Why aren't you a pagan yet, Sup Forums?

Why aren't you a pagan yet, Sup Forums?

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>implying stuff

Because I have as much reason to believe in old religions than I do in new ones.

>tips fedora

I don't understand what it is that pagans do? Why do they hate Christians more than Muslims or Jews?

Because I'm a Christian.

I've begun taking a great interest in Ásatrú. At the very least the books I've ordered should be fun to read but I will say that the symbolism, culture, and overall feel of it all is very powerful.

Because religion and gods are for sheep.

I am.

>Why do they hate Christians more than Muslims or Jews?
We don't.

This, for the most part. I guess I can understand sun worship, especially in the northern latitudes, and water worship for desert dwellers. Things that provide comfort and life. But most pagan systems seem to have as many pointless taboos and rules as the Abrahamic religions, and I just don't care because I was brought up in a cynical, decadent Catholic culture where everyone went through the motions which was tradition, not belief, for almost everyone involved.

Thank you for asking. That is my sermon for this Sunday. Go in peace.

Because you could get a hobby :^)

I'm not an edgelord, that's why.

>being anything but a christcuck is automatically edgy therefore bad
Abrahamic religions are dooming this world
Christians are leftist and "tolerant" letting shitskins invade their country with no resistance, Muslims are trying to kill the white race, and Jews are trying to control everything. We want to reclaim the world for Odin and push back Abrahamic religions since they clearly cannot take care of themselves.

I don't do LARP.

If it didn't last the first batch of true Christians it sure as hell isn't going to last the second.

Modern Christians are cucks and clearly don't care if new religions invade and convert their people. I mean, if Muslims can do it, we can too.

Being a pagan myself, the biggest problem I see with other pagans is that they are focused on a cult of earth and nature worship. The ancient Aryan pagans always looked up to and worshipped the sun, any nature worship was completely secondary. We can see this especially well in Armenian religion, Ar is Armenian sun god, Arev means sun, Aryoun is blood. Aryans come from a higher plane, so when we are on earth we should always look upward, other races come from the earth, so they look downward to the dirt, especially Negroids.


Good goys,

Say it with me: Refugees Welcome!!!!!

Paganism is a set of morals based around family, hard work, and traditional gender roles.

Men should be strong, trained fighters, and be loyal to their kin.

Women should provide lots of children and care for the family.

Paganism is tribal, values culture, nature, and manual labor.

It's not about being edgy or larping, but about living a folkish life, the way men have evolved to live.

Christians killed more European heathens than moslems did.


So there is no deity worship? It sounds more like a philosophy.

There are plenty of Norse gods, along with runes of Odin


Also destroyed our history and made out like we never had one.

>modern "paganism"

Oh boy, another degenerate modern "-ism" used to fill a spiritual void that will never fixed. Go read some Rene Guenon, nerd.

History of shitting up Rome?

Fuck Rome.


Christianity is not a European religion. It's from the Middle East and was born from Jews.

Asatru is from Europe and made for Europeans.

those """""Christians""""" you speak of are not following the teachings of Christ. They are supposed to convert them, which should be very easy, but they have incorrect doctrine and are far from God. Also the west has been predominately atheist for a long time. Since Christ left, pagans and atheists have caused the most destruction to society and it's morals, and the "dark ages" happened because of pagans, not Roman Catholics, who can't even called Christians back then and still maybe today.

No true Scotsman's fallacy, Christ-insanity is a Jewish death cult. The only reason you're defending it because you were indoctrinated from birth.


Christianity made Europeans kill their brothers for arbitrary reasons of millennia. Here's some Christ-whore King bragging about commiting genocide against the pagans


The majority of Europe is dominated by Christianity and so was it back then. Too much focus on the bible directly caused the dark ages, while the pagans were developing their society. Atheism is cancer though, agreed.

Holy fuck, are you that Namibian guy that made a thread a few days ago? What's it like in Africa??

Christianity is a jewish religion.

You guys cannot forget that Christianity also helped preserve a lot of that Pagan knowledge. The Church funded art and science for a long time.

