I finally confronted meme tier people when I saw an old friend post literal meme tier "dude bernie good trump is hitler" post. Filled with them being morally upright, no facts, refusing to actually discuss, using threats when they can't convince me to be drones like them, calling me a racist, saying white people deserve to be oppressed.
Why did this happen? I can't grasp my mind around how people can lack this much objectivity and emotional calm when discussing things.
I am almost in a mental breakdown Sup Forums.I thought these were just memes. How can people be this retarded?
Elijah Martinez
>at work talking to colleagues >they pull out every anti-Trump meme >his 3 bankruptcies >only poor dumb people would vote for Trump >not qualified because he's only a businessman >would have made more money if he put his money in the stock market
every fucking point could be SO easily refuted, but it's not worth getting into political arguments at work. These people have PhDs but they're still going to vote for Hillary.
Liam Nelson
>How can people be this retarded
Because it's reinforced to be accepted in the media and mainstream.
Think about your friends, they are demoralized yes? They have no internal morals, so if yesterday the media showcased Bernie supporters stomping on a Trump supporter and the media made it seem ok, your friends would think it was ok.
If you repeat the process over and over, and say all the people are different, and it's ok to stomp then because they are racist, then it becomes normal.
Nathan Cook
But how did it get this bad??? How? Are jews really that powerful?
Jacob Bennett
I tried red-pilling a guy today on the myth of institutional racism --- he gave me a classic "Wow r u serious, no comment" - so I called him a blue-pilled cuck. Then this was his final reply:
>"No, try really fucking depressed person who doesn't need your fucking shit today. Fuck off."
Jaxson Morgan
>depressed person >not cuck
Your average person is a lost hollow human who needs someone with a soul to guide them. Our masters are active and initiators of things to come and are deserving to rule because of this.
I've long denounced "the people" as anything more than social collateral that our masters play metrics with, because it's what they truly are.
Colton Peterson
Honestly, I was depressed for 4 years at one point and I'd say that was the #1 reason I became redpilled as fuck.
Noah Hernandez
PhD in what?
Hunter Miller
David Davis
Every day I get more and more depressed because I see things get more and more insane. But I also get more and more angry, which helps. Someday soon we'll fix all of this.
Ryan Smith
being "redpill" isn't a side effect of depression. It's you embracing your reality.
Ryan Walker
was meant for
Dominic Ward
Memes, as Dawkins defines it, is not anything new. Now that everyone get to create their own memes, we're stepping into a brave new world.
Henry Bell
People move away from you when you become redpilled... everything is insensitive. Im not even completely pro-Sup Forums opinions and alot of you would call me a cuck for not agreeing with some of the things you say but things like Black people playing the victim card and whatnot. How come they don't see that?
Adrian Diaz
When burgerbro? When? It doesn't have breaks. It's million more of them than us. How do we fight against jew-enslaved people and the jews themselves?
Blake Nelson
We are all just robots. Hard coded by dna and rna. External coding is possible through social dogma. Some of us became sentient and therefore resistent to outside influence. Remember Microsoft's twitter BOT that had been taken over by Sup Forums. She just spew out whatever input she received most. That is how your avergage human functions, and that is why media exist.
Levi Myers
It's pretty sad to look from afar as a once great nation rots from the inside out. The new generation of Americans are a bunch of sheltered self-hating whiteys, and the country won't be able to recover after another 4-8 years of leftists in power.
No but even outside of that people with biochem degrees think similarly. The jew media control really is something to be reckoned with.
Justin Hill
That's pretty insightful. But why are we not beyond that? I don't understand just how they could be so blind. I don't expect to completely agree with me but they should at least see things as they actually are.
Oliver Ross
Trump really needs to be elected. Although I don't think he will be able to do much even when in power. The Jews can't be sweeped by one presidency. They will probably end up making Trump do their bidding just like they do with Obongo and shillary, or at least make him not be able to do anything that will shatter their grasp on people's minds.
Ayden Reed
People with no soul don't fight, they just accept
Charles Roberts
Right sees left as naive and childish Left see right as evil
Lincoln Davis
Supremacist movements, like the Western left, aren't retarded, they're self-serving.
Jonathan Barnes
>Are jews really that powerful? That's how idiots explain why there are other idiots
Idiots ask why instead of how.
John Jenkins
The fuck is wrong with microeconomics?
Jonathan Thomas
Nothing. Like how there is nothing really too wrong with psychology or philosophy as a major. Most CEO's take those majors but they can run with it and take the most out of it. Its just a shitty major for most people.
Blake Ramirez
The masses carrying out the movement are never aware of the direction they are heading. It always needs a leader. Hitler made the mistake of being a public one, making the movement too fragile because it was attackable at the major joint. If people follow someone they can not see, they will think they move out of own will.
Same reason fish are not beyond swimming. Just because some made it out of the water, does not mean the others died.
David Fisher
>The masses carrying out the movement are never aware of the direction they are heading. It always needs a leader. Hitler made the mistake of being a public one, making the movement too fragile because it was attackable at the major joint. If people follow someone they can not see, they will think they move out of own will.
This is a good point. But the a physical leader can Trump the hidden one. The hidden one is easier to break with a real leader.
Justin Perez
Nah i know, i just wanted to know how deep it went, if they were like physics or aeronautics, it's really bad.
Dominic Martinez
That pretty much was the theme of WWII. Hitler and the Nazis against the hidden Jewish powers. Within there lies the strength of the Jew. They act as collective but keep it hidden. Every atrack on Jews will therefore seem unjustified because it looks as if it is carried out against innocent people, bringing out the desire to serve justice in others. It is hard to point the finger at something, that simply never makes itself visible to others.