Are you a virtuous person, Sup Forums?
Are you a virtuous person, Sup Forums?
Kindness>Greed>Wrath>Sloth>Everybody else>>>Powergap>>>>Chastity.
Why does Lust have a dick?
Temperance best girl
Really makes you think
Pride is a fucking slut jesus christ
>lust has a dick
Lets see,: Greed, Chastity, Gluttony, Envy, Patience, Pride, Sloth.
Well fuck 2/7 sounds like a pretty shit score. Guess its a good thing I'm Protestant not Catholic.
look at those shit tier waifus.
pic related is god-tier
>Zero character difference in top row
Says pretty much all you need to know.
>futa lust
Stop rating this. wtf is wrong with you neets
How is wrath a sin.
Kindness is a qt
I rate this post a 2/14
Chastfags are the worst.
Take your no-fun back to your cuckshed
Quite okay
No thanks
Want her bite my cock when she sucking
Could fuck and cum inside her pussy a lot until she creampies.
Could finger and facefuck her. Probably fuck her right in the pussy and cum inside her a lot.
found the summerfag
Wew we got a badass over here.
>pink hair
>super cute girl
Absolutely top tier
Thank you for sharing that with us, user.
I was, but I've been pushed down a hole so far that I have a building blood-lust. I'm getting a new job, so sick of this shit.
Also I work for a canadian company. FUCK CANADA.
You did this to the japs...
5/7 not bad.