Berniebros are insane, they genuinely think Sanders is more qualified than Hillary!
I wish they would #GetWoke.
Berniebros are insane, they genuinely think Sanders is more qualified than Hillary!
The Iran Nuclear Deal is a positive for Hillary?
wew lad
why do modern young adults look like such faggots
Any reason why you have shilled 5 of these threads in less than a half hour.
Wow, with Hillary you can get a long winded speech from a know it all woman! SIGN ME UP!
I am definitely more masculine than you'll ever be.
>why do faggots look like such faggots
dunno lad
Isn't it likelier this will shun Bernie fags away from Hillary than make them embrace her?
>Here, look at this strawman of you, now go vote for my candidate!
Arrested development.
20 is the new 10.
>posting a jew
>when op is bitching about the followers of a jew
Oy Vey!
>Putting liberal judges in place that want to make laws instead of interpretting them
>Global Warming is the greatest threat to mankind meme
>Baby Killer
>Gay marriage is okay tbqh
>Against the 2nd amendment
>Already have voting rights. She just wants mor dindus and illegals to vote dem
>Must save the 100 forest floor dwelling owls #save the enviroment
>The Iran Nuclear deal is a good thing. Who the fuck thinks that?
>Welfare State
She seems pretty good desu. #ImWithHer
That's a toxic thing to say faggot!
Yes you!
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>pro choice and faggot marriage
Wasn't she neither of those like 5 years ago?
Its fucking crazy how easy is it to walk through the city and pick out all the berniecucks.
She "evolved"
Horsey just needs to draw porn already ffs
>voting rights
Certain people in America ate discriminated from voting?
Are we being raided?
Voting rights is code word for letting illegals vote.
Good good one more kid to indoctrinate.
No, liberals think requiring an ID to vote is too hard.
Wow. Really makes you think. I'm now #TeamHillary
Whew lad
"I have endless heaps of disdain for the poor and/or uneducated."
>different brakelights in the porn
God dammit
Maybe it has to do something with all the massive SJWs looking like they have fetal alcohol syndrom.
This is an edit, where is the original?