I have sympathy for Jews. Southerners like Jews are an extremely hated ethnic group. Southerners are viewed with contempt in the US and other people worldwide that learned to hate us from consuming US media.
Jews hate us too. It's too bad. We could have been good allies.
True Southerners don't give a fuck about how their cuck neighbors feel. That's one of the tenents of being southern. When you actually have pride, you don't need a pat on the head from honorless homo lovers.
Logan Peterson
This is true.
Jeremiah King
>tfw the south will never rise again because it will be entirely consumed by niggers and hispanics in 40 years
Grayson Brooks
What the fuck is this nigger shit
Zachary Young
Rednecks are illiterate inbreds and smell like cow shit. Go smoke meth with your trailer park neighbour.
Jayden Baker
southerners are not an ethic group you fucking backwards assed white hillbilly nigger.
Jack Rivera
If the south won, the world would be so much better.
Niggers would be in their place and the country would be all white.
Yes we are. It's Americans that aren't an ethnic group with the whole propositional identity thing.
William Foster
I think you need to get out of the house. Nothing you said has any basis in reality.
Wyatt Jenkins
I'll bet this faggot doesn't even have a 4x4.
Logan Rogers
You people need to accept the fact that you are white niggers. Instead of the ghetto, you live in trailer parks. What's funny is your hatred from the blacks. You both have a lot in common- faggot accents, shitty style, illiteracy and throw a bitch fit when someone shits all over your dumbass "culture". Go clean your fucking pasture, inbred.
Kevin Turner
If a butthurt southerner didn't shoot Lincoln all the blacks would've been sent back to Africa
Henry Thomas
*hatred towards the blacks
Kevin Walker
Besides this meme being a bore by now, we don't need any homo city boys around for anything that I can think of, so why would we give a fuck about your opinion either?
Ian Butler
Lincoln deserved what he got.
Cooper Ramirez
I prefer my yamaha. Women aren't gonna be impressed with a vehicle that smells of manure and dog shit. Let alone listening to how "hard" you work at the factory or how your buck toothed kid went on his first hunt.
Ethan Gray
Obviously you do because you're on this thread whining like a bitch lol. "City boy", you probably shit in the woods and think Budweiser is great.
Austin Wright
As a southerner, this is embarrassing. Please stop.
Josiah Sanders
Have fun with liberals.
Isaiah Ross
ethnic southerners. lol. ok, you realize you make the entire white race (an actual ethic group) look bad when you say nigger mouthed things like that, right? southerner does not =ethic group. you are a fucking jew loving, nigger mouthed cucklord. the south aint shit anymore.
Blake Long
Kek I have a JD faggot. I'll wager you either look like you could be on a T-Mobile commercial, or your girlfriend is fucking someone who does.
Wyatt Morgan
At least those butch lesbians and tree huggers go to college and attempt education. You cow fuckers pride your selves on stupidity.
Camden Watson
I spit my coffee all over the monitor, I'm in tears
Jason Howard
>extremely hated
Only by people who have no perspective.
Send anyone who's lived their whole life in LA or NY to the fucking deadlands of Illinois for a week, they'll be begging to hang out on a farm in Texas simply to be around THINGS and PEOPLE and LANDMARKS.
Angel Perez
Better than looking like some overweight nascar fan.
Jaxson Cook
OP appears to be under the illusion that "southern" is synonymous with "South Bronx". OP should STFU and gas himself.
Jack Taylor
>this is what Yankees believe
Jeremiah Morales
You're an idiot that doesn't understand the difference between race and ethnicity. Four centuries was enough time for us to form a distinct ethnic group.
Joseph Kelly
>Southerners are viewed with contempt in the US and other people worldwide
Wat? I've travelled extensively and have never experienced this. Am not a huge redneck though. Who gives a fuck either way, the South is nice. We're the reason a tyrant government will never take root.
Nathaniel Kelly
no no no, my little half nigger half jew chaw spitting halfwit. you are wrong. perhaps you should revisit the dictionary and find out what race and ethnicity really mean, not what you wish they meant. go get yourself a coke (which is probably a fucking a pepsi, cuz you faggots can't even get that right) have a seat on your couch (which is located on your front porch) and fuck your fat girlfriend ( who sleeps in the bedroom next door, because shes actually your sister). gas the south, ethnicity war now.
Carter Young
I agree. All that fucking inbreeding as gone a long way. Your about as "ethnic" as Ethiopians, except with trailers and john deer hats instead of mud huts and leaf clothing. The pillars of civilization.
Juan Gomez
Your right, I'm going to Express Men this instant and buying new clothes.
I guess your predilections would be satisfied if I told you I was a breakdancer, DJ, or that I throw shit on a canvas for a living?
