You become dictator

>be autistic fatass
>suddenly become powerful political figure
>be dictator of your country
What now?

Immediate deportation of all niggers, helicopter rides for commies, and removal of that bastard Ted Kennedy's 1965 immigration law.

Then I'd resign and go live in a small town with my wife and kids.

Bump because nigger.

make Britain great again


I think there is a ton of things to do but at the top of my list would be installing a DoJ that aggressively pursued Hate Crime prosecution against dindus that attack whites and cops.




>islam is illegal.
>any muslim gets immediately deported, regardless of how long it has lived here.
>5-year-plan to reach full autharky.

Demand every passable trap report to my palace stuff.

Also build a wall on border with Bolivia and make them pay for it.

This is how you take care of niggers.

>he who shall not work, shall not vote

>women immediately remove suffrage
>men cannot vote until after 30
>men get an extra half of a vote if married with children
>mandatory conscription after age 16 until 25
>conscripted men work on projects and get military training
>conscripted women staff hospitals and other public facilities
>after end of your conscription, you are completely free and are not required to work
>free food, drink, and clothing all provided by conscripts
>complete paradise

I got dis
>remove taxes for citizens earning less than the cost of living (lowest tax bracket at least)
>raise tariffs on the shit they usually buy, since poor people have such a disposable income
>trade protectionism/import taxes
>introduce hefty fines for affirmative action or any unequal hiring
>legalize marijuana (lol always), tax it just hard enough to compete with the black market
>remove some taxes for businesses younger than 5 years, incentivise small business in general
>create a better link between industry and university, perhaps making graduate positions only advertised at universities (curb unemployed seniors competing with graduates)
>add a new higher tax bracket
>remove capital gains and other tax incentives for non citizens, curb Asian land bankers
And in 4 years Australia will have job vacancies rather than unemployment, which is essentially how I feel a worker oriented libertarian utopia should be. Also making poor people richer and then raising tariffs is like the ultimate tax strategy, you basically get it all back but the people love you and libertarians think you're cool for tarrifs instead of income tax.

Issue policies beneficial to start up entrepreneurs, ease taxes for small businesses.
Put together a secret police to go after gangsters and oligarchs.
Encourage and support classical culture and architecture.
Decentralize Riga and develop other cities.
Create mandatory "Basic Military training" that could at least get the fundamentals down.
"Motivate" Russian minority to leave.

Realistically, no matter what I would do, either American or Russian bombs would begin raining sooner or later.

My fueher

Nuke Romania

Deport all nonwhites, ban religion, nuke the Middle East and Vatican, annex Canada, line up all gays/trannies and have them shot, replace all power with atomic energy, give money to space program, become Galactic Emperor

Also reinstate traditional family values

None of that sounds like anything America would give a shit about - at least not enough to get bombed. Can't speak for Russia though.

It would be a beautiful land. Everyone would spend their later years reading, learning, and drinking. Every man would be able to eat from his own farm, drink from his own vineyard, and read from his own library.
This dream is implanted in my head.

Kill myself.

I'd vote for this.

No representation without taxation?

Make nuclear bombs.

Launcht them to various parts of the world.

Kind of.

Only those who contribute to society may make decisions about it. Just as a starting ground.

There is no voting in a dictatorship, cuck

>Deport Gypos
>Deport Bozgors
>Fix the corruption problem with public impaling
>Leave EU
>Raise a large army
>Invade Ukraine while they are busy
>Make deals with Russia to leave Transnistria
>Invade Serbia and free Timoc
>Force the Greek Catholic Church to unite with the Orthodox One
>Invest money into spreading Christianity
>Create a legion to protect Christians in the Middle East, mainly by removing kebab

>Deport all Niggers, Spics, Asian Indians, Arabs, Natives, and Chinks
>Make Christianity state religion
>Outlaw all non-Christian religions
>Violators will be deported
>You don't have to believe in God, but you must follow the principles set
>Throw leftists out of airplanes
>Institute state-run eugenics
>Outlaw childbirth among anyone with a sub-110 IQ
>Return entire military to the US and her territories
>No more foreign wars
>No more foreign aid
>Rev up production to maximum
>Instill strict environmental protection laws for corporations
>Dump a lot of money into scientific advancement
>Begin moon colonization effort that uses a higher percentage of funding then the moon mission
>Spend a lot of money on state-run nationalism
