Has anyone tried listening to two or more albums simultaneously?
Has anyone tried listening to two or more albums simultaneously?
my man be learnin
Gee Bill
Have you seriously never read a companion book before?
4'33'' and everything
not while on a fucking subway
how tf is he reading in a dimly lit subway car with sunglasses on
but user, 4'33" is just whatever you're hearing
you've been listening to nothing but 4'33" your whole life pleb, branch out and listen to the music in your mind
No but this is a cool video of every song on le potato album played at once
Nigga he reading with his heart
I can read two books simultaneously too
t. child
give Flaming Lips - Zaireeka a listen. it's an album that came on four different cds that are all meant to be listened to at once.
>not reading two different books while also listening to two different audio books all at the same time
I wasn't aware that it was amateur hour
and it was also shit
Harsh noise + drone metal + spoken word
Needs a fourth
Power electronics
gamelan music
those aren't sunglasses. those are nigger goggles. it's how they can read
>they're unable to make sonic connections between songs that the artist intended for only his most patrician listeners to perceive
>He hasnt heard Kid17
minecraft ost
Who the fuck reads in 20andfucking17?
ambient pop
isnt that just music from Frank
Neurosis released a companion album meant to be listened simultaneiously with Time of Grace, but on separate audio players. Mainly adds more ambient noises/atmosphere to it, but it's pretty neat.
this is pretty similar to what psychedelics feel like
Steve Reich's It's Gonna Rain paired with Music for 18 Musicians.
Try it.
plebs wont know to switch up the speaker positioning every re-listening
The Olivia Tremor Control did the same thing.
i roll dice for which speakers to be mono/stereo
One time I put on a bach compilation and Rodney Dangerfields "I get no respect" Both on at the same time while watching the excorcist. Plus i was high as shit. That was a blissfull experience, but I almost had a stroke laughing so much.
Nice indeterminate practice my fellow patrician.
One I my favorite songs I only play by opening it in any where from three to four different music programs, setting them all to repeat and starting the song at different points
In only one player, it's not nearly as good a song
>This girl is evil, I tell ya. Pure evil.
>*adjusts tie*
>How evil? Why, I'll tell ya how evil.
>She's so evil, Satan has a restraining order against her!
I have on accident before. I don't recommend it.
Epic post. Simply epic.
Kill yourself.
It's the best FLips album.
Rosetta did it the best
Power Pop
I do this all the time when I'm drunk and have people over, they usually just leave.
When I listened to OPN's Returnal for the first time, while I was like halfway through, I could hear samples from Replica. I was fucking stunned, thought it was genius, he sampled his future album, like wtf. Took me three songs to notice Replica had somehow started playing in a different player.