>enjoy a sunny evening on the balcony with the gf >browse 4chin, ISIS execution video comes up >show it to the gf >she starts crying >I reassure her "There there, these are animals, and they arrive with the refugees by the thousands, but you can make a difference by voting"
How do you redpill your close ones, Sup Forums?
Bentley Powell
My parents redpilled me, no gf to spread my wisdom to...
Caleb Sanders
You can't here in the US unless they are religious and don't live in a city. Woman are terrified of not following trends and shitting on Trump loving multiculturalism is a trend.
Kayden Rivera
>That fucking autism
Oh wait you're a Finn, that must be a completely normal thing to do there
Jason Perry
Jonathan Butler
>MFW EU tax payers will pay for their coffins
Jack Wilson
>Showing your gf an execution video Gave me a good laugh OP but we all know that didn't happen.
Juan Morris
wtf wrong thread, dafuq
Thomas Brooks
10/10 bitch. Would marry.
Nolan Bennett
Good digits hans
Jace Davis
Why would I lie? What kind of gf do you have? Oh that's right, you don't have one
Thomas Thomas
NDP/Liberal scum detected
Evan Mitchell
>>I reassure her "There there, these are animals, and they arrive with the refugees by the thousands, but you can make a difference by voting" are you a human political ad
Elijah King
>showing your gf an execution video
>tfw kgf >shes talking about a difficult patient at work, says that hes arab >I said "fuck the middle east and everyone in it" >she said "fuck black people too"
asians are already racist as f
Ethan Anderson
Did the same, showed my Sister all the ISIS execution videos, the Black on white violence statistics, every subhuman crime I see here I link it instantly to her via whatsapp. Now she hates everything non white.
Jordan Thompson
>Show gf ISIS execution video, making her cry >Reassure her by telling her to vote
M8 I agree with the sentiment but you have to admit that's some grade A autism
Evan Peterson
>tfw have gf, but whenever you show her red pill material she doesn't take it to heart
How do you even do this?
Asher Ward
a fucking leaf
Camden Baker
t. Mohammed Al-Bonghdadi
Easton Ramirez
You don't need to.
Red pill is enlightened despotism. You just need those that rule the world to be red pilled. The rest can fuck themselves, there needs to be no consensus here. You force people to do what is best for them, regardless if they want to or not.
Democracy is a joke when people is stupid and don't know what is good for themselves.
Nicholas Watson
this is now how we red pill people
Justin Jenkins
I try to make a difference in this cursed world by dropping subtle hints like that. Media mostly only tells about the terminally ill 2-year old Ahmed who need urgent care. it's up to me to expose them to the cons of mass immigration
Jack Gutierrez
>she starts crying I don't know why but I laughed
Josiah Martinez
So Jews should be red pilled?
Nathaniel Scott
Can confirm
>playing vidya with Jap buddy >somehow ISIS comes up in conversation >"you have to be tough with those so-called refugees user, they're as bad as the terrorists if not worse because they make you adapt to their culture"
Hunter Thompson
I don't know what's wrong with Jews, really. I guess they only care about sheckels
Gabriel Cruz
Good wörk German. Good wörk.
Ayden Murphy
>Things that didn't happen
Kevin Kelly
>telling the truth directly is autism ok buddy You're progressive and socially apt then, how do YOU convey to your loved ones that muslims tend to behead eachother and that the sovereign actually has a choice in the matter?
Ethan Gutierrez
by tirelessly deflating their logical fallacies with proper counter arguments.
Brandon Jackson
Either you're autistic as fuck or that never happened.
Evan Wright
>sun >in finland
Connor Nguyen
I started discussing how Australian aborigens have very low IQs with my classmates, and I quickly got to the need for a White ethnostate. It was easy
Henry Rivera
This happened. Get out if you don't believe me REEEEEE
Dude the sun is up for like 16hrs a day right now here because of the northern latitude. Its the opposite in the winter