You have no idea what kind of technology out governments have

your world leaders have been preparing for a very long time MASSIVE false fag. I'm telling you with confidence project blue beam is real. don't ever believe anything when mass fear takes over the planet.

Other urls found in this thread:°08'36.9"N 116°05'06.1"W/@37.1448528,-116.0808241,3933m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d37.143586!4d-116.085022

Oh no! Not a false fag!

Those are the worst.

fpbp famalamadingdong

this is some /x/ tier shit

False Flag alien invasion thwarted by new EU Army when

let me guess. They have magical god missiles that carry 10 god bombs each. Every single one of these god bombs is capable of wiping out a major city.

And they are under direct command of Obongo The Great. So you better watch out and don't anger him.

>t. Wayne Lambright

Americas flag confirmed false

I dont even care anymore

I can assure you that until an actual alien talks to me face to face I will assume it's a government false flag.


have you ever seen a nuclear explosion face to face?


How did it feel?

Felt bad, whats your point?

st least its not a fag.

Everyone believes in nuclear bombs despite the fact that they have never seen one themselves.
It will be same with the fake alien invasion.


Dear Santa,

for this years christmas eve i wish that you bring the redpill to all of them.


Listen buddy, you gotta stop. Theres never going to be a real or fake alien invasion, sad truth is more than likely we were a fucking HUUUUUUUUGE mistake that will eventually fall victim to our violent universe. If you think nuclear bombs are fake then you are fucking retarded. You cant compare the two.

i've never seen a jew, doesn't mean they don't exist

Kind of makes you think eh?

>If you think nuclear bombs are fake then you are fucking retarded.

I see you aren't ready yet. Sad.

for christmas, please give us red pills

John 14

Jesus Comforts His Disciples

1 “Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. 3 “If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. 4 “And you know the way where I am going.” 5 Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?” 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

Project blue beam actually seems pretty based. I just looked it up and we were going to put a massive hologram of Allah above Iraq to tell them some shit

howdy neighbour!

Why are you saying nuclear bombs doesn't exist? I don't understand what are you trying to explain.

Pray the Lords prayer in Matthew 6:9-18 and ask Jesus Christ to show you and repent your sins, and mean it from your heart.

Afshin Javid

Ian MacCormack

Bill Wiese Part 1 Part 2

Tamara Laroux

Mickey Robinson

Howard Storm Atheist Professor

Atheist Dr. Donald Whitaker

A dying mans last message

Ex-satanist confession

Ugandan Pastor Shocked he would not enter Heaven

Orthodox Priests in a cave monastery

blue beam? please enlighten us betinfoiled /x/ophile

This is something that I would back. All the black budget dollars should go to this idea.

They exist°08'36.9"N 116°05'06.1"W/@37.1448528,-116.0808241,3933m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d37.143586!4d-116.085022

The point was that the guy further up said. He won't believe it until he sees a real alien face to face. Then I pointed out that of course he will. Just like nuclear bombs he has never seen one in action yet he believes it. Same thing.

It's all true OP, the projection technology has only been improved, everyone is wired in now.

Actually I feel that I DO have some idea what kind of technology the governments have. Stuff that most believe exists only in the realm of science fiction and could change the world overnight.

Very similar to the Plot of the new Xmen.

if aliens come, that would defeat the indoctinated notion that there's nothing more devine and powerful that the government, as they would like you to believe.

which is prob why they hide these things.

Unless the aliens are fake and tell you the UN is now in charge. Give them your weapons and your land. Embrace global Communism it is how we on our planet far away have solved all our problems.

Dis nigga gets it.

There is some really crazy astronomy stuff that is supposed to be on June 6th.

>the sunrise lines up directly from the big pyramid and bethlehem, a rare event
>some biblical dates are tied in
>venus in between taurus horns (like the egyptian bull god pictures)
>something with venus (morning star) coming up behind and over the sun
>israel peace talks on june 3rd
>ramadan begins on 6th

Also if you guys are really interested in this stuff.

Ancient Aliens season 7,8,9,10 and 11.

Really touches on it. (They never talk about Bluebeam to my knowldge.)

They always leave the question open, were ancient aliens actually demons? Are the greys the "Watchers" in the book of Enoch.

