Balkans removed kebab, why do we love kebab?

> Serbs and Croats are literally Remove kebab / turkroach removers

they stopped the invasion before, why can't they now stop it? and why is west europe preventing to remove kebab? why are we helping them (the nederlands, france, UK, Germany) we should nuke it, or we should leave EU, we aren't EU worthy. we should join africa, because the west loves kebab

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Remove turks!
Glory to croatia

We are waiting for the German call to arms like in the past days of glory.

However, seems like Germany is enjoying its enrichment.. too bad
Maybe you'll find better luck with Serbia

In those days the whole of Europe had balls, we just happened to (geographically) be on the front line. And it was a literal armed invasion of the continent. But when everyone calls them refugees and welcomes them in, there's not much you can do.

We'll defend our country, just as whole of eastern Europe will defend theirs, but if you want these people in your country (as you obviously do), then who are we to stop you?

We have weak political leaders, They tolerate people who never in their live would tolerate us.

Islam is tha cancer that eats away at the enlightened and democratic Europe we have fought centuries to establish. If it's not stoppe we will go back to the dark ages.

>you will never remove kebab

You are right. Its the west fault :( i hope russia or another bro tier slav country invades us and cleanse europe

When did Croatians and/or Serbians ever remove kebab though? They withstood a few invasions but eventually got conquered by the Ottomans. As far as I know they have never really removed any kebab, it'd be more fitting to call romanians kebab-removers.

>got conquered
No. South of Serbia was under occupation for a short while but that's as far as they got.

>When did Croatians and/or Serbians ever remove kebab though?
During the 90's mainly. There was mass ethnic cleansing of mudslimes in Bosnia by both.

We never got conquered by the Ottomans
Battle of Sisak ended the war with our victory

>During the 90's mainly. There was mass ethnic cleansing of mudslimes in Bosnia by both.
this is meme tier, bosnians are nothing like arab muzzies and you know it but you're to autistic to cope with it

>mudslimes in Bosnia
Well done, you massacred mostly secular white people. How was that kebab removal?

No but many of them embrace political Islam. Just because they are white doesn't mean they aren't a danger.

sure thing

>secular white
More like turkish rape babies. And them being "white" hardly matters - the problem isn't race, it's the religion.

Oh please, bosniaks were a literally civil city-living "nation" that couldn't care less for islam if they tried. I cringe everytime i see yugos going full retard with the remove kebab maymay to inpress or whatever the foreigners.. literal cuck mentality

>I cringe everytime i see yugos going full retard with the remove kebab maymay to inpress or whatever the foreigners.. literal cuck mentality
you do realize they are mostly 14 year olds

Well that's why I said they were secular.

They were like that when a communist dictator ruled over them. Since there's no Tito now, they are reverting to their original culture.
Do you understand what political Islam means? If you lived near them you'd know how much they "appreciate" Turkey for example.

Nowadays there are nutties there like everywhere in the islam world, which saddens me deeply.. but overall they are still 99% OK, and desu far better then some ""christian"" nations in balkans

No, not nutties. Those are minority.
I'm talking about those who embrace Muslim identity and love Turkey. They are a big group, I dare say relative majority.

Don't you think the genocide played a large part in that?

So, how do we remove the political halal meat?

That started before the war.
War only started because of Muslim expansionism.
Serbs in Croatia were total idiots, Serbs in Bosnia had every right to oppose Muslim domination.
Of course, conduct of that war was atrocious, but those responsible will rot in jail, so who cares.

Fuck off sven, you are not white and you are the greatest cucks in whole europe

> but muh white people!

Fuck off, sweden isn't white anymore

Remove Islam.

Are you MNE or a serb?

Montenegrin Serb

What the best way to destroy islam?

explain thisša

>Da bi mogli spokojnije u toj neprijateljskoj zemlji svoje poslove raditi, zato što su bili u neprestanom ratu s Turskom, pa im ne bješe dopušteno tamo putovati. Zato su uzimali na sebe bratsko i srodno ime i kazivali da su Hrvati
It's explained in the text.

Straight through Mecca with a nuke

Literally ban Islam. I see no problems with that to be honest. It's a dangerous ideology. Close mosques. Remove all ''benefits''. Introduce fines.
They'll move out. If they try anything, rape them.

Close our borders. Work to have islamic countries be stable. Eventually it'll pass and they will become secular.

Secularism is another word for destruction of religion.
Do you seriously think Muslim religious circles will allow that to happen?

Muslims here hate Turks more than Serbs/Croats because they think by doing so they think they have a shot joining EU lmfao

No, secularism is not that. Yes, I believe they'll have no choice on the matter. The muslim world needs an age of enlightenment like the one we had in Europe. Just like our priests and clergymen couldn't stop us becoming secular, they won't be able to stop it either. Secularism is inevitable.

No they don't.
Speaking from experience here, plenty of them go study in Turkey, learn Turkish, mention Turkey a lot and shit like that.

