The thread
Fuck trump
The thread
Fuck trump
is this the first time they've ever quoted a gentile?
wtf i hate republicans now!
really makes you think!
Sup Forums got BTFO!
Wow thanks OP, I am now a #cruzmissle
I dont know what that is, someone tell me
>Kimberly A. Johnson
Literally who.
Also, the only thing stopping any member of Government from Overturning Roe vs. Wade is people who will riot against it. There's a reason the 2nd amendment exists, Democrats just don't use it.
really makes you think!
I'm now a #ProudCuck
Those who think globalist whore Hilary Clinton is a viable option need their head examined. She is a Merkel clone that wants to replace the citizens of the US with 3rd worlds, while burning the constitution.
Vile, ugly, globalist Bitch:
Pro-Black rioters
Pro-free trade
Pro-mass immigration
She is one of the most corrupt politician in America
Hilary the one who wants war for the Rothschilds with Russia, Iran, or China. Yet these brainwashed baby SJW think Trump stopping the NWO will be bad.
Hilary is a criminal and should be prosecuted for treason along with Obama and face the firing squad !!
Fuck Hillary, this is why I'm voting trump.
>overturning Roe v Wade
Never going to fucking happen.
>Overturning Citizens United
You won't post in here again but
>We are one supreme court justice away from overturning heller v dc
>if that doesn't make you vote for a Republican in November, nothing will.
roe v wade is the court case that legalized abortion nationally.
citizens united was the case that gave the right for unlimited campaign contribution amounts. however through a proxy called a superpac.
Roe v Wade is a Supreme Court decision which effectively legalized abortion across all states. Some states are more accepting than others, but abortion has become more de facto accepted here over time
Really makes you think. Damn. Heh.
Explain yourself.
Why are you swallowing all this beta tier shit propaganda whats wrong with your brain?
Why did they feel the need to insert her ugly mug in the pic...
More important than either of these is the fact that several major 2A cases are already in the SCOTUS pipeline.
That's the exact reason I'm voting for Hillary too. I'm not a big Hillary fan, but the Supreme Court is too important, so I've got no choice.
Money isn't speech. Corporations aren't people. Reproductive freedom is essential. There's only one direction forward here, and Hillary's justice(s) will get us there.
The fact that the ability to kill their fetuses is always on these bitches' minds really tells you where their priorities are.
Glad you have a good common sense
Corporations arnt people like Conservashits wish they were
What kind of judge do you think Trump would nominate for Scalia's seat if it's still on the cards by then Sup Forums?
We're also one Supreme Court Justice aeay from overturning Heller vs DC
Fuck off, libcuck.
I see the shills are out in full force today...
>one justice away from overturning roe v wade
i intend to help make it 0
eat shit hilltard
under rated
Kimberly A. Johnson is a professor of creative writing. She never went to law school, she is not an attorney, and she is not a constitutional law scholar.
She has about as much business commenting on constitutional law as she does commenting on brain surgery.
They are with their weak .2$ posts and 25$ shitposting job.
Whats more pathetic, their managers haven't realized they have no power here.
The CIA came to this number based on a payroll audit.
I think it should not be appropiate to kill the fetus if it came from a sexual encounter approved by the girl. Only in cases where rape or incest is involved.
Well yeah, anybody who thinks there is any chance that abortion will be criminalized in our lifetime is either delusional or braindead.
I agree holehardedly, Drumpf is NOT a serious candidate.
>one justice away from overturning roe v wade
That would have meant Scalia supported roe v wade
Trump wants to cancel the paris climate change agreement. Hes a fucking clown that doesnt know shit about foreign policy, and believes global warming is a hoax.
>Overturning citizens united
>Not a good thing
Wall street and big businesse shill detected
>thread about hillary
>thread about Trump
"You're not coolunless you're on board the Trump train".
I fucking hate both of them but you're fucking retarded
Remember to report and hide
>A literal nobody
Why do Democrats always try to push their own retarded quotes as if they're fucking Einstein or something?
Nobody paid me and now #ImWithHer.
Money is speech. Hillary will put someone on the bench who intends to overturn Heller and that cannot be allowed
>muh climate change
The US can't do shit about climate change.It's mostly on India and China.
So the only two things hillary cares about? pandering to people who make bad life choices and the ability to get infinite money from the global elite to do their bidding.
The statistic is that there are 30% of muslims who are extremists as in chop hands off, kill apostates, stone adulterers genital mutilation etc. That means in 1.6 billion there are 300 million who would kill you for insulting their prophet.
>climate change:real
>global warming:false
its so simple
Congress could overturn Citizens United literally overnight. Funny how they aren't.
Wait why do democrats not want Citizens United overturned?
Isn't that literally the case that said it was okay for goldman sachs to buy congress?
Guess what: I'm a woman
I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I'm voting Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.
Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.
I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day
The ones he mentioned in his Supreme Court list. They all support the Second Amendment. That's basically all I care about as far as the court goes.
>implying the Supreme Court ever overturns it's own rulings
>> i support black people
>> i support black abortion
....... Wtf?
>Shillary will overturn Citizens United
>citizen united
Why is overturning that bad?
Those sneaky dem racists!
Please please PLEASE rape this stupid bitch to death
The supreme Court can't just overturn shit because a new justice appeared. Are Dems really this retarded?
Of course, I forgot that ISIS were the only group of Muslim fanatics and that everyone who agrees with their aims has already joined.
Democrats have always been the racists. They were the ones who wanted to keep slavery, and they're the ones who keep the blacks content with the welfare state.
Where was that "I'll have those niggers voting liberal democrat for the next two hundred years," quote at?
Twas an epic tweet, could I follow you sir?
>Are Dems really this retarded?
Is the sky blue?
>Where was that "I'll have those niggers voting liberal democrat for the next two hundred years," quote at?
That was Lyndon Johnson, I think.
Hillary's going to not just get equality for women, but a big Victory for women. Das rite, women are going to be payed MORE than men. The CEOs? ALL women. The military? ALL women. Mailperson? No wore like mailWOMAN. Red white and blue? NO, red white and PINK
I #standwithher
Girls 1
Boys 0
1st FEMALE SUPERPOWER besides Ancient Egypt!!
Can i be your vaginal assistant.
Its pretty grey in this country.
>It's a bleeding heart women pretend abortion is a more important issue than it actually is episode
And none of that means a damn thing at all if there are not any white countries left to fix the environment.
Enablers should be counted as members too
So that's like a good 800,030,000
What if we overturn both of them?
And while we're at it, every other supreme Court decision too. And then repeal all the federal laws that contradict the Constitution and any amendments to the Constitution.
The jews are fucking faggots
Anything else is moot under a trump presidency. Nice to know you can be a little smarty pants too cute girl. You can be CEO of one of Glorious Leaders companies as soon as you drop some underwear.
You're useless besides being a fine piece of ass. Best part is, under Glorious Leader, there wont be any of that ridiculous woman's rights shit. So we can take turns on you in the office at lunch break. Haha. Precious twat.
>$0.10 has been deposited into your 'Shilling for Hillary' account. Remember: Correct The Record(TM)!
Thanks for the pasta baby, you know how I like it cooked