They even have a rabbi come on there, saying "Eh you goys we can trust the Aliens, they just wanna help!" I shit you not.


The lightbringer will be here.

What am I looking at and why is it on a nuclear site?

>New York City is destroyed by a false flag terrorist attack, World War III breaks out in Syria, the banks and the stock markets are closed down indefinitely, fake Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the supermarkets, people disappear, Obama presents himself as the Messiah, and all in a very short period of time.

>Can you imagine? The world power structure can, and will if necessary, make some or all of those things happen to bring about the New World Order.

What is really funny, just like that Venus thing over the pyramids and having the shit lined up.

In the movie with the Xmen, they do the same shit with the bad guy to wake him up, but they do it with the rays of the sun.

Spoopy times ahead lads, get comfy and load mags.

I also remember the September happenings.

>project blue beam
what is this?

See here.

I remember in, what september, that IT'S HAPPENING all fucking over the place and then come the week of the supposed happenings, fucking nothing.
I miss old old /x/

Its the government maaaaaan! They want to mind control us with technology nobody but me knows about maaaan! Tinfoil blocks their mind control rays maaaaan!

>which is prob why they hide these things.
all the goverments around the world hide these things, is there a area 51 in ireland ?

Jesus is the truth

According to the gnostic gospels, the fallen angels created us to be slaves. Fallen angels were created by Sophia (Wisdom/the void) without God. Sophia repented, God forgave her, and got the one fallen angel who felt bad to breathe her breath of life into us, and later she was the serpent who saved us by talking us into eating of the tree of life. The fallen angels soon became jealous at our superiority.

It's more than that. Something about how at 1600 Standard Time (2/3 through the day or .666) there are some other weird star alignments. And they are more precise than they ever will be for like a thousand years.

>Tinfoil blocks their mind control rays maaaaan!
It actually does. But you have to understand were that meme comes from. William Cooper was asked how one can escape the government mind control. He told them to wrap their TVs in tinfoil. This blocks the signal and renders the TV useless. Thus blocking the mind control.

He trolled them.

Just remember, if shit goes crazy and we start the three days of darkness, do not look out your windows. You will end up like Lot's wife.


>hurr durr antichrist appears oh looks we found some fake artefacts in a simulatenous earth quakes proving this new dude is the one true god of all humanity

>oh shit the aliums have come gibs all your guns and all your gold and go to the fema camps for your safety and give up your sovereignty

yeah nah aye

what will happen? NWO taking over?

>modern physics is a jewish conspiracy to make people believe in the lie of fission

So basically you're saying that they faked a massive explosion and decades of cancerous poison with a massive explosion and decades of cancerous poison.

You literally cannot compare the two.

OR you could just turn the fucking TV off and unplug it. I understand the hobby, but some of these conspiracies are superstitious shitbrained crap. """The government""" is not what you think it is, if you think """they""" are doing shit like throwing around mind control rays for sinister purposes. Conspiracy nuts should take their own advice and learn to think outside of their own fucking box.

I dunno. I've heard multiple theories:

>mayan calendar was off 3 1/2 years, real date is June 3, 2016
>don't trust the aliens who say they're here to help
>california earthquakes on June 3
>Obama will fake his death, maybe on the 3rd, and "resurrect" himself 3 days later on the 6th.
>massive tsunamis flooding large chunks of land, you can google the projection maps

Nuclear power is real of course. But bombs not so much. The force and speed needed to overcome the radiation pressure is beyond what chemical explosives can produce. Meaning it's impossible to force enough material together without a small part of it reacting and the whole thing flying apart. All real tests have ended in rather small dirty bombs.

>mayan calendar was off 3 1/2 years, real date is June 3, 2016
dropped those happenings never happen

Dear santa, pls redpill all brs, thank you.

t. Alberto Barbosa

do you have any sources / info on this? because based on my current research this is the most autistic sounding conspiracy theory I've heard. I feel my braincells committing suicide. fuck off to

Lol kill yourself

The thing that really weirds me out about about this date is that it isn't all over the internet like the other ones were. Only a few sites.

It's a catholic prophecy, bro. I think from like Padre Pio.