All those book burnings in Rome "preserved knowledge". If we still followed the Bible we'd be exactly like the Middle East, The dark age only ended because we distanced ourselves from that pig shit book.

They were true Christians they followed more of the Bible than you do making them better Christians than you.

Europe never stopped being pagan. Christianity is a Middle Eastern mystery religion (and still is, upper orders of the Catholic Church access true doctrine) based on the universal death/rebirth cycle of Adonis/Adonai.

But I am.

Judaism and Islam are foreign enemies. Christianity is a foreign infection.

This is true. The crusaders have more in common with their Indo-European ancestors than they do with say, the Amish.

What you feel right now about Muslims invading western civilization is the same feeling that your forefathers had when Christianity was invading western civilization.
They made our religion punishable by death but we still resisted and fought until died


I am a pagan. I did not set out to be, but the gods directly contacted me. I have seen first hand evidence of their existence.

YHWH/Allah/the demiurge is the eldjotnar Surtr

But I already am user.



heaðen here. Not practicing though, but I do read a lot and try to have the heaðen mindset.

>Betra er óbeðit
>en sé ofblótit
>ey sér til gildis gjöf
>betra er ósent
>en sé ofsóit
>svá Þundr um reist
>fyr þjóða rök
>þar hann upp um reis
>er hann aptr of kom

As a follower of Kek, I find this question a tiresome triviality.

Hawt,Sounds a little bit like a poo in the loo song doe :p

Same here, brother. The Gods are our blood. They are inseparable from us. Even in Christianity, they are there, in the forms of saints, in folklore, in artwork.

I believe its Finnish.

I am. Thelemite.

Alain de Benoist and the European New Right are great resources on modern paganism.

I'm Christian at heart but I live like a pagan.

Thelema was that Crowley shit. They're no better than Jews

Paganism is ethno-centric end of the day right? Who are the pagan gods of Iberia?

Which ruin of Odin do you follow, paganbros?

Replied to wrong poster

I'm not really into LARPing tbqh

Most people go to it for the philosophical aspect, craving a life of kinship and traditionalism, where they can live as man was meant to live.

The people who care about the religious aspect are either super hard core pagans, or LARPers.

Most (asatru, I don't know about other pagans) conduct blots, and that's about the extent of their religious worship.

>based leaf


Crusade/viking era Christianity in Europe is cooler than paganism.


This. Read Beowulf to get a taste of Germanic Christian warrior culture.

Go read some Julius Evola, Alain De Benoist, Jack Donovan, and start lifting Manlet.

Reminder that pol is a pagan board, practising Egyptian polytheism.

I honestly would like to believe, of all religions I really like Germanic Mythology and Norse Mythology. But I just can't make myself, especially that easily.

It's interesting stuff to read about though.

>Christianity helped preserve things that wouldn't need preserving if it wasn't for Christianity wiping out the people who knew them

Paganism was preserving itself just fine for millennia before Christianity took over.

>Viking era
>cooler than paganism

>lanklet is the prefered term for newfags because we don't know for a fact that they are midgets

>Jack Donovan
oy vey very alt right of you goyim

The collapse of Pagan Traditions, followed by the Collapse of the Roman empire led to the Dark Ages.

It was not until the Enlightenment Era, a period of Rediscovery of the lost Ancient Pagan Knowledge that the Western world began to recover once again.

Its not about believing in the Gods in a literal fashion. They are constructs intended to teach us something. Each god represents another aspect of life. The ancient stories provide us with knowledge and wisdom that can help aid us in our day to day life.

Read Stirner and realize it's all a spook

(Evola was partially inspired by him ironically enough)

>still believing in fairy tales


You mean read Beowulf to get a taste of Germanic pagan warrior culture that is slightly Christianized?

Closer to nouvelle droite than alt right actually faggot, although he is associated with some alt right

bc '"paganism'" is a creation by the reinassance jewish professors and masters of the art to undermine the real old religions.



"paganism" is nothing but a broad term.

One must read go to the source and read really ancient texts to learn about the gods of our ancestors.

