Has Sup Forums noticed that some Americans are very friendly towards Britain, while others are downright hostile and full of hatred? My theory is that the Anglophiles are the true-blooded Americans who descend from the original British pioneers and colonists, while the Anglophobes are later Hibernian and Kraut immigrants.
Has Sup Forums noticed that some Americans are very friendly towards Britain...
I love the UK and am closely following Brexit news
Good luck ole chap
Honestly I think it depends on how seriously they had that "muh war for independence and tyranny" indoctrinated into them.
My ancestors fought for the Brittish crown during the revolution so I have some connection with the Brits. I think they made the wrong decision but whatever we're here now
>Amerikeks with Anglo genes
>Amerikeks with proud white genes (German, Nordic, Dutch, ...)
There's your explanation user
Slav immigrant glad that we have independence, but see no reason to be adversarial. Also both countries have done their fair share of shady meddling with the world by now.
My theory is that people posting shit on this board don't believe a large amount of what they post. For instance, every time I post about how Bongaladesh elected a Muslim Prime Minister, it's just for shits and giggles.
This is not the POLE IS SATIRE may may, this is the people love to goad eachother for the sake of goading may may, nigger.
The American Revolution wasn't as cut-and-dried as you might think. The colonists revolted because they were being taxed at something like 2% of their income instead of 0%. It doesn't surprise me that an enormous number of the population chose to remain loyal to the crown. Better King George III than most of your recent Presidents and our Prime Ministers.
Oh god shut up you insufferable nigger lover
It's banter. Both sides dish it out.
I respect England and like the culture but I value American news and events first and foremost. My relatives in the UK could give less of a shit about US politics while the UK is in it's current state.
Let me guess, you're one of those spics in AZ pretending to be white? Fuckin spook jiggaboo coon mexican trash.
Ben Franklin would argue that it was really about control of our own currency (which British financial powers continued to keep recapturing). But if you check our Declaration of Independence it lays out plenty more justification than a tax. It's quite a good read, really.
were avin a giggle m8 none ov us actually h8 eachother
who gives a fuck. After what your nigger in chief said about Brexit I would gladly walk a Putin briefcase bomb straight into Washington. Fuck off yanks I hope you suffer the gas chamber.
>My theory is that the Anglophiles are the true-blooded Americans who descend from the original British pioneers and colonists
Interesting to note that Americans of English descent are heavily undercounted because they are also the ones most likely to simply identify as just 'American' as opposed to Irish American, German American, Dutch American, etc.
Basically, English Americans are the only Americans who love their own country enough to readily count themselves as being a native of that nationality alone.
You might find these two articles, written by Americans, interesting on that point. They argue that the claims made in the Declaration of Independence were wildly exaggerated. I think of the American Revolution in the same light as I do the English Civil War. It was another dust-up between Englishmen where there was fault on both sides.
A quote from the second one:
>"The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States."
>I can think of no more misleading political assessment uttered by any leader in the history of the United States. No words having such great impact historically in this nation were less true. No political bogeymen invoked by any political sect as “the liar of the century” ever said anything as verifiably false as these words.
I think there might be some truth to this. I am of English colonist descent and I feel nothing but brotherly love for my counterparts across the Atlantic.
Course, my ancestors also fought against the crown, and against the south, so maybe I just feel like I need to be the force that reunites us.
>people posting shit on this board don't believe a large amount of what they post
Yes and no. There is a lot of sarcasm but don't be fooled. A lot of Americans don't like the English. Personally can't say much that's positive about Britbongs. You're very much like America's big brother or role model for imperialism and oppression.
However, I feel the same forces that are trying to destroy the UK are hard at work in destroying the US. When president threaten the UK saying Brexit would be a bad idea I began to think it's time Americans stand with Britbongs. At least over the Brexit issue. Because if they flood UK with mudslimes. The US, CAN and AUS will be next.
Rest assire of there be a war and I'm drafted. I'm not going to fire on any Brit.
No, the actual split dates to the differences between the Madisonians (pro-British) and the Jeffersonians (pro-French) and both were at the time made up pretty equally of older and newer elements among the colonists.
Related to Degory Preist, had family in the tea party, family buried on bunker hill and strongly support the IRA.
I thought it was because Britain stopped their protective tariffs on the colonies, and allowed companies like the British east india company to start fucking american merchants
IIRC that is correct as well. Outright wars usually have a number of reasons for happening and for continuing once they get started.
Just a reminder
>America elected an African muslim as president twice
>Americas black population is 45,672,250, that is more black people than every African nation except Nigeria, Ethiopia and Democratic republic of Congo
>USA is 4th most populated African nation
>United States Of Africa
Brits taking back Brixton 2015
Why not be friendly to Dad?
