>Youtube blocked the video
get yourself a proxy or something in Orwell land
Jacob Roberts
I wonder if any protesters will be there, hmmm
Thomas Smith
Its a shame Buchanan lost. Goldwater and him were the two most redpilled candidates to run in recent history.
Josiah Smith
dropbox link under the video >www.dropbox.com/sh/vila6cjhalvazlp/AAD-ZJpGdMYjCJiKQ9DLc3xsa?dl=0
Andrew Sanchez
bots most likely
Adam Bell
Michael Torres
whenever someone joins twitter, they give a bunch of suggestions to follow, pretty much always obama, various left leaning media or personalities, alsoused to be also jon stewart, so it makes sense that these would have follows from bots and even those not very interested.
Grayson Stewart
Hillary campaign is buying bots for her. Her follower count skyrocketed a couple of weeks ago for no reason.
Bentley Hughes
memes come from the fabric reality, what did you expect
Michael Fisher
Holy shit, Buchanan is like the progenitor of red pills
Jordan Diaz
Jaxon Moore
isn't there a site where you can look up which followers are not real?