Because I'm a deist. It has roots in pagan ideas but doesn't try to personify nature and virtues into gods.


Paganism is nifty and all for reasons.

But organized religions have the advantage of having their ontologies, epistemologies and ethics refined by scholars through the centuries.

Paganism is a simplified approach to living one's life, but lacks the inquisitive nature to keep asking questions. Ones Origins and purpose are subservient to subjective mythologies.

I'm not saying all scholars of organised religions have discovered the unquestionable transcendental truth, but some validity has to be granted to their methods compared to pagan priests who claim either a greater connection with the divine, or have to drastically alter their psyches to maintain authority of their position.

>slightly christianized
Because Germanics can only belong to Norse mythology and not Christianity right? A lot of Germanics were Christian in early times as well as Buddhist and probably a lot of other religions as well, sorry to ruin your norse pagan masturbation fantasy. Pic related, a viking Buddha.

All the gods, all the heavens, all the hells, are within you.

because i enjoy sexual relations with members of the opposite gender


Go fuck sheep Barbarian

> Barbarian
The funny thing is that term was used by the Romans who they themselves were pagan.

I don't drink Faygo or watch WWE so I don't think I'm a good candidate.

We know shit about slavic religion. We know names of few gods and snipids of informations about few rituals. I can't worship Perun if i don't know anything about him and worshiping Thor instead would be just as big betrayal as worshiping Christ.

>All these """"""pagans""""""""" in this thread
lmao I bet none of you fags even participate in your countries folk and culture festivals.

>What is Northern Crusade

On the other side, tha little we knwo about slavic religion is really similar to scandinavian religion.

Beowulf having preChristian origins is well established in scholarship. There is little Christian about it save for the fact that the author of the version we have states that this takes place in a time before men worshipped Christ and when giants, the posterity of Cain walk the Earth. The core of it is Pagan and even small details, like Wyrd, and the verse "God picks the more valiant man to win" (as opposed to righteous or just) are clear examples of paganism.

Beowulf is not only preChristian for the most part but it is an important work for Indo-European linguistics since the metric of its poetry is PIE.

>a grand total of one Buddha means that this is proof that Buddhism was widespread in the Viking Era

One Buddha statue discovered does not mean that some Vikings were Buddhist or that they even had a knowledge of Buddhism.

Pagan is so fucking bad, when christianity came about it fell apart in a few years.
I am not retarded that is why i am not pagan yet.

Here you go user, quit being a follower, you have been given permission.

Would barbarian not simply mean those outside of the city walls, being opposite of those who were Civil, or citizens of the empire?

If that thing bites you how do you get it out???

The European religions are all very similar since they all originate from the proto-indo-european religion. Some gods have different attributes compared to their counterparts in other traditions but they are essentially the same gods.

It was conquered by a superior belief system

Holy shit that's fucking good. Thank you user.

I'd desecrate her Aryan womb with my Mongolian sperm

And Christianity was conquered by Islam in the Near East, Middle East and North Africa.

Christianity is being conquered by Atheism in the West. Why aren't you an atheist?

It's all about niuansas. Perun is for example said to take multiple forms. He was also an enemy of Weles which was also worshiped by slavs as two opposing sides of nature.

Nah. Following old religions is like LARPing your favorite History channel shows.

Because the idea of there being multiple gods is retarded. There can only be one prime creator.

>The European religions are all very similar since they all originate from the proto-indo-european religion.
They don't.

>This is the so-called "family tree" theory which claims that the Indo-European languages and peoples originate from a single common ancestral language, people and homeland, based on Grimm's linguistic theory of sound change. So far all attempts at locating the presumed ancestral Indo-European homeland and to reconstruct the hypothetical ancestral Indo-European language have failed. The evidence suggests that there were no single Indo-European common ancestral language, people and homeland, but that the Indo-European languages and peoples evolved from a complex process of cultural and ethno-linguistic convergence and hybridization among various proto-Indo-European and non-Indo-European peoples. (Götz, 1994).

>the metric of its poetry is PIE
Stopped reading there. At the resurrection you will see the prince of peace and how wrong you are.