I just got into an argument with my girlfriend about Donald Trump's "pregnancy is an inconvenience to business" thing

I just got into an argument with my girlfriend about Donald Trump's "pregnancy is an inconvenience to business" thing.

>be me, Trump supporter
>dating bernie supporter girlfriend
>ask her if she heard about the hillary tweet thing about pregnant women
>she says she has
>I start to defend trump, explaining how it really is inconvenient
>she starts yelling at me saying that I'm being ridiculous
>yells "If it's really such a big deal, just don't hire a woman who is going to get pregnant."
>I explain to her that is illegal and discriminatory
>She say's that's bullshit
>MFW she's becoming more and more red pilled

Why can't women just admit that Donald is the best option here. I don't get why attractive women are all fawning over Bernie, even though he now can't possibly win.

Oh as a bonus - one of my girlfriend's favorite people is Hitler. She will go on and on about how you can hate him for what his goals were, but you have to admire how he managed to unite all of germany and engage the world in a second world war.

Other urls found in this thread:


>be on Sup Forums
>have girlfriend

One of these statements happened. The other didn't.

Guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I'm voting Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day

>dating bernie supporter girlfriend

Why would you subject yourself to such torture?

>dating bernie supporter girlfriend

kill yourself

You should probably not discuss politics with her. Women in general are too emotional for that sort of thing but if she's a Bernie supportor you already know for sure you won't be able to have a reasonable discussion


See,this is one of those responses where you just know it's copypasta.

I've never seen this before, but I can't imagine it being anything else.

>I don't get why attractive women are all fawning over Bernie, even though he now can't possibly win.

I love how op had to say this because the general stigma is female Bernie supporters are disgusting hamplanets.

Op trying to save face cause he's dating a disgusting liberal dyke. Topkek op.

>a leaf
>I'm voting trump

Nice pasta

> I don't get why attractive women are all fawning over Bernie

>leaflet with delusions of grandeur

I'm visiting my bull in Canada.

Girlfriend is a bernie supporter

Congrats on dating a fucking loser who supports a commie jew who didn't have a job until he was 40. She sounds like a real winner

Sure you're dude

This is what you're gonna become tonight, leaf, get ready.

>I don't get why attractive women are all fawning over Bernie, even though he now can't possibly win.

Because they're following cucked men. Women follow what men do..

Your not going to be the CEO of anything you will gets good job and maybe run ur own company but you will not be as successful as u portray in this world not now not ever also not cuz ur a woman either


>im female
>wont post tits
>8 years on Sup Forums
tits or GTFO

Nice pasta

>dating bernie supporter girlfriend
>She say's that's bullshit
>MFW she's becoming more and more red pilled
literally how ?
>I don't get why attractive women are all fawning over Bernie
>dating bernie supporter girlfriend
literally trying to say i'm not dating a fat fuck

I didn't know sex changes were mandatory in Leafland


Come on, can't you spot copypasta?

>I just got into an argument with my girlfriend.

> only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Mfw when my gf is based as fuck.
She's 100% on the Trump Train and was right along side me chanting "Build That Wall" when we went to the Trump rally. I don't think I could be with someone who supports Bernie. Either turn her to the Trump side of the force or dump her.

My wife gets has a 3 month maternity leave every year yet she's still earns more money for her employer than any TEN other employees combined

This is the first thing i'm hearing from Trump that annoys me, the USA has garbage maternity leave, most women don't even get 3 months, some of them get nothing

Meanwhile my tiny country has a minimum 2 YEAR maternity leave and they're doing much better than the US right now.

This was a stupid mistake by Trump, he only loses potential voters by saying this, he doesn't gain any

Sad but true

>talking about politics with women

lel ok

You are making a fool of yourself but I guess I got baited by Canada once again

3 months is shit enjoy having autismo children raised by a nigger nanny

Tits or gtfo

>2 YEAR maternity leave
Damn, really makes you think huh.

>trump's pregnancy is an inconvenience to work thing
Dumb bitch that isn't exclusive to trump that's world wide

If you are dating a Bernie supporter and you can't even convert her, then you're the definition of a beta.

Women are wired to be submissive. They need to be told what to do and what to think. They're the definition of herd mentality. Why do you think companies can easily sell a pink version of a razor for twice the price by putting a "now for women" sticker on it.

The only reason she's a Bernie supporter is because you don't have your woman in line, and she's looked towards what Facebook/twitter/Instagram to find an opinion.

>I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.
>Wether you like it or not, females are comperable

Lol. Go make me a sandwich dumby.