Is racism a natural instinct? Are humans the only ones who develop prejudices, or does it exist amongst other species?
Is racism a natural instinct? Are humans the only ones who develop prejudices, or does it exist amongst other species?
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Yes and yes
You ever watch YT videos of tigers fighting lions?
Wolves kill dogs at sight.
Why doesn't prejudice have an Antonym?
Is this deliberate ?
I am postjudiced.
i was pretty much born racist, my parents tried to raise me liberal and so does media but even as kid i never liked niggers and shitskins i felt unwell around them and felt they are different and weird,hard to explain.
1. Give mini nukes to ants
2. ?????
3. There you have your answers
3a. Profit anyway
Iron Fang begs to differ Spaniard.
Probably humans are the uniqyrs
Dogs do not care very much about it.
They're different species though
most living things are racist
its just humans who classify it as a bad thing
I can't find any sources right now, but I have heard groups of cows or Sheep may bully animals of different colors than themselves.
Not even that. Only whites arent allowed to be racist
Birds of a feather flock together.
>Is racism a natural instinct?
A friend of mine has a horse farm and there it's literally so that the three white horses are always standing away from the other horses in the herd.
So yes, it's perfectly natural.
ur rite
They are the same species, canis lupus.
Keep in mind that though it is natural it still doesn't mean it's right. Part of what makes us human is that we transcend our instincts.
fuck off
But on Sup Forums you will only meet retards that would rather burn bridges than help.
Sven here is actually right.
Though most people here have find a logical reasoning for it so whatever.
Yes its completely natural. The term Xionist and the fact that people think that is a bad thing is wrong. Imagine being a villager a long time ago and some other tribe comes to your village. They are either going to suck up you resources if you accept them into your tribe or they are going to kill you and steal your resources. It would be stupid to accept them.
If you look at whats happening to europe is almost 100% true that's the case and the white race is suffering because of it. If you want your genes to survive you dont accept a bunch of other male genes into your gene pool that could potential out compete you.
wasn't there this study that shows different dog breeds not breeding with bulldogs and pugs?
Since they're the same race this would not be speciesm but racism.
No, my dogs hates niggers too
Put a group of young kids together and see. Most kids don't seem to care about race, they are just busy being kids. So no racism isn't instinct. That shit is learned.
chimps are known to go to war with other tribes and completely decimate their enemies population.
What are you niggers doing in my board?
>different species
>there are people that believe dogs and wolves are different species, but niggers/abos and whites are the same
the canine jew
it is natural to dislike differences, you see it all over nature.
We're not forced to follow them, but the argument that racism is unnatural and evil is retarded
I'm half-black, but i believe that racism is wholly natural: humans are tribal by nature. Our tribe are fundamentally based on the family unit, meaning we associate the most closely with people we who come from the same background as we do. It doesn't apply in all circumstances though.