How to improve taste of my cum?

How to improve taste of my cum?


Eat nothing but pineapple, you'll be good

pic related for amount and texture, pineapple for taste

Isn't that an urban legend

This is true. Drink tons of pineapple juice all the time.

we asked our biology teacher in high school and he said there's something to it

no meat no alcohol or other drugs and you'll be fine. And your cum will also taste a lot better

I'll try it, thx user

you a trap?

Nu, she's the reason I'm asking!

oh you want her cum to taste better i get it

she sure deserves it, go buy 100% pineapple juice and make her happy :)

Thanks user! I will :)

The pineapple thing is true, but be careful. I did that once and ate way too much pineapple. My girl said my cum tasted better, but I was literally shitting liquid for 2 days, it fucked my stomach up so bad.

>How to improve taste of my cum?


Yeah man, I'm shitting water just after one 100% Happy Day if I drink it at one sitting.

I will have to do it with grace with the pineapple thing.

I don't do alcohol much, but I do love my schnitzel with mashed potatoes :(


nuts, yogurt, pineapple, this type of shit

garlic, booze, red meat

also apparently if you get diabeetus yo money shot will be sweeter so you could do that

sauce: used as human jizz cocktail machine by dis chick once because I nut a lot and she loved sucking cock

also avoid cigs or vaping juices with nicotine.

can always go for an alternative like cranberry if you dont like pineapple juice.

thx anons


Can I borrow said girl? I need a recipe taster.