Gabriel Bennett
>I've never experienced this Read the posts in the thread. I'm not a redneck either but I don't have a problem with them.
Nolan Sanders
>We could have been good allies.
Not really.
Southerners are mostly independent farmers, and Jews are rootless cosmopolitans. Such peoples could never be allied. Just look at what Jews did with the independent farmers of the Soviet Union, the kulaks. They slaughtered then and they have never apologized for it. They do not regret it and the only reason they don't slaugher Southerners like they slaughtered the kulaks is because Southerners are armed.
Nicholas Murphy
The reason why the "tyrant government" won't take root is because they would basically be taking over themselves, since government comes from the people. It's not because of you wood shitters. Taking over a bird sanctuary in Oregon and playing rebels isn't threatening.
Connor Campbell
nah, southerners aren't necessarily viewed with contempt, its just that they are a half step from niggers and no self respecting white man will take them seriously.they are viewed as sad little harmless austists that can't take care of themselves. much like niggers...wait i take it back. every one hates you guys.
Easton Ross
Do other parts of the U.S. even have a culture anymore?
It's nice to at least have one instead of being rolled into the honorless mass of metropolitan faggotry.
Brayden Gutierrez
Again, better than shopping at walmart for clothing and working at some shitty factory.
Benjamin Brown
Exactly this
Nazis were intelligent, rational, racists
The Confederacy was full of idiotic racist hillbillies who preferred to die to keep their slaves rather than work and had no arguments pro slavery besides "Muh bible"
This is basically what Edward Norton says in American History X when that jew shows up at his house
>As Vasily Grossman explained, the activists who helped the GPU (the secret police) with arrests and deportations, were all people who know one another well, and knew their victims, but in carrying out this task they became dazed, stupefied ... They would threaten people with guns, as if they were under a spell,calling small children 'kulak bastards,' screaming 'bloodsuckers!' ... They had sold themselves on the idea that that so-called 'kulaks' were pariahs, untouchables, vermin. They would not sit down at a 'parasite's' table; the 'kulak' child was loathsome, the young 'kulak' girl was lower than a louse ...
>Party activists taking actions against the starving villagers found themselves confronting cognitive dissonance as they processed realities of the day through the prism of ideology. Lev Kopelev, who later became a Soviet dissident, explained the conditions: It was excruciating to see and hear all of this. And even worse to take part in it. ... And I persuaded myself, explained to myself. I mustn't give in to debilitating pity. We were realizing historical necessity. We were performing our revolutionary duty. We were obtaining grain for the socialist fatherland. For the Five Year Plan...
Only communists hate the South because anti-southern ideology is basically revamped anti-kulak propaganda from the Soviet Union and is spread by the same people who ruled the Soviet Union: secular Jewish intellectuals.
Adrian Wilson
I've found southerners to be smarter than their northern counterparts,and more liberty minded. Most people - including Europeans - have been brainwashed into thinking that >southern accent = retarded/low iq.
Blake Lopez
>10+ posts You seem to have an obsessive hatred for Southerners
Easton Sullivan
>mfw Texas coast born and raised
Zachary Bennett
I'm no a Nazi, but yes that's true. And the Nazis wouldn't drink Budweiser and dress like nascar fans. At least they had some classy style.
David Gray
Luckily I fall into neither category, I guess I'm just lucky; I get to be a professional and* live in a place where faggotry isn't the rule.
Jack Mitchell
I doubt SS officers back in the day would be impressed by your walmart jeans and honkey tonk music.
Isaiah Sanchez
>brazil you know exactly nothing of what you speak. but please, by all means, keep cutting wiki articles to illustrate that you have no point, no frame of reference, and no dog in this fight. you opinion is invalid here. now go fuck yourself.
Nicholas Miller
They carry on this stereotype because their honorless secular culture is essentially one of nothingness.
Also they are programmed to suck the cock of whatever narrative national media likes to push.
Nolan Lewis
It's my day off and I'm enjoying you clowns
Kayden Adams
I don't care about da joos, but I actually like southern americans. Badass history, beautiful country, nice rural folk. I relate to them, as I too am from a southern plain, and am called racist by my northern countrymen.
Eli Stewart
Don't forget that many of us ARE jews, user.
Before the war Charleston was the centre of jewish life in the new world. New York was jealous, that's why they attacked.
And you - you realize many of us are black? It's absurd to say we hate blacks. We hate thugs, and we hate the urban ghettos where they are created, but we don't hate any skin color.
No, he gave up on that long before he died, he couldn't find the money for it. Anyway it's pathetic nonsense to speak of sending someone who was born here and never known any other place 'back.' FFS.
No, it's not.
