>invented the most important language for all of humanity >highest percentage of scientific achievments out of all European nations >protected Europe TWICE IN A ROW >masters of warfare >highest cultural output, higher than ALL OTHER COUNTRIES ON THIS PLANET COMBINED >can NOT be invaded, can NOT be defeated
Brits are UNDEFEATED on all fronts, militarily, culturally, economically.
>masters of warfare Yeah, conquering niggers with sticks and desunited indians is really a hard work...
They only had luck to be in a Island
Camden Robinson
your country is huge and all youve got is zika so you can fuck right off m8
Aaron Wright
>>highest cultural output, higher than ALL OTHER COUNTRIES ON THIS PLANET COMBINED We accept refugees with a Greco-Roman heritage Fritz. Come on over, i'ts not so bad (except for the weather).
Jace Allen
Isn't the british culture is just the french culture minus black dick sized bread? and also isn't the english language is just the french language minus froggish and gibberish words?
Andrew Price
When the royal army is like 1% of the total population of the natives; Yes, it is very hard work.
Michael Long
>invented the most important language for all of humanity nope, English is the most widely used global language, because its relatively simple to other global languages like Spanish, German, Russian, French, Chinese, etc.
>highest percentage of scientific achievments out of all European nations Don't know if that's true, but it's either first or second place, so I gibs you dat.
>protected Europe TWICE IN A ROW If you mean, >fucked up Europe numerous times then yes
>masters of warfare debatable
>highest cultural output, higher than ALL OTHER COUNTRIES ON THIS PLANET COMBINED pretty wrong, I haven't even tasted English food other than a sandwich and cheddar
>can NOT be invaded, can NOT be defeated America can invade and defeat you in weeks.
Adrian Gray
Isn't turkroach language just arabic with latin alphabet?
Michael Morris
No, it's a mix of arabic and turkic, which is weird cause t*rks are less turkic than some Europeans. They are mostly nigger and arab.
Dominic Russell
>invented the most important language Sure
Brayden Nguyen
No actually it's mongorian with latin
Elijah Jackson
>highest percentage of scientific achievements
Cameron Adams
>eternal anglo in germany
Logan Scott
>can NOT be invaded, can NOT be defeated feels bad how wrong you are, man
Daniel Nelson
>Brit behind a proxy.txt
Jackson Ortiz
>arabic there are more latin words than arabic in turkish, and every arabic word in turkish language actually has alternative words in turkish, bulgarian is made of more than 30% of turkish words even
Brayden Nguyen
Raise your island to the skies, and take Australia with you.
Samuel Martinez
thins in now a turkroach hate thread
Jonathan Fisher
>japan above germany and uk >korea too and taiwan what is this retarded bullshit, fatass?
Oh, it's patents. oh, ok, you're retarded
Austin Young
hello cousins
Logan Gomez
>can NOT be invaded
Except by vikings, Germanic tribes, the French, Dutch etc...
Cameron Jenkins
Like literally every other thread, are you butthurt over Siege of Kut? We beat your pathetic nobel ass hard back in the day that even Indians build up courage to take you on.
Easton Howard
Zachary Rogers
I've been in london last month , this city is a deafeat for english people
Carson Cox
No, we don't. We have Bulgarian or other foreign loanwords for all words, some people just use it cause it's a left-over. Can't forget to mention that we have some dishes that we use the original turkish/arabic/persian words for like moussaka, while the dish not being the same, or something like kebap means another thing here. Kebap is a dish from meat slices with tomato sauce slowly boiled. Kebapcheta are thin sticks made of ground meat and grilled, usually made from pork.
Matthew Ross
This is not a Brazil thread
>Implying that the whole population fought against anglos.
Ryan Bennett
>Kraut shilling for rottenteeth anglo
This is new tbqh
Jace Roberts
>kebab made from pork STOP IT
David Hill
When will the Anglo's submit to their Dutch Superiors?
