What is the most degenerate country in the world?

What is the most degenerate country in the world?

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Any country in Africa, South America, or the middle East




Brazil, Thailand, Sweden.
They're the top three, discounting African hellscapes.


I mean the trannies man my god ....

After careful consideration, probably the UK.

Some areas of the USA would come first but other areas of the USA balance them out.

Thailand or Japan

Sweden/Scandanavia/Western Europe.

And yes, even my country.

"The country that glorifies degeneracy is bolshevic enemy of Fascism" - CF


bunda, samba and fiestadellanocceTM on the TV, 24/7, while 12 year old girls prostiturte themselves for 2$ on the street

You ever been on Brazil or are just using memes?

Just wow. Wow. Sweden is literally a faggot cock-sucking country. Way to push weakness

>12 year old girls prostiturte themselves for 2$ on the street

Tell me more about your land. Any good Trump hotels to stay at if I visit?

As far as porn goes, Japan and Germany

>Tell me more about your land. Any good Trump hotels to stay at if I visit?

youll have to pay up more yankee, no trump hotel but slovenia is close

At least they know how to poo in the loo

the United States

>home to the BLM movement
>home to furries, caused it to spread to Europe
>home to transgenderism, caused it to spread to Europe
>home to the gay white house
>biggest SJW culture on the planet, caused it to spread to Europe
>lots and lots of niggers getting privileged positions because of their skin colour
>biggest concentration of weebs in the west
>Hollywood race-mixing propaganda
>Kikes galore
>60% white
>Cucks galore because of all the niggers
>women are all sluts
>home to Bernie Sanders

Not after the influx of brown.

I used to get into Gore a lot and honest to god 90% comes from your shithole. Your country has a fucking monopoly on it.

There are tons of areas in the US, TONS, that balance things out.

America and it's not even close

>gender fluid
>genderless washrooms

All muslim countries, they like to fuck sheep, goats little boys...etc

but basically every country is degenerate.







Probably us, but only because of liberals and niggers in the cities

There are areas in Sweden that balance things out, yet we're still cancer according to Sup Forums

>12 year old girls prostiturte themselves for 2$ on the street
I think he meant Brasil not Croatia.

They poo on each other and have sex with their poo. I'd rather not poo in loo than poo and do degenreate things like faggotry pedophillia and poosex like you cuck western europeans and swedecucks seem to enjoy.

Like in every country in the world



Define degeneracy

Really 2 reais ? where can I find these lil hoes ?
tell me Croatia



Maple Royal Ranger is right, tbqh.

Nuke us


it is not a part of this nation

Your suffering isn't over yet.

United States




Sweden without a doubt.

Sweden is synonime of cuck


Best post

You fuckers can't even get plumbing, have a caste system, and bus gang rape is "just another Sunday night"

Fells bed men

In a country of 1.2 billion, when a girl in Delhi is raped, it is newsworthy and serious enough to cause political change.



Girl in US of A raped by 25 boys....

Raped since age of 13. (Pimp was selling her from that age)

And the story is not even newsworthy for America's national mainstream media.

This shit is everywhere in Latin America. If americans think rap is degenerate, they have never been to party in the "campo"

girl didnt get raped but she had a train run on her and it wasnt 25 people participating but an estimate of people in that went in/out of the bathroom. Please consider some antibiotics to fight the fecal bacteria the you may have consumed by using the wrong hand for breakfast