Bernie for president ;D


Fuck trump , he's a racist !

Fuck you, trump is cool. He will kill all the black people.

Fuck you and fuck trump
You have my upbote.

Post bernie memes guise

Jesus OPs gone insane

Ha ha , very funny, here have another one.
Fuck trump, he's racisrt

I'm fine, get a downvote.

Stop bullying him ! GET DOWNVOTED SIR

*gives you reddit gold*

You've been talking to yourself this entire time. Even im not real

I'm new here, What's the best subreddit on Sup Forums ?

Very funny meme frog ! Get a upvote

Samefagging isn't cool, though.

You idiot don't even realize we can see your ID on each post.

what the fuck is going on here

Don't say the mean word.... Get downvoted

What would be the best way to hide a body after... neutralization? Just asking.

Fucking moron.

>tiny little sign can only be seen in that one street
>huge glowing Trump sign can be seen by the entire city because it's on every single side of the building

fucking nazi

I hear that people on Sup Forums are very nice.


Mods hepl, the thread is being raided by mean drumpf supporters


Who cares bout politics? You all are losers.

Better give some people a redpill.

Holy shit fellow redditors! STEPHEN KING IS IN THE THREAD ! I am a big fan !