Have you ever killed someone?

have you ever killed someone?

Nope. But I'm planning on killing someone. Myself, that is.


how are you going to do it?

Those that have generally don't talk bout it. Usually soldiers don't pride themselves in what they did otherwise the talker is a sociopath or just lying. You won't accomplish much by asking as the latter is far more likely to occur with some lying edgelord talking up a bullshit story about how "badass" they are. And if per chance it is some sociopath that did actually commit murder, how then would you know the truth anyhow?

No, because if i started killing people, there wouldn't be any of you left.

thats whats beautiful about anonymity, its up to you to discern the truth

I was on a VBSS team in the Navy for a couple years. Some shitskin decided his life wasn't worth it and rushed us after we had guns on them and the others had all given up. He was shot by at least 5 of us and died instantly. I don't know if that counts, it's impossible to know which round actually caused his life functions to cease.

maybe none of them, maybe he got up later and started running around throwing poop

Yeah. By proxy though from a direct order by me.

Nah fam, he was definitely dead. They all died in the end a few minutes later, but I didn't kill the others.

yes, i threw him in the dumpster 6 months ago

If I said on one of my deployments I did what would be the point in telling anyone about it? Would it make me more or less of a man, taken as confession or as a lie. If I said I did you would either shame me, call me a liar, or assume I'm just some edgy kid. If someone tells you stories about how they killed someone they're probably lying. Generally unless they're mentally ill nobody will honestly talk about it openly anonymous or not so fuck off with your edgy teenage bullshit.


take your ptsd meds grampa

we're just here for the stories

Sorry shitstain, you won't get to know unless you've lived it.

i threw a stick at a bird once killing it

>the others had all given up
>They all died in the end a few minutes later
how did that turn out to be?

While cruel and idiotic, that hardly counts as a person.

Once, in self defense, there is nothing I regret more

I set a bird on fire before.
sprayed it with brake cleaner then flamerthrowered it afterwards. It flew around my living room setting everything on fire. Didn't know it'd be able to fly in that state. GG

>Behold! A man!


why are you even in this thread if you're just gonna get triggered by everything

go beat your wife grunt


I've killed a bee with a stick before when i was little. Yes, my accuarcy was god-like.

How do you think? Fuck kid you've played call of duty were your orders in game ever to take prisoners? Shit use your noggin, if they died they were ordered to be killed.

last few guys to leave set fire to their shitty nigger raft, my ship was a destroyer we didn't have space to take prisoners and we couldn't let them go, I guess they could have tried to swim but we were hundreds of miles from the coast


No but would if I could.

Only my parents' hopes for my future.

It's easy to kill someone, the hardest part is hiding it.

>get floorless tent
>find large mammal roadkill.. deer would be best
>find spot in the woods
>dig hole about 10ft deep
>dump faglord's corpse in it
>cover about 6ft with dirt, dump roadkill
>fill the rest of the hole up
>turn 360 and walk away like nothing happened.

Not that I've done it before, but that's what I would do.


Well you aren't gonna hear any true ones was what I was getting at

Because little pricks like you wanting to know the "glory" of warstories will never fucking get it. We never want to kill and if we did you certainly will never hear about it. Its not a fucking game, its not something taken lightly. Try living with other peoples blood on your hands, there is nothing in that that is entertaining nor can you find levity in it. Grow up or shut up.

No one asked if it was easy or not faggot

eat a dick pussy

Yes. Growing up in the province in the Philippines, me and my barkada beat a thief who snatched my tita's purse in the palengke.

I killed an ant once


yeah, i have

Talk shit get hit

If i wanted to kill you i would stab you 37 times in the chest. This has been known to kill people.

how would you know?


Because if someone really has they aren't going to talk about it even anonymously. If they say they have they're just edgy and trying to seem badass.

I don't understand.

>hur dur i dun wanna kill!!! nothin glorius bout dat!!

>enlists in profession where you are probably going to have to kill people, does it to preserve "glory" of their nation

humans have killed each other since humans have existed. just because you got ptsd from it doesn't make you special


First time is rough, there's a lot of stress. Then the more of them you do, the less it matters. Eventually its like any other crime - you can get caught, but most never do. The guys that go down are the ones killing their ex wife after sending a text message saying "I'm gonna kill you bitch". You stay away from that, you knock off 90% of the detective's case on day one.

Never said I had ptsd, never actually said I was in the military. Never actually said I killed someone. Never said anything about myself that warrants your implicit banter about a typical solider suffering from road either. What I'm saying is that killing isn't a game, and if you go into the military like some gung-ho idiot playing call of duty you will get yourself killed. Every soldier/warrior knows what it is about and will not pride themself on what they have done. Glory for country is bullshit, try your hand at killing. There is nothing glorious about the act nor having to do so in fear of your life. People know what they signed up for, and if you brag about killing you are a fucking psychopath and an asshole and a continued danger to others.

ive sent police to your home

btw fuck the hell angels

shut ur grandpa ass up

My cousin killed his best buddy and business partner actually tried to bury the guy alive in the desert
... the guy came to and fought to stay alive but became a bloody mess and died ..... cops caught my cousin red handed to say the least

My cousin hasnt shared the story with me .... he has shared the account with another cousin who spent time in prison

Truth is my other cousins told one story at first then latter on changed the way things happened
... for me the first account has most validity

Killers will share whatever when they know they are with others of the same ilk

I killed a teenager in Iraq in 2003. He rushed our convoy with what appeared to be a handgrenade, or some kind of explosif device. I shot a burst in his direction with the 50, kinda hoping he would be scared and run away, but 1 of the bullet struck him right in the lower chest. He droped to the ground with a cloud of dust and thats that. The convoy never stoped, we would not stop for nothing. I don't know if he died on the spot or bled to death, deep inside me I hope he survived that, but I highly doubt it.