Dylan Garcia
Seige of where? Best thing you roaches ever came up with was the ziggurat. Go figure out railways
Jacob Evans
>defended Europe twice
Actually, 4 times. We fucking blew Saladin the fuck out in the crusades with the most badass king in human history, Richard the Lionheart. Then we destroyed Napoleon at Waterloo.
Ayden Thompson
It's not 1912 anymore, friend. Times have changed.
Alexander Baker
bring out your dead
Jacob Miller
Don't be so downtrodden, or I'll send you to the Falklands.
We still have: >The Best Universities on Earth >The 5th largest Army on Earth >A Member of the 7 member nuclear club >A seat on the security council with Russia, China, the US and France >london is financially and culturally the capital of the world >highest gdp in europe
Jackson Ward
Huh? Mesopotamian civilazations build ziggurats not us. We were living in tents somewhere in middle asia when they were this advance
Tyler Hernandez
The language is good. The culture before gay marriages, the Muslim mayor and other degeneracy is good. All other is shit, people are the same shit as Russians. They're more contented because an average British has more money. In other ways they're the same shit: they drink just like us, they are rude just like us, they are stupid and aggressive just like us, and so forth. I can hardly wait their fuck-up with the rigged for remain Brexit, just like Russians vote for Putin.
The USA is the thing!
Jeremiah Wood
London is universally known for having no culture, what are you trying to say friend?
Liam Hill
London is universally known to have all the cultures such as middle eastern, african, white and so on.
Carson Torres
>Then we destroyed Napoleon at Waterloo. kek >Richard the Lionheart kek^2
Ethan Gonzalez
No, london has a hell of a lot of muslims, not a hell of a lot of cultures
Oliver Bennett
> "we" destroyed Napoleon at Waterloo Yeah," you", the Prussians, the Russians and their winter, the Spanish, the Portuguese and a bunch of others, after 7 coalitions of it. Also it's debatable wether you "protected" Europe or doomed it by doing so.
Michael Thompson
>no ziggurats >no railways >Only tourism
Austin Roberts
Yeah turkey is a pretty depressing country, b-but we still have ziggurats left over from ancient civilazations, p-please come and visit our culturally rich country on your vacation you wealthy anglo ;_:
Jace Foster
fuck off joko
Cameron Peterson
>This much Franco Damage control
How does it feel getting kicked out of ww2 while everyone else basked in glory without you?
Isaac White
>>highest cultural output, higher than ALL OTHER COUNTRIES ON THIS PLANET COMBINED The history of the UK is pretty good, they have achieved many things, but I think that on the cultural field, we're at least at their level
Camden Long
actually english is one of the hardest languages to learn
Aaron Green
>Napoleonic wars >Europe >doomed it by doing so.
Yeah protecting Europe from the eternal frog and "muh liberties" was a bad thing.
Dominic Anderson
Sry promised the malakas I'd go there, maybe next year...
Lincoln Roberts
bow down to the true empire
Lucas Morgan
>fighting and dying for Judeo-Bolshevism >glory lol
Austin Brown
Every single non-first language speaker I have ever met has said it was the easiest language they have ever learned
Jordan Sullivan
Are you fucking kidding with me? it only took me a month to learn english while i have spent more than 2 years learning mandarin chinese
We will be expecting you, make sure to bring lots of money.
Kevin Baker
You blow the fuck out of your own picture with that sentence.
The UK was a nation of Celtic tribes with sticks and spears and then you say all the UK could conquer was tribes armed with sticks and spears.
Also, look at our colonies compared to yours today, why is ours are successful and yours are all falling apart?
Please answer me that you nigger.
Noah Anderson
Asher Butler
>invented the most important language >invented a language Into the bin.
Robert Scott
Reactionary rule post napoleonic wars just made bolshevism and frankfurt school inevitable, don't delude yourself
Asher Perez
That's what I meant.
Camden Turner
You accept left over drachmas, right?
Zachary Cruz
>Then we destroyed Napoleon at Waterloo. The Prussians destroyed us at Waterloo, not you
Elijah Perez
hhmmm maybe because we had no settlement colony unlike the eternal kikes?
