He He Dem White People


really makes you think

More like old ppl.



white people with the best banter yet again



Why do you do this thing, old people?

are they recreating those photos from Vietnam?

Lmfao reminds me of those 'Nam propaganda photos

What am I looking at here

These people have to be German.

banter is like a fine wine, the older it is the better it bantses

Why are old people so based

Yeah. Fogies bringing the bantz.

damn that's some vintage trolling

>oldies trolling with Vietnam jokes

How will commie gooks ever recover

Brutal. Not even Mark 'Vietnam fucking shits' Wahlberg would do this.

Cause you can't do shit to them. If everyone on the Right in this generation had their attitude, the Leftists would all be dead now

Lmaoing @ this

worse, English

top kek, that salute

pic needs more shaved 75 year old cooch
and everyone running

gotta say if I was an old bastard living at a home this is the type of shit I would do if I was bored

Could somebody change this a Glock 19

>shaved 75 year old cooch
>instant erection

Welp, time to go listen Cash's version of Hurt


Have they been sentenced for their crimes yet?

Amazing! Do you have more?

I have to give a hearty kek for this one.

pls no