That's some damn fine detective work then, how'd you do that buddy? lol

btw, if we ever met, I'd pop your eyes out of your head just to watch that panic wash over you. We both know you wouldn't be able to do anything to stop me.

Actions speak louder than words

Cut it short


Nah. Killed a coyote though.

>People know what they signed up for, and if you brag about killing you are a fucking psychopath and an asshole and a continued danger to others.
implying people who choose a career where they train to kill people aren't already all of those things

got in a pretty nasty argument with a close friend ten years ago or so. left in a real shitty mood. driving home i got to an intersection and i just ran the light because it was like one in the morning. some fucking jogger ran right out in front of my car and i clipped him on the passenger side

it was such a loud thud, i honestly expected my car to be really fucked up but my headlight cover was just cracked a little bit. it was a slow impact and i figured he just got knocked out and someone would find him, it was a fairly busy road.

saw a news report the following afternoon, that's when i realized what i did.

apparently he hit the ground so hard his skull cracked open and he bled out right there in the street, before an ambulance could even arrive.

they put out a notice to be on the look out but they got the description of my car all wrong.

i just remember seeing him lay there in the street, completely still. i see that image when i sleep sometimes.

What in Davy Jones' locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I'll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I've led numerous raids on fishing villages, and raped over 300 wenches. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another source o' swag. I'll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o' pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o' monsoon that'll wipe ye off the map. You're sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o'er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o' the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I'll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o' the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn't, ye didn't, and now ye'll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I'll shit fury all over ye and ye'll drown in the depths o' it. You're fish food now

correction, train, as well as intentionally put themselves in situations where they will be forced to put said training into effect.



Not directly but i have brought seafood and maybe it has been fished
from Africa leaving a starving child to die, so quiet possibly indirectly
killed someone but none of you would give a fuck any ways.



>threatening to kill someone over the internet

man you're really creative huh?

i think people who join the military pretend they want to go kill hajis, but secretly know that they will just end up putting air in vehicle tires or sweeping barracks floors and are content with doing that for $50k/yr since they know they have no other skills and can't do anything else with their life

In that case, it's possible we've all killed someone indirectly without knowing. Now there's some nice thought-food.

>taking Sup Forums seriously

Shitskin deserved it, he wanted to fuck with soldiers who were armed to the teeth. Natural selection at work.

Have you ever dug a 10 foot hole?


It's actually a bit strange to wonder how many people you've met/seen/interacted with that aren't alive anymore, or who in the world could've possibly died from anything you've ever done, whether it be from trolling someone that had a really shitty day and some depression to boot, or just happening to talk to someone who was hit by a car the next day. Death is everywhere, but at the same time, it's unseen and unheard to most of us until it's a name we personally know.


he said "someone" not "no one"


God you're edgy.

see, this story I believe. Not because of how it's written, but because of trips.

You're the biggest faggot I've ever seen on Sup Forums.

>using edgy as an insult in a thread full of edgelords

>is a huge faggot

Slow clap for the user that only knows use of ad hominem.

Good night Sup Forums

Stay asleep

Does treating a girl like shit and humiliating her often while fucking her like a total cum dumpster, for years, then hearing she killed herself after moving on to another girl counts..?

Wow if you actually don’t have PTSD and was born this way, that makes it worse. You’re an absolute disgrace to humanity

Take enough barbiturates or lead aspirin to do the same.

>mfw when this guy pretends not to be a virgin

Second hand you mean? Fuck no, I mean sure you come off like an abusive prick whose actions lead to her demise but I mean hey, she did it right? So no harm no foul?

>Not understanding basic forensics tactics and survey equipment used in MMXVII

Yeah ok, have fun with your CSI fantasies user

lol @360

does telling my ex to kill themself ad them actually doing it count?


That's what i tell myself at night lmao

Indirectly killed someone, some old guy off his meds was acting crazy, sent him back to his apartment room. Saw him again at 2am out in the cold with a t-shirt and one shoe on, sent him back to his room again. Found out several days later he died of a heart attack.


Accidentally did. Death by misadventure was the verdict. Not something I will go in to as, too many details will lead you retards to my name and we all know Sup Forums never makes a person suffer for that.

Of course not. That would be illegal, and describing it on an open forum where my post could be linked to my IP and MAC addresses would be tantamount to confession.

Not directly, but some kid blamed me for a girl commiting suicide in high school. It was really awkward because I have no idea why he blames me, he just raged out and tried to attack me the day after it happened.

without too many personal details... what is the general premise of what happened?