Oh boy, another Sup Forums intellectual knows an ominous government plot that all the other blind sheeple are blissfully unaware of. Wonder where THIS one will go...

Go home, Reddit. This shit is more entertaining than the filthy cesspool that is your lame site


has the crab migration happened yet?

>Obama "dies" then comes back in 3 days
>Trump calls him low energy and says he could come back the same afternoon and that David Copperfield has a more convincing act

>Ezekiel 32:7 places the arrival of that planetary body at the moment in time when the sun sets in Egypt. During the spring in America it is midday in Chicago at the precise moment the sun sets in Cairo, Egypt. Allow me to underscore this point. According to the prophecies, one of many characteristics of latter-day Babylon is that she MUST BE LOCATED on the earth where it is midday at the precise moment the sun sets in Egypt.

>Why is June 5, 2016 special? Because it meets all the conditions we were given. 2016 is year 70 of the reign of America as superpower. 2016/06/05, Jerusalem Day, is exactly 49 years (to the day) from Daniel's command to restore the city of Jerusalem. 2016/06/05 is during late spring, after bud break. 2016/06/05 is on a new moon day. 2016/06/05 is on a Sunday.

>1 Peter 4:17, in perfect harmony with the Old Testament prophets, confirms that the time of judgment will begin at the house of God when people are worshipping...which is largely on a Sunday.

To make a long story short, OP and every other faggot in this thread: Imagine what tech we will have in around 70 years. That's the level of tech DARPA and whatever other death manufacturers are working with. If you dig around long enough, you'll be able to find stories of data sharing systems that was basically limited internet, being used during ww2.

If you think those wobbly robots they are showing us from time to time are advanced, you really should just continue living a life were you believe the jew lies. That way, you wont see the inevitable end come.

Seriously though, last i heard anything about new weaponry and what not, it was some leaked information from Russia, about a new kind of fission bomb that could quite literally destroy half of the earth in one blow.

You are late.

>Seriously though, last i heard anything about new weaponry and what not, it was some leaked information from Russia, about a new kind of fission bomb that could quite literally destroy half of the earth in one blow.

So made the god bomb myth even more powerful, ridiculous and unbelievable.
This is hilarious.

Thanks I love this photo.

Keep promoting me.

Thank you.


Are you this new or seriously never heard of Area 51?

If aliens exist, and they have been here before, then their technology is vastly beyond our own. If they wanted to conquer us, there would be no war; we would be wiped out long before we knew of their presence. If they crashed a rogue spacecraft here, their own collection would have dealt with it long before we were ever aware of it. No government here would have any swaying power over them. If aliens exist they must not have found us yet, or don't care to reveal themselves to us, or haven't achieved interstellar travel yet.


I heard Russia was going to blitzkrieg us from Alaska, down through Canada. They already have Russian and other foreign special forces doing "training exercises" in our country, ready for when it starts.

How can you have never seen a Jew in the UK?

They're fucking everywhere in north london

Quality source.

Is it finally time?

Do I get to fight demons for God?

If so, hell yeah.

are you telling me i don't even get to watch the fucking euros? ffs

He's right. You've NEVER seen a nuke go off. FYI Japan was all wooden buildings...easily done by firebombing. It's worth questioning.

wtf? why the fuck does our concentration camp have internet? fuck off back to your own country arab dog

fuck yeah. i need more /x/ threads on pol. i'm sick and tired of these shitty trump threads.

Just remember that the aliens will be fake. Don't believe it for a second.

actually this is a pretty common conspiracy plot. and has been since you were in diapers. Bill Cooper talks a lot about it.
Here is reagans speech about it. which freaked a lot of people out.

what if what happens is that the anti christ is born but he doesnt come into the public spotlight for another 50 years?

That would be pretty fucking lame tbqh.

They will be able to appear and sound like lost loved ones. Do not believe them, no matter how heart wrenching it is.

This. Do not get any injections or pills from mass distribution "aid" centers either, or you will become braindead. God will provide.

What if it's just a genetically made being?

could I have a race war for christmas?

OP isn't the false fag..

he's the real fag

>your world leaders have been preparing for a very long time MASSIVE false fag

>MASSIVE false fag

>false fag


Never disappoint OP. Today OP was a fag again.