Jackson Gonzalez
>he thinks collectivization was a bad thing >he did not recognize the threats kulaks posed to the Soviet Union
Read a history book. Not a fucking wikipedia page, a history book. The reason the South is not well regarded is because they committed treason and when they tergiversated thousands of Americans died.
Hudson Carter
You live around faggotry. Instead of hipsters and 20 year old pseudo intellectuals, it's walmart welfare hicks and horse shit plowers.
Andrew Ross
As opposed to Southerners, who suck the cock of whatever narrative their pastors push.
Brody Edwards
Do other parts of the U.S. Even have a culture anymore? it kinda seems like all other areas of the US have had their culture ass-raped out of them by progressive secularism?
Ethan Lopez
As I said, only communists hate the South.
Josiah Smith
I fucking hate you uneducated bootlicking trash. Seriously, you locked massas boots and fought to protect his wealth in the Civil War, and you like your kike master's boots now.
Seriously, rise up and kill yourself.
Kevin Rivera
The Jews that were in the South during the war between the states are gone. I bet you'll say Mexicans are Southerners too or whatever foreinger that gains US citizenship and resides in the South
Brody Perez
>the South >Culture
I am in Alabama, the fucking heart of Dixie. Drinking beer around a bonfire is not fucking culture.
Julian Thompson
Then only Communists are intelligent.
David Murphy
At least those narratives are and have been part of the culture, the ones you had shoved down your throat came from the Frankfurt School propagandists.
Benjamin Wood
More than communists hate us.
Christian Stewart
"Progessive secularism". Because tolerating other people and not forcing sunday school bullshit onto others is such a misery. We clearly need more stone age people who think humans came from mud and science is the work of the devil, and nascar. At least the north has actually American history. All the south has is a shitty losing past. Oh and the Alamo. Thank God for the fucking Alamo.
Mason Robinson
Don't confuse your lack of plans on the weekend with culture
Jacob Cruz
No one doubts that communists are intelligent. It is a movement led by intellectuals, which means in practice rule by intellectuals.
What I'm saying is that communists are evil and bloodthirsty and they want to destroy any institution outside of their control. That's different.
Kayden Butler
Californian living in South Carolina, reporting.
Your white people are lazier than niggers. Slow, dumb, and lazy with nothing relevant to discuss outside of college football.
I am boss of over two dozen southern dregs, all of whom have worked for the company several years longer than I. I talk shit about southerners all day.
Ask me anything.
Ian Murphy
When you have to resort to calling people "communists" just because someone doesn't like your cow fucking culture, you only prove how balls deep you are in McCarthyism. Go watch some blue collar comedy, patriot.
Lincoln Adams
like i said, you are a worthless 3rd world piece of shit half nigger and your views/opinions/pastings are not valid here. I'm not implying shit, you're a piece of shit, your country is a piece of shit, your mind is a barren wasteland. thats a fucking fact, now fuck off to your fucking hovel, eat some fucking beans and shut your nigger mouth. brazil is a fucking cesspool, every inhabitant should be mouth raped then killed with a stick.
Daniel Carter
The culture of the North did not change substantially in the 20th century, but if you go learn some things and try again, I think everyone reading would be amenable.
Anthony Diaz
jew here. we don't hate the south. Not much economic opportunity there and its hard to find religious communities ( I have worshipped at synagogues in the south if I'm on vacation and its a religious holiday). Beautiful land and in my experience, very friendly hospitable people who really didn't care about my religion as long as I kept it to myself.
Ayden Wood
Progressives and liberals hate the South because the communists told them to.
The "memes" they use to spread anti-Southern hatred are communists memes too. So the origins of all anti-Southern ideology is in communism. It doesn't have anything to do with the Civil War. For decades after the war there was mutual respect between Southerners and Northerners (see the original "Birth of a Nation" and it's popularity).
It was only when Marxist historians such as Eric Foner took over academia and their Jewish cousins began to reveal their communist power level at Hollywood that the South began to be hated.
Carter Evans
Were you born craving attention or did that happen when your Dad left your Mom?
Henry Hall
Lawyers are just garbage tier people. Not hard working enough for engineering, not smart enough for medicine.
Brandon Lopez
You are indeed enlightened. Surely I should be able to look around and see the friuts of that enlightenment in our current society?
>At the height of McCarthyism, Belfrage was summoned in 1953 to appear before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). >In 1995, the decrypted VENONA intercepts—a project between the US and British intelligence services to decipher Soviet wires — were made public. United States intelligence has alleged that Unnamed Codename Number 9 (UNC/9) was Belfrage.
>In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy referred to Karr as Drew Pearson’s “KGB controller”. >After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992, in the new atmosphere of openness, Soviet investigative journalist Albats published an article in Izvestia quoting documents from KGB archives that Karr was “a competent KGB source” who ‘‘submitted information to the KGB on the technical capabilities of the United States and other capitalist countries.”
