You've got a gun to your head. You are forced to fuck one of these "Specimen", who do you choose?


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Or him

I'd wait for them to pull the trigger.

for once I don't even know what to fucking say, goddamn nigger lover!

You're under the assumption I fear death.

Can you put it right to my temple, please? Make it quick.

I choose the boipucci. I don't even know if that treestump with the wig is human or a groot.

RIP user.

At least with this one you'd still be fucking a human

Ask them to pull the trigger. I go to sleep every night hoping I don't wake up, and I get disappointed every morning, the last thing I need for my existence is to fuck an abbo.

>implying you wouldnt pound the boipussy

all these closet homos in denial kek

Does he have a STD?

>implying anyone wouldn't fuck this over the ape

My pleasure.

No way I'd get hard, so fucking one would be impossible.

Take this shit to /b tho. Does not belong here.

not even a choice really.

i'd pillage that boipucci. at the very least i'd be confident that it'd be relatively clean.

the boong probably hasn't cleaned out it's last period. let that sink in for a bit.

Pull the trigger

I'd choose him and you wouldn't even need to put the gun to my head if you know what I mean


Dunno, he seems fairly clean to me.

Closet faggots will deny this. Those are also the ones who might as well enjoy playing at the bottom, if you know what I mean.

Because hideous beast

This nigga knows what's up.


Him, but I am homosexual so

Pol am I white? I'm the guy

Im takeing a seat over there

Does that make it easier or harder to decide?

Has a dick if that help.

You guys are always asking what a Mexican intellectual looks like, that girl is it.

True genius, Mexican style®

If I could get hold of a gun now Id pull the trigger after using the other 12 odd bullets on innocents, myself. Just the threat of staying alive Id take the bullet. If I could grab hold of one of these birds though I might fuck it for the lols, machette its face and drop some knitting close to it and call in the police and say theres been a massive knitting accident. Death by cop - yee ha

My philosophy is I will fuck any gender if its good looking. I find him attractive but not her

Don't even need a gun for that, slav

I dunno user, abos can be pretty cute.

Meant for ---

Fun fact: Abo genes are all submissive to nearly all other genes.

Within 3 generations they are completely gone.

Do your part! Fuck an aboriginal!

Just leave it to a drunk australian to do the first diddle

More abo cuties, bc #effyourbeautystandards

Would fucking an abbo be like fucking a real furry`?

Fucking a 60 IQ ape sure is good if you want intelligent offspring!

My father was stupid enough to dilute his 155 IQ with my mother making me a pleb IQ wise, I wouldn't want to dilute my linneage's IQ further by fucking an abo.

Pull the trigger, fgt

I'd chose boipucci over death.

I'd rather fuck a crocodile than an animal

>my mother


Imagine fucking an ape, except that you can get it pregnant.

Picture is related because Abo IQ is lower then SubSaharan nigger IQ.

I would rape the one holding a gun.

Its innevitable. Only a moron believes that fucking a lower IQ with a higher IQ creates a medium or lower IQ. By your retarded logic we must have all decended from fucking 300IQ point geniuses but we didnt. we decended from africans, thats right dumb worthless ape like mud hut ring necked baboon ass lipped morons breeding with dumb worthless ape like mud hut ring necked baboon ass lipped morons. Your IQ is not static. think faggot.

Both Slovene, she's just average, maybe even slightly above average, but I'd much prefer he'd married someone within his own IQ range.

My father is a well respected doctor in our country and chief at a hospital, my mom's a college educated nurse.

She's not dumb, she's just no exceptional, either way I'm a blabbering moron compared to my father's side of the family, kind of demoralizing.

I'm not afraid to die, I'd attack you in the hopes of inflicting as much damage as possible before I go down

I'm not convinced about the gender of either of them honestly... I pick whichever one was born with a vagina though. I'm not a faggot, simple as.


Would you, anons?

im not gay but its going to be hard for me to stay erect while trying to penetrate the aboriginal specimen, if it has saggy tits i can get hard and try to fuck its poon

i wont fuck the boipucci becauses its anal sex and thats gay as fuck

so i choose the abo specimen

Reminds me of a movie I saw recently. Last cab to Darwin I think it was called. Great film. I was fingering my wife's butt when we started watching it, she fell asleep so I just fucked her slightly gaping butthole wide open. I shot a hot load into her ass, it worked as a semen enema and she woke up wondering why she almost shat the bed.

