Estrogen in drinking water

Is their really estrogen in our drinking water or is it just a hoax fabricated by tin-foil faggots and reptilian humanoid adherents?

Sam Hyde is especially very passionate about this topic and brings it up frequently in his videos, although you cant really take him seriously.

Other urls found in this thread: doesn't cause hair loss


Impossible. It would have cured baldness and bald people today are more numerous than in the past.

Yes, comes from overuse of birth control pill. It's not deliberate. Same with fluoride, comes from toothpaste.

That's xenoestrogen, which may or may not have any effects on baldness.

There are traces of a lot of different drugs in the water due to people flushing pills. That being said I wouldn't be surprised to hear about the govt adding things to the water in regional experiments, or even widescale.

It is.

Birth control pills have increased it to the point where more fish are being born female than male and leading to the decline in fish populations.

That's why I tap from a natural water source 88 meters under my house like everyone should. Fuck the government drinking water source.

so the estrogen can be traced back to autists flushing their fucking birth control pills?

Do you have another theory as to why American "men" are so feminine and weak nowadays?

I rarely drink water and I'm definitely more masculine than most guys I see.

Say bye to your kidneys.



>what is massive ammount soft near-constant stress?

I swear the Italian posters here are some of the dumbest people I've ever come across. And I mean really really dumb. It's mind boggling how stupid you Italians are.

i wish i could but i dont live in buttfuck nowhere, I dont have access to that type of property

No man, the real jew is drinking everything else except water.

I personally went back to living all natural, pre-industrial lifestyle. Our bodies evolved for millions of years to live a certain way and now we're treating them vastly different so it leads to all these new diseases, depressions and brain chemical imbalances.

If you don't drink 1-2 big plastic bottles of water per day you're dehydrated and need at least 3-4 weeks of constant bathroom trips before your body properly craves it again. On top of that, all the carbs and sugars (not just alcohol/cigarettes - ie obvious degeneracy) absolutely destroy your body and life force.

Back in the day when we used to live in nature, we'd maybe stumble upon a honey pot every 3-6 months and eat that. It was the best energy we could get so we evolved to want to eat a lot of it. You'd die if you don't. Now what happens if you don't eat sugary shit? Absolutely nothing. Still corporations take advantage of that and pound you full of sugar so you got these landwhales walking around everywhere.

Go back to good food, lots of water, exercise and cold showers. It's the answer to 99% of the bullshit problems that arise today. You can google instructions for all these.

Baldness is caused by genetics and an imbalance between estrogen and testosterone.
The old debunked meme is that high testosterone causes baldness. Completely false.

If you have normal to high testosterone levels, and you have high estrogen (for a man) then you will lose your hair pretty fucking fast.
Estrogen in water would cause more baldness in males. Generally if you're a male and you have gyno(i.e man tits) you're very likely to lose your hair fairly soon.

If you actually think the government puts shit into the water, neck yourself

It's proven that flouride doesn't do shit to you aside from give you great teeth.

It has more to do with the fact that there's less anabolic steroids and growth hormones compatible with human physiology in American meat these days. This is why Americans were such manly men in the cold war era.

based latvia posters


not drinking glass bottle water.

total bullshit

>If you actually think the government puts shit into the water
You're a fucking moron.
In the next sentence you contradict your own statement by saying that they put fluoride in the water.

The fuck is wrong with you?
Americans like you are the actual reason I believe there is some shady shit going on. We have people from America posting who are so stupid they contradict themselves in the same post. This is the kind of idiocy and lack of self-awareness I don't think you're even human at this point. You're a braindead zombie.

>Is their really estrogen in our drinking water

Yes it is! I think there is one water supply company in California that uses filters that are able to remove medicine from the water, but normally this stuff isn't getting removed. Europe has the same problem.

I can't blame you. I saw with my very own eyes 10 minutes ago an Italian replying to himself, thinking the IP is linked to which device he's using. But IQ statistics tell a very different story. Go check them Americuck.

This is unreadable.

If that was true then why aren't 99% of men losing a ton of their hair?

I'm telling it's mainly stress. I've seen dozens of guys who's grandfathers had hair into their 70s. But these guys are losing their hair at 30 when they go through a divorce. High stress no matter what caused it will cause most people to lose hair.

High and prolonged stress is much more dangerous than what's in your tap water.

I know, and that's why I'm so surprised by the posters

I thinked you're the one getting juked by buying water for $3 a liter and not just getting a filter

Drinking water? No
In our rivers and lakes? Yes
But keep crying for cheaper meat.
Meat has to be red and juicy, not that sorry estrogen filled garbage sold for 3$ a Kilogram or less

Y? It's pretty safe according to the people I heard about it from

You're approaching the subject from the wrong angle.
I don't know if there's estrogen in your water. You don't know if there's estrogen in your water. What I know is the common cause for premature baldness.

What you need to do is look at the baldness statistics, if that's even a thing, and see if there's some sort of a pattern. If more people are losing their hair in the last few decades it means that they are getting pumped full of estrogen from somewhere. Then you figure out where the estrogen comes from.

I am not some fucking nerd who has stat sheets about baldness just laying around. I am just saying that where there are bald heads there's estrogen.


Testosterone causes hair loss, not estrogen

You're very dumb, you're a very dumb person.

Holy fuck the author lost it

I agree with what you've said

But this:
>If more people are losing their hair in the last few decades it means that they are getting pumped full of estrogen from somewhere.

Isn't necessarily true. Divorce rates and people on anti anxiety medication have skyrocketed within the last few decades. So the anxiety option still stands

Eunuchs never go bald or lose their hair. It's the testosterone, user.

No, it doesn't add up. Eastern Europe is also on birth control pills same as West and they have more women than men. doesn't cause hair loss

yes goy, purchase this $7,500 filter to protect you and your family.

Testosterone causes hair loss.

You're very dumb, you're a very dumb person.

Jesus Christ you're fucking retarded. What the fuck?


How am I retarded? Ask any ladyboy or hijra or whatever who had their nuts cut off. They do not experience male-pattern baldness. At all.


Follicle DHT sensitivity causes baldness, not aggregate test levels or estrogen.

I'm a biologist (masters from USC and PHD from Stanford).

I study reptiles in the wild and how they are affected by water pollution. All I know is when I started doing this 10 years ago there were no homosexual frogs. Now about 80% of frogs in the wild are homosexual - so populations are in a steep decline. Its bizzare. I've done extensive testing on the water to try and determine what is causing this. There is no estrogen in the water but something else is causing it.

Because they physically can't have the estrogen to testasterone ratio needed to cause baldness. You're a fucking moron.
What you're saying is basically ''how can alcohol cause drunkenness if I people drink water without getting drunk. CHECKMATE''

Why are you even on Sup Forums? Why not go post on Sup Forums instead?

its in the plastic containers.

I only buy and drink spring waters from glass bottles.

Mountain Valley from Arkansas, Whole Foods Italian Still (imported from Italy) Acqua Panna ( also from Italy) then either Gerolsteiner or Apollinaris (sparkling mineral waters from De)

>80% of frogs in the wild are homosexual
Maybe the lady frogs have unrealistic expectations, so the male frogs went prison gay.

Cool flag


>cold showers

what does that do?

so the estrogen wont get filtered out?

I've been drinking water my whole life and I haven't grown any boobs or anything. 9/10 would recommend.

reduce inflamation, induce thermogenesis aiding fat loss, increases white blood cell count fighting infection.

I am cold adapted .. I have been swimming in the New England Atlantic since late April when it was 42 F.. now its up to 53.. I stayed in for a full hour last Friday.

take cold showers every day.