>Britain is the most corrupt country in the world, according to journalist Roberto Saviano, who spent more than a decade exposing the criminal dealings of the Italian Mafia.
>He told an audience at Hay-on-Wye: “If I asked you what is the most corrupt place on Earth you might tell me well it’s Afghanistan, maybe Greece, Nigeria, the South of Italy and I will tell you it’s the UK.
>“It’s not the bureaucracy, it’s not the police, it’s not the politics but what is corrupt is the financial capital. 90 per cent of the owners of capital in London have their headquarters offshore.
>“Jersey and the Cayman’s are the access gates to criminal capital in Europe and the UK is the country that allows it. That is why it is important why it is so crucial for me to be here today and to talk to you because I want to tell you , this is about you, this is about your life, this is about your government.”
>He said: “Leaving the EU means allowing this to take place. It means allowing the Qatari societies, the Mexican cartels, the Russian Mafia to gain even more power and HSBC has paid £2 billion Euros in fines to the US government, because it confessed that it had laundered money coming from the cartels and the Iranian companies. We have proof, we have evidence.”
Damn, we really have to step our game up if we've lost that title in this day and age.
Luis Miller
If my country isn't real then where do all those juicy EU laws come from
Isaiah Thomas
>Roberto Saviano was born in Naples on September 22, 1979. Son of Luigi Saviano, a Neapolitan doctor, and Miriam Haftar, a Ligurian of Jewish origins
Yes. Yes it is.
Josiah Powell
NO YOU SEE, theese are the smart people. they use the government to give money away while conveniently offshoring their's.
Jose Morales
>he is a jew, never trust anything he says Nice trips. I called him out on copying an albanian female author's work in public, which is something that is documented and well known, so he sued me saying I am an anti-semite.
Nothing he says is new, there is no research in what he does. Literally every single person in italy knows what he wrote in his books, he just became famous because he made up fake threats from mafia, and literally said "you have to donate and keep me famous otherwise the mafia will kill me, because they said they will kill me when I stop being known".
Fucking rat bastard piece of shit. I am risking 4 years of jail for instigation to racial hatred because of this asshole.
Kayden Powell
>jewish mother >mafia 'expert' yeah fuck off
Ethan Hernandez
We're also the most sexist country in the world too. The eternal Anglo never rests.
Julian Walker
>biggest corrupt >not the US
t. shill
Joshua Gomez
Fair enough, I enjoy his books and films though. I don't think he's tried to claim he was ever deep in the underworld just that he reported it realistically. What a jew though for suing you. How did you call him out so publically that he would sue you anyway?
Jonathan Hernandez
>It’s not the bureaucracy, it’s not the police, it’s not the politics