Good times. Based boring abbo movie made it all possible.

It's called natural selection you moron, there was a different selective pressure in Africa to Europe to East Asia.

It's why IQ is different across the globe.

And yes two highly intelligent individuals are more likely to produce a highly intelligent offspring than an average and a highly intelligent individual.

Look I don't think I'm a moron, but if my father married within his 0.02 percentile or at least 0.2 it's a safe bet I'd be up there too instead of 3 percent down. Top 0.02% and top 3% according to my IQ test comparing to his, is a huge fucking difference, and yes that's mostly likely due to my mother.

Is this the same country that asks us if we can handle a big ass?

>Sup Forums claims to be degenerate free
>but will fuck a boy

They even painted a window frame, how cute.

>Implying mixing with an abo isn't just as generate.

Tbh I'd rather not pass on my genes than pass them onto an abo.

italians aren't white

which one is the guy?


Despite the ugliness, theres.nothing worse than faggotism

You're basically complaining about more frivolous shit that the tumblrites. Do you think that if your IQ was higher you'd be doing something more productive instead of crying about it on Sup Forums?

>people don't want to die
A real shocker there.

Lol, They're actually somehow dumber than Chimpanzees.

That is an oversimplification of the totality of Australian Aboriginal culture. Despite the fact that they were isolated from the rest of the world they managed to produce a plethora of innovative technological and cultural inventions. A list of their contributions includes the boomerang, a stick with angled shape and asymmetrical curves that makes use of one of the most complicated principles of aerodynamics, asymmetrical lift, the woomera, another uniquely Aboriginal invention that uses leverage to allow a spear to be thrown up to three times further, thermoplastic resins, weirs and fish traps, firestick farming, water bags, stone and glass tools, toys and the didgeridoo, a traditional music organ which is thought to be the world's oldest musical instrument.

No one spoke about mixing.

You can use a condom

>I'm a fag therefore everyone around me must be a fag too
Nah, you're a freak

Am I allowed to close my eyes? If so, abo. If not, trap. Pussy>butthole every day of the week.

It would have been nice to literally be more intelligent than 99.98% of the human race if nothing else.

I'd probably pay like ten euros to fuck that thing.

No. High test now, would you?

I'm surprised you wouldn't go for the abbo.

Get back on your Jam Jar

Despite their isolation, they managed to do many things with sticks.

Noise stick.

Throwing stick.

Throwing further stick.

Stick game on fleek.

Because I am a gracious OP and some of you don't want to fuck a tranny or an abo, I have granted you all a third option.

One of Britain's very finest.

I hope this is a satisfactory third choice.

>Aboriginal intellectuals.

Beastiality is illegal

It was actually considered bestiality until 1967 if I'm not mistaken, as they were considered part of the Australian fauna.

See You've been given a third choice. However depending how you define it, the lard beast might fall under cattle

Not in Finland.

Can you provide a source, I soo want that to be true, but I have a hard time believing it.

>different scenario

There is no instant death, you will be transformed into a real life furry if you don't choose one.

What's it gonna be Sup Forums?

I don't think fucking that thing is possible. The vagina must be buried several feet deep under the fat.

nice tiddies

faggotry here I come with a smile on my face and boner on my...boner

I have an Albanian mother and she spells "me" as "mi" despite having lived here for longer than I have, considering she gave birth to me here.

You've only made me want to die more.

The only thing hard about that decision is my dick.


Albanians are essentially the niggers of Europe IQ and genetics wise.

I know one, he is a nice guy, but it doesn't change the fact that he is a moron.

Soo you can pick three different forms of degeneracy. Interesting.

>Fuck an animal
>Fuck a dude
>Become an animal
Well, it was nice being human

You can fuck a lard beast

Boipussy isn't so bad, you've gotta grow some balls Sup Forums. Be a man!

Wow... that woman is literally a fluid