Secularism always end up in people adopting other gods.
Like equality, money, shit like that. Look at your state. Such things don't happen overnight.

yes but in 16thz century

pic rel- Nikola Šubić Zrinksi, boss nigger and kebeb remover with strong sympathies towards protestants i.e. reformation movement in Croatia that died out

>I see no problems with banning a religion practiced by 1.5 billion people that is like all religions intertwined with every aspect of life of its practicioners

I'm sure no one would object a religious strife costing hundreds of millions of lives.

Change like that isn't supposed to happen overnight. It can't. But it will happen, inevitably. And so what if they adopt other gods? Even supposing that it will happen, always and without fail, (which I think is wrong) they won't be fanatics. They will be secular.

Saudi Arabia practically bans Christianity. Don't see any problems.
>religious strife
What religious strife?
Muslims don't belong in Europe.
Also, how many nukes do Muslim nations have? Exactly.

And when did Croatia get conquered by the Ottomans?

>they won't be fanatics
Observe some of those liberals which secularism spawned. I believe ''fanatics'' is good description. Secularism is dead. Experiment that came short of intended goal.

>what is Pakistan

anyway, if you take a gander at demographic structure of Europe you will see it's slightly different than that of Saudi Arabia.

Start from your own country which gained independence through votes of minority (that is muslim for the most part).

Why do you believe that's a direct cause of secularism? Are you seriously promoting christian theocracy?

>muslims supported by the US

that makes them the majority by default.

Seems I was wrong.

Try to explain to our Montenegrin friend what would happen if your country banned Islam.

Because you rained missiles on them last time you fucking dweebs

The US would be really pissy and probably sanction us, then they'd support muslims terrorists and call them freedom fighters.
Of course the only ones to actually help would be the Russians, and all the other countries around us would shut their yaps like good dogs they are (because the US said they should) also the neighbouring countries would likely try and block Russian military supplies from reaching us.
In this whole charade only greece wouldn't toe the line and would let the supplies pass.

>what is Pakistan
An almost collapsing country with laughable nuclear armament. How do you think world works, Pakistan will launch nukes (they can't do that by the way) at Europe after Islam is banned?
For what purpose?
>you will see it's slightly different than that of Saudi Arabia
Yes, Muslims are still a minority which could be easily contained even if they rose in open mass revolt. Better act quickly.
>Start from your own country
I am, that's why I'm talking this. I know how they think. I know what happens if God forbid they ever become big minority.
>christian theocracy
>Why do you believe
Because that's how it happened.
Liberalism and secularism is ideology of smart people. However, sadly, most of population in any country and society isn't smart. They are average, and there's a big group that is dumb.
These people need rigid set of ethics to adhere to. Christianity provides exactly that. Humanistic secularism doesn't. It's too abstract, too complex for plebs to understand.


One country individually? There would be problems of course, practically speaking.
But I'm talking about Europe-wide implementation.
This might sound mad to you, but things are going towards that. Multiculturalism is a big lie. It never worked. It will never work. Two persons with radically different beliefs can't coexist together.

Your master plan involves AI levels of coordination. World isn't a George RR Martin novel.

If you knew anything you'd notice that it was partly retelling the stuff that happened in 2000.

What AI levels of coordination?
Right wing parties are rising in power in Europe. Domino effect. One country will start it, others will follow. It still doesn't seem rational to many people, but give it a few years.
I find this more humane than physical persecution and sectarian warfare that will erupt anyway.
Once again, two radically different ways can't coexist under same roof. Especially when one way is bent on dominating everything else.

we still got some kebab, we need to get rid of the gypsies and turks

There are no mosques in Slavonia nor in Dalmatia nor in Lika as Croatians and allies sent the Turks packing to Bosnia.

The Serbs themselves removed a shitload of Muslims from Serbia Proper by sending them to Bosnia and elsewhere during the 19th century as well.

Montenegrins celebrate the expulsion of Muslims from their lands in the epic poem "The Mountain Wreath".

Howmany dzamije does hrvatska have? Iknow there's one in pula, we should destroy it, turkey has funded it, right?

They have been pushing here for the ban of reading "The Mountain Wreath" in school. Still no success hahah.

>they stopped the invasion before, why can't they now stop it?
Maybe because they have enough of defending your pathetic western cucks.
Nobody will help you, because nobody cares anymore.

I'm not sure who funded that one but it wouldn't be a bad guess to suggest that the Saudis did considering how many they funded in BiH and Kosovo.

>trying to ban the greatest ever literary work produced by that nation


they've been pushing for removing some anti-Ottoman shit in Bulgarian schools too

they pretty much failed except for one song that was removed because it "prompts violence"
it's fucking bullshit for several reasons:
>it's a time piece
>it prompts violence because it's a revolutionary song calling for overthrowing the Ottoman rule
>the Ottoman empire doesn't fucking exist anymore so I don't see how they're offending anyone
>we study "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" in 3rd or 4th grade and the book is filled with the use of "nigger"