Cameron Hall
Noah Collins
>France on the TV today sucking German cock for killing them in WW1
Figures as much, you suck Merkels good goy cock like the faggot inferiors you know and I know and everyone on this planet knows you are.
>Rushing to the defense of Germany, even though his nation has been debt enslaved and fuck faced to the brim with rapefugees Some seriously good goyim in here this evening!
Isaac Phillips
Not even close. Go anywhere in the world and people are watching Anglo television shows, listening to Anglo music and watching Anglo movies. You've produced really cool stuff but your culture is no where near as wide spread and influential as Anglo culture.
Lucas Young
Sure, we can sell it back to greeks in exchange of germany's money.
Jaxson Taylor
>hhmmm maybe because we had no settlement colony unlike the eternal kikes? Or maybe it's because you tried to civilise niggers, when we know niggers cannot be civilised?
Also being outnumbered constantly is hard work, but we manage to pull it off quite well.
You post the Roman empire, modern day Italy who got fucked harder than your daughter in Abyssinia... By stick wielding niggers.
Carson Wright
2016 and those crooked teethed fucks still haven't realized that you can actually mix the cold and hot water in the pipes.
Just nuke the place.
Christian Young
What are you talking about? Your intervention made the eternal Germanic inevitable, I didn't mention Germany anywhere in my post
Parker Brooks
Jason Wood
>This eternal assrage
so good
Asher Rodriguez
I miss Great Britain. Long live Britannia.
Zachary Brown
Nicholas Gray
>You post
learn to read ID"s posters, can your inbreds genes do that nigger?
Nathaniel Cruz
>flag looks like toothpaste >1776
I like the Brits, but this is retarded.
Josiah Flores
>protected Europe TWICE IN A ROW you mean invaded also that honor goes to the Russians they did all the work while you were getting arse fucked
>Actually, 4 times
typical of an English cunt claiming shit that he didn't even do
your a joke and a French manlet proved that
Cooper Lewis
>Go anywhere in the world and people are watching Anglo television shows, listening to Anglo music and watching Anglo movies. Most of this things are Americans, not British. Also I was talking about la Culture, aka intellectual achievments, not the "mass" culture.
Christopher Sullivan
Ayyyy punching above our weight
Chase Edwards
And we will protect it yet again when we leave the EU.
Britain is truly the best country in the world.
Aiden Lopez
>Eternal Anglo >Achievements
pick zero
Adrian Peterson
Allahu Akbar!
The U.S. must take Monroe Doctrine now. The U.S. must withdraw American Forces from all Foreign Countries now. I love American99% and the U.S. Japan, Germany and China are evil empires.
Allahu Akbar!
Brody Howard
>implying patents aren't for scientific inventions
no wonder your country is a giant pile of shit. Go eat McDonald's, your country's 'fine cuisine' you retarded fat fucking moron
Alexander White
You're right, we weren't even there.
>Sent a message saying that they'd won, lost 3 hours later.
Gavin Parker
>invented the most important language Please
Eli Jones
>Britain is truly the best country in the world.
your from the uk you should know better what you just did....
Evan Adams
the empire shaped the modern world...but it is now old and frail
its son are the inheritors of the earth.
go forth son of the old empire and rule the waves! rule britannia! god save the queen! the falklands are british! god bless america! hail the commonwealth!
Adam Stewart
>protected Europe TWICE IN A ROW AHEM.
Julian Davis
Jaxson Gray
>god bless america! I like you.
Cameron Sanders
Isaiah Mitchell
>world war 1
Cooper Thomas
Dylan Johnson
Hunter Long
I think you meant to say:
Easy to learn, hard to master.
Jayden Bailey
>can NOT be invaded, can NOT be defeated
Shit, I guess we can forget about all those rapefugees.
>protected Europe TWICE IN A ROW >Brits are UNDEFEATED on all fronts, militarily, culturally, economically.
This is what the Eternal Anglo believes.
Brandon Foster
>god bless america
Isaiah Parker
>it's an 'America tries to take credit for winning WWI and II' episode