>be American
>get shot
Never ever going to visit Chicago because of this.
>be American
>get shot
Never ever going to visit Chicago because of this.
Good, it's a fucking shithole.
I don't know that anybody's visited Chicago in forty years. It's literally Johannesburg but magically with even less white people and even more AIDS.
20 were hispanic and 20 were black
Looks okay to me nigga, 3hunna
Only 40?
It's called Chicongo for a reason.
So niggers and spics got shot? Good.
I prefer Chimpcago
My bet is 95 by the end of the holiday weekend.
Is chicago really that bad ? When I was a kid and watched ER, I always thought it was a good city.
Chicago needs to be biologically purged
Come visit New Hampshire sometime.
We're practically Canada anyway.
Stay away, you'll end up breaking your nail, sissy.
America is literally fucking Iraq. Tanks when?
We like to call it Chiraq
can we just agree to nuke chimp city
I heard from a friend who lives here that's it's all in one area dubbed Chiraq. Rest of it is safe (well it is full of niggers so lol)
I grew up watching perfect strangers thinking Chicago was a cool place. Needless to say, I got Paris syndrome when I finally visited it.
Why not visit lovely Detroit instead?
yeah its just very segregated, which is good because it means dindus and spicks stay in their shitty neighborhoods and dont fuck up mine.
Ive always wanted to look out my window and just see the mushroom cloud over the city haha
Who gives a shit what you want...You're a fucking disgrace. Everyone else calls you Chicongo
Chicago is a retarded city where the train goes one way rather than both ways. What a dumb fucking system.
you left out one minor detail
i live in chicago and am not worried about getting shot.
you know why?
because i dont go into nigger neighborhoods the same way they dont come in to mine.
the shootings are turf wars and retaliations almost entirely nigger related.
chicago is a great city in the summertime for two reasons.
>niggers kill each other in higher numbers
>lots of great places to hang out and have a few drinks/eat
Who pissed in your cereal? I dont even live in chicago proper. lol
We need to import rapefugees in L.A. and this shitty city.
Fucking hell. The population of Chicago is half of Finland's. In one day more people got shot there than in a decade in Finland. Why the fuck is the difference so massive? The answer is not guns, Finland has a really high amount of guns per people. Pic related.
wtf are you talking about?
>Chicagniggers will defend this
topmeme, not even the expressways are safe to travel
>There have already been 20 shootings on area expressways this year, compared with 12 over the same period of 2015
nuke shitcago when?
Niggers and Injuns.
You're a sad little man. You would get pity if not for being such a cunt
Fucking hell niggers
Niggers. Why the fuck do yuro fags keep asking this and pretending to be surprised when you know the answer? The answer is always NIGGERS. ALWAYS.
Okay. Just stay up north and tremble like a leaf. You aren't missed.
Wouldnt go anyway
not that... thats not a proper stuffed pizza.
>pic related
Dindus all concentrated in an urban area
i vacationed in chicago over last memorial day weekend and did not feel unsafe at any point of my trip. i think it's just like any other city where if you stay in the touristy areas you'll be safe but venture off into the slums and there's no telling what will happen. there is no excusing this though. it is not pizza. it's a casserole.
They are doing it themselves
What's injuns?
Here in Austria we have pretty loose gunlaws and a lot of guns and the worst thing you hear of is every 10 years somebody duels with a gun
Why? Gun control in Chicago is strong!
Holy shit that looks disgusting. Pic related is only pizza.
The tracks go from Northside to Southside Chicago.
At the end of the track is a wall and the train cart hits that and flings the passengers into an oven at high speeds.
Then more train carts just keep piling in behind it.
fuck off new york.
shit is good as fuck.
Perfect. Ever had dollar slices in manhattan?
>be a nigger
>get shot by other niggers
yeah you should probably stay away from chiraq
I used to live in Chicago for 10 years before 2010 in rich white neighbourhood (Winnetka) and it was awesome, was attacked few times by niggers, once I had issues with my car and had to drive off highway on south side, stopped by gas station and was assaulted with baseball bats out of nowhere, the other time spic faggot in Cadillac Eldorado pointed a gun at me just for fun. We fought spics every weekends, fuckin Up Italians up Belmont ave. 10/10 city. Also had a black friend (half polish half Nigerian) west of Cicero avenue, he took me for a ride in his van in no go zones for whites, the shit I've seen on that day made me appreciate my white skin. My best memory was cutting up pure coke with Puerto Ricans, top lads !