>Called before the HUAC (chaired by Congressman Karl Mundt), Coe denied under oath having ever been a member of the CPUSA. >A recent investigation into the KGB archives claims that files show Coe to have been a Soviet agent.
>the United States refused to renew his passport in 1954 due to the McCarthyism atmosphere in Washington, DC. >He appears in the VENONA cables under the cover name 'PAGE', and in Soviet intelligence archives as 'VIM' and as a source for the Golos and Bentley spy networks.
Chase Jenkins
How often do they talk about their trucks, God and "how not racist they are"? Lol
Mason Long
You're lying. It's impossible that what you said is true.
Thomas Diaz
>The Jews that were in the South during the war between the states are gone. We were greatly depleted, but far from extinct.
There are some southroners of mexican descent, of course, particularly in the southwest where they are often descended from early settlers who were there before the war.
>or whatever foreinger that gains US citizenship and resides in the South
Foreigners, even yankees, who move to the south and adopt our ways and our culture become southroners, of course. Those who do not assimilate (everyone in Atlanta, I'm looking at YOU) are not and will never be southroners, however.
Zachary Gomez
I thought I was going to have a decent conversation, but as it turns out you have been blinded by ideology.
>What I'm saying is that communists are evil and bloodthirsty and they want to destroy any institution outside of their control. That's different.
You must have confused communism and Christianity. Communists 'hate' (protip: they do not actually hate the South, and communism was so strong in the South that the FBI and the KKK had to band together to fight it) the South because of how the bourgeois control the narrative down here and concomitantly the rampant corruption and anti-intellectualism.
Ian Morgan
Actually, my mom left my dad because she was a degenerate. I was raised by the greatest single man to ever make America great.
Nolan Cruz
>californian the only people that are consistently more retarded, more autistic and more cucked than southerners. your opinion is not valid here either. go talk to the faggot from brazil. fucking california, i should have typed this in spanish. go back to mexico, you fucking faggot.
Hunter Garcia
Damn straight, I probably know more about the ACW than most dipshit northern yanks.
Sebastian Rodriguez
control c control v
Elijah Peterson
Excuse me, the culture of the north has always been one of secular fashionability. Now refer me to the post the led you to believe the North represents all non-southerners? I wasn't even referring to your urban shitholes, perhaps I was referring to one of the other regional cultures of the U.S. that are currently disappearing?
Luis Richardson
The only conversation possible with a communist is the interrogation before they are throw out of helicopters.
Nolan Reyes
You're Brazilian, why the fuck do you care? Lol
Camden Ross
Northerners are retards that can't see past MSNBC
Christian Moore
This is the most wildly ahistorical thing I have read on Sup Forums, which is saying a lot. Do you really think it took much convincing for people to hate a bunch of traitors who killed their countrymen? Do you think anyone who knew about Andersonville had a positive view of the South? Do you think when a Southerner killed possibly the greatest President, people fawned over misplaced notions of chivalry that the South loved?
Are you fucking serious?
Ryan Wilson
south din du nuffin they waz gud farmers tryna get they plantatians on track
Dominic Williams
Gavin Johnson
Fuck yeah, Based Brazil Bro.
Adam Barnes
Trucks are to the southerner what a single family home is to real Americans. Probably because they use them to tow their domicile around like fucking gypsies. They never shut up about them.
This one guy Richard was who I had envisioned the typical white southern male to be. He was all smiles to the Blacks, he would even help one old black lady air up her tire or jump her car, but as soon as it was just him and I he would talk about how he wanted to bring his rifle to work and put two bullets in every nigger in the plant. He thought James Earl Ray should have been given a plaque and his gun back.
He was full of lulz, actually.
Joseph Bennett
The reason people don't like rednecks, sorry "southern culture", is because it's boring and repetitive. They literally sing songs over and over about their fucking jobs, lawn mowers, ex wives and how much they love America. It's the same as ghetto music constantly talking about cash money, bitches and hoes, and the "struggle" of being in the hood. Same old shit.
So Boston, an Irish ghetto, and New York, a melting pot, were fans of secular fashionability? Do you know how to read?
Brandon Scott
>Foreigners, even yankees, who move to the south and adopt our ways and our culture become southroners, of course. Those who do not assimilate (everyone in Atlanta, I'm looking at YOU) are not and will never be southroners, however. Where did you get this rule from? You're not a Southerner unless your family fought for the Confederacy. That's the bare minimum qualifaction
Asher Miller
How does it feel to be totally ostracized and isolated in your community? Be careful about what you say, unless you want to find yourself dragged down the road behind a truck.
Carson Myers
Lol and their shitty country music. They're the same way with it like blacks with their rap shit. Amazing how much in common the hood and trailer park have.