I harbor no hard feelings towards the Dutch either (NYfag here). They're like the Step-Dad of my state.
It is an interesting theory:
That there will always be a hostility towards the ethnic hosts, because those hosts are potentially dangerous if they retain a sense of ethnic kinship.
Lets say an Anglophile leader came to power during the US' ascendency. Like Herbert Spencer, he may believe in the superiority of Britons over other Europeans. This wouldn't play well for the non-British Europeans in America. So there is certainly some sense in non-British Americans opportunistically looking to loosen pro-Anglo sentiment in their WASP hosts.
Ultimately I do see the US as a failed Anglo experiment. It started out well, but by now the WASP culture has been mostly eradicated. It could have been essentially one giant continent of middle and upper class Britons with a thirst for freedom, like a more libertarian Australia (which, whilst a more successful Anglo attempt than the US, is still failing as well).
Still, this is all just theory.
Britain is probably America's greatest ally. If we had to pick a country we could always trust to fight with us, it would be Britain. Just because we rebelled 200 years ago over government issues doesn't mean we don't remember where we came from.
>Americas black population is 45,672,250, that is more black people than every African nation except Nigeria, Ethiopia and Democratic republic of Congo
In the same way that America is the country with the most White people?
True-blooded Brits would be able to see past that and recognise their common blood. Of course, they'd want to be American and have an independent America, but they wouldn't have a hate boner for Britain, because they understood at the end of the day they're brothers with different opinions.
Not only that, but we share an enormous border with Canada, with whom we are also pretty culturally compatible. Acting more or less as an Anglosphere in spite of our structurally different legal relationship is pretty much a no-brainer.
And now you have Jewish merchants fucking with American companies. That being said, it's much easier to stop foreign companies than stop national companies.
In Italian/German but yall are pretty cool
I guess I go against the theory
To be fair, so do you. Historically, our Rockefellers are approximately agents of your (and all of Europe's) Rothschilds. Pretty much the whole world has a common enemy on that point.
True whites honour a respectable enemy.
Plus, they were all brits by blood back then. You've got to remember that most revolutionaries once proudly called themselves British.
I love English people
>America elected an African muslim as president twice
yeah well, Mudslimes are fighting one war on two fronts?
It's not about the US and UK uniting as one country or super power. It's about the people, finding common ground on the issues of multiculturalism.
i love britain and i'm not anglo :3
True, but I wouldn't call them 'our Rothschilds'; you wouldn't call a tapeworm 'my dog's tapeworm'.
German and English descent here, about 50/50 give or take and I feel strong kinship for the British people. You'd better get out of the EU, senpai.
I had family who fought for the revolutionaries, and I'm very much in favor of our ties to Britain. The real source isn't historical conflcits, but the British liberals who shit on is like current year man. Our media gives them a lot of attention and makes some Americans think all of Europe is against us.
Because Brit's are a bunch of faggots
t. Texan
Some Americans just don't want to get over it and let by gones be by gones.
Vote Trump!
I have many Revolutionary soldiers up in my family tree and I love Brits.
It was just bantz, y'all.
we welcome you with open arms
together we will make the world great again
t. american descended from germany
>Americans are all being civil and nice to a country who they were at odds against once
>a Canadian who is 'loyal' and 'proud' to the Crown come and acts like a Leaf
I guess Leafs really do ruin threads (and not in a fun Aussie way).
It's called good old British banter, my friend.
America and the UK (Generally) get on great as far as populations go... Although most of our population (UK) are fucking useless stuck up toss pots.
Most white Americans are Krauts and potato niggers.
In case you missed it I'm not canadian, these cUKs up here must be loyal to the crown cause they're all just as gay as you brits
If you believe we are leaving the EU you must be fucking retarded. The vote is rigged, in fact all there will be is a gathering of people being allowed to put the cross on a piece of paper thats all the vote is.
Kraut immigrant child. I still like EMPIRE.
Ever since Trudeau, they've been going mental with the shitposting. The latest trick is to act like they're actually an American, to try and avoid people simply saying 'A FUCKING LEAF'.
yes, i'm scottish/english and my family has been here since the 1700s. All the spics, niggers, irish, and italian americans are probably the hostile ones.
I think Anglo-Americans don't post here. They're too busy running America, after all.
>the Anglophobes are later Hibernian and Kraut immigrants
Nope. I'm a krautburger, and I fully support the UK.
The funniest part about it all is that they think claiming they're American will actually work.
I can't think of one american that agreed with obama is that case.
Im of teutonic heritage but i like the uk. I consider it out closest ally. But i dont count canada.
>an American doesn't like him or his whiny people
>h-he's not really American g-guys
Well one thing Britain and America have in common is they are the two western powers responsible for turning the middle east into a shithole.
The Preamble tells why so many colonists 'rebelled'.