Indigenous people of America, usually spics are the ones who cause trouble and start chimp-outs. But all of them are pretty nigger-tier.
>be African American
>shoot someone
this could be true
Dollar slices are shit usually FYI. There is a reason they are a dollar. You may as well eat Digorno at that point.
Born and raised Chicagoan, northwest side (which means I'm white). Sup Forums would love it here, but you guys will never visit because stories like this.
Chicago is basically apartheid South Africa. The white parts of town are very nice and there is a strict policy of NO NIGGERS.
Let me guess.
>look at that picture
t. chiraq defense force
Global warming causes this
>The white parts of town are very nice and there is a strict policy of NO NIGGERS.
will the police round up the animals that stray from their cages or are they getting THAT cucked?
Even still, I just can't believe that the murder rates are so high. Are the killings and abortions keeping the nigger populations low, or are their numbers increasing?
the "L" runs on a loop.
from the outer edges of the city and near suburbs to downtown.
we also have Metra which brings people in from the further out suburbs to Union Station.
without using spicy memes, how do you fix this.
how are the gun laws in the surrounding states, can niggers just drive over to those states and load up?
Guess what, Chicago is very CULTURALLY-ENRICHED.
They are shrinking, the she boons abort so much they are below replacement. But we import african niggers to replace the loss.
Fuck this. Chicagofag here. Don't buy any of this bullshit. Chicago is safe as fuck, all the violence is contained in small, isolated beaner and nigger neighborhoods. I feel safe at any hour of the night in like 90% of the city.
america is civilized and has a few portions of the country that are pretty much third world shitholes. coincidentally, they're all highly black areas
It's really a nice city- not run down like Detroit, cleaner than NY. Lived here my whole life, commonly stumbling around downtown drunk and haven't been gunned down yet. If you're too much of an idiot to figure out the L train and stay away from nigger neighborhoods, best stay where you're at.
blacks don't buy their guns, they get them through home invasions
Realistically, only 24 people were shot.
Nignogs can't into gun safety. Shoot up in the air like Jawas and celebrate with drive-bys.
Chiraq should be fumigated.
>Ryan Strittmatter
pt 2. where the shootings are happening
No, it's actually the enforcement of traditional gender roles that causes it.
we don't want you leafs here anyways and chicago is full of niggers
I can't even understand that niggerspeak in your image. Someone please translate.
they get them from thefts yes but they also get them by getting junkies to purchase them legally.
Honestly, from my experience I'd take 5 million African niggers to 1 million of our home-grown niggers.
Gun laws only affect law abiding citizens.
Headed out to Chicago in August to go to some Cardinals Cubs games at Wrigley field.
Will i get shot?
Sure, sometimes. That's really for the nigger's protection more than anything.
The Polish here, especially in the neighborhoods that are 90%+ Polish, speak some weird hybridization of Polish and English. You can kind of pick it out overhearing them but its weird. But if they see a nigger so much as walk across the wrong street they go to straight Polish and you know its about to go down. That nigger will probably never been seen again.
So yea, the groid would consider itself lucky to be picked up and beaten by some Irish cops rather than wind up on the bottom of the lake.
Basically: "My friends and I will pull up any rival posse and either kill them or make them do embarrassing things because we have lots of firepower."
I knew going to a highschool that was 40% black would come in handy!
Chicago is based. We only need to come up with a plan to nuke the South and West sides and replace the charred remains of niggers with respectable folks.
1-800-COME-ON-NOW that shit looks boring as fuck
For the love of God no. The violence is so ridiculously exaggerated by Sup Forums and the media. It's all contained in very small ethnic neighborhoods very far away from Wrigleyfield and the entire north side.
>be nigger
>get shot
Every city with a high percentage of dindu population.
Lived in the South Side of Chicago all 28 years of my life.
Ask me anything.
Shitcago wins again.
This. I worked with a guy from Ghana dude was based. He shit on American niggers all the time. He told me stories how everyday he had to run to town to pick up supplies like water and food and he would be chased by lions as he was running. Then when he got to town criminals would chase him out. He said that's why Africans are good at running.
I know. I'm just joking. I go to STL all thetime too, more likely to get shot out there.
>have sub 80 IQ
>have no sympathy
>obtain guns, ILLEGALLY
>shoot a brotha because he wore his ball cap tilted towards the right rather than the left
Nuke the shithole
Are you a nigger?
How old are you? Do you need your chicken tenders to be dinosaur shape too?
how was it
Nope. I'll let you also know, not white either.
Chicago Community Organizer Still Blaming His Predecessor, Barrack Obama.