Deeper reasons can be found in Thomas Paine's 'Common Sense'.
But basically inheritance is not a legitimate basis for government. Government of , by, and for the people is the only way to go.
>calling irish hibernian's non ironically
It doesn't affect you though - oh, now I see why you want to briefcase bomb Washington.
Allahu Akbar, my muslim brother.
What's it like being the only muslim in Ireland?
Because Hibernia > Eire > Ireland
I always figured the blacks would start taking the whites as slaves some day.
Couldn't happen to a nicer country.
Oh, well, it was a great 1000 years while it lasted.
still a better legacy that eating the victim pie for centuries and building a national identity on "i don't like the people on the other island" ya fucking mick.
But he's right: through satire we unite, and through union we succeed.
Too many white people for that to be a British school
I didnt see no JFK'ing his head all over the white house lawn? So I guess youre not all that concerned. Take your fucking punishment then accomplice.
>Pretending you actually give a shit about the middle east
Im British retard and not a nigger one. Nice try though faggot. Wake up and smell the Nescafe instant.
Is Ireland taking its fair share of war refugees?
>Germans don't give out sweets to children
It's like you hate your youth or something.
I don't blame Great Britain for taxing the shit out of us back then. They needed money badly to fund their wars and it's better to piss of people across the Atlantic Ocean than the people in your homeland.
They are our eternal bro. I'd hate to see them stay in the EU and I hate to see London being taken over by mudslimes
Euros dont realize how big the us is. Literally comparing the whole of us to tiny countries in africa the size of a state. I dont know why so many of them just dont understand this. On my trip to italy everyone i met seemed to think its one big hollywood or wild wild west.
What are you doing in Sweden? I bloody hope you're saving it from the dindus and marxists.
BREXIT: Brits Wanting To Leave the EU Spikes After Obama Tried To Convince Them To Stay In It
Whites wouldn't hide in a building and shoot a democratically elected President. They're too far civil for that.
Jews - or Jewish-indoctrinated whites on the other hand....
I imagine a lot of Americans don't really have a sense for how yuge and varied this place is. It's not something you can understand from looking at a map. I would say even an airplane window doesn't capture it.
I'm pretty devout towards Britain and I'm a quarter French and about as much Hibernian. All together I'm at best 20% Anglo.
My ancestry came to the US about 120 years ago from Italy Sweden, because they wanted to be Americans ... And as an American, I have the utmost respect for Britain and the history our two nations share...
Best Ally!
>yfw england will never take back America
My ancestors fought for Britain too. I know the battle my 7th great grandfather was captured in. It was an embarrassing defeat and Whigs had him executed afterwards
practice your english, sven. i think you're trying to say i should shoot the president because he tried to hurt britains fee fees. it was a stupid thing to say more than a threat. we have intelligence, and military agreements that are special just for britain. saying we'll stop sending them oreos and peanut butter is really a pretty empty threat.
Britain was being taxed too; in fact, I think we were taxed higher. The reason why you rebelled is that you didn't have seats in parliament (you did have representation through assemblies that dealt with domestic affairs and reported to the King), and it was all very sudden (hardly any warning came through).
Some Brits say we should when Trump becomes President. I say we should if Trump doesn't become President.
My last name and M.Thatcher's hometown are the same. I'd like to think that some of my ancestors hailed from that shining beacon of civilization, it gives me a sense of pride. England and the US will always be linked and there for each other I hope. God Save The Queen!
But m8, the people are idiots, and when you let idiots run your country, it falls to pieces. What countries need is a steward that s capable of running a country effectively without getting swayed by people who don't actually understand what they're talking about.
Whigs = Lib Dems = Fags
Sorry lads.
Hope he had a trial too, because I doubt they'd kill him w/o a trial.
>Thinking 1790's politics are at all related to today
you better be meming
No fuck the swedes. Stop fighting the battle of the cucks and stop believing bollox rhetoric and fake history that the swedes were ever vikings or big cheeses. Theyve always been the asshole of scandinavia. The Vikings were Norwegian sea fairers and Danes. The Swedes were toga wearing faggots trading with Turkey for a history - nothing changed there. Im here to make money then Ill split.
It's better to stay separate countries. That way we can counterbalance each other, like that time you delayed us from outright destroying Libya. And good grief can you imagine a country that elects a dude weed man holding direct sway over you?
>Taking over when Trump becomes president
Don't they understand how great we will be?
English ,Scottish and Irish here.
I am constantly sabotaging myself, being obtusely sarcastic and putting myself down.
I'm almost entirely of Nordic descent, and I like you limesucking lobsterbacks. It's too bad that you've rapidly grown a rugpilot problem that rivals our nigger problem.
I'll be glad when you win your independence from the EU, just make sure you don't let the krauts shovel the debt up your asses.