Imagine the day when Sup Forums finally has the Byzantine flag above posts instead of the Turkroach one. Visualise it for a moment. Reading a based Byzantine citizen's post describing how much kebab he removed that day.
>Trump and Putin retake Constantinople >minarets removed >turkroach genocide I can't wait
David Nelson
İslam conquered İstanbul while the Yunan got kicked out.
Jace Perry
Checked out*
Logan Rogers
The restoration of Hagia Sophia will be a feast of humanity. I will be there that day. See the removal of the minarets and attend the first liturgy since May 29th, 1453. Exactly 563 years ago.
Πάλι με χρόνους, με kαιρούς, πάλι διkά μας θα 'ναι!
Owen Garcia
Reunify the Catholic and Orthodox Church into the one Holy and Apostolic church once and for all.
Jeremiah Phillips
Make Greece Great Again
Logan Nguyen
Greece has a population of 10 million people. T*rkey has 80 million.
Remember to include the restoration of the Holy City in your daily and/or weekly prayers, Anons.
Keep the fire burning in your hearts, and one day we will experience the ecstasy of standing by the Emperor's side, receiving the Holy Eucharist in Haiga Sophia, in Christendom restored.
Luke Martinez
So what? After the war there will be like 3 m
Jose Hernandez
I was about to post the same brother
Jaxon Robinson
A good chunk of them, the "white turks" are Stockholm syndrome Anatolian Greeks. They can be reconverted to Greek-Orthodox culture. The rest- the turks, arabs, subhuman apes, etc- can be deported.
Sebastian Fisher
New Byzantine Confederacy
Landon Ross
We came from Central Asia through Iran.
Carson Robinson
hey Greek pol-bros, what do you guys think of Elder Paisios's prophecies concerning the retaking of Constantinople? Do you think that its relevant for today? I don't know much about it, but it seems very interesting
Wyatt Lopez
I cried because it will never happen during our lifetime
Isaac Jones
Genetically modern Turks are almost identical to Anatolians from antiquity.
Lots of cross over on the coast with Greeks.
Logan Murphy
Aaron Cruz
The New Byzantine Empire could be separate state that adopts a USA-like model. It can be partially repopulated with western populations, in a state-by-state basis. Would be fun to see the French return to Galicia, Pontic Greeks in Pontus, Armenians in Cilicia, and so on.
Also this: Turk allies who aren't actually Turks can be saved. Kebab will be removed.
Tyler Hernandez
A good sign of Turkic roach is the larger eyebrows- a good chunk unibrows- slightly larger cheekbones, and the ever-so-slightly squintier, dull eyes. Also, the signature shit-colored skin. If you don't meet those standards, you aren't a turk or an arab.
I believe turks should stay with Anatolia, but the european could become a independent country. Probably a theocracy led by the orthodoz Church and a mhlti-ethnic state
Adam Morris
>quad fours Can Greece ever stop losing to Turkiye? I start to feel for them after a while.
Landon Johnson
That makes it all the more important that we do our part to keep the dream alive.
Those who have gone to their rest with Christ are not dead but alive in Him. They will be there to witness that day with God.
Brody Clark
I know, I know.
But Albania exists, and it is better that 50 million Armenians/Georgians/Greeks/Turkish Anatolians try to civilize them than let their cesspool get worse.
Besides on the map North Epirus is Greek so you can ignore the rest of Albania if need be.
Ryan Thompson
Make Orthodox great again. First you'd need an emperor.
Caleb Bennett
Hahahahaahhahahahahahaahhhhhahaahha lil roach pathetic lil roach
Also >Liberation of izmir
Joshua Parker
>le Constantinople meme
Not going to happen while Turkey is in NATO
Jackson Clark
I'm blessed enough to worship in a Catholic church modeled after the Hagia Sophia. Going to mass in a few hours. Pic related.
Xavier Baker
>Ireland is never gonna happen while its in Great Britain >Baltic Nations are never gonna happen while they're in Russia >Israel is never gonna happen while it's in the Ottoman Empire etc. etc.
Jeremiah Hill
Once nato goes that door will open. Turkey is shit and hiding behind the treaty to taunt Russia.
"Should Turkey not stop supporting al-Qaeda's Syria branch, I am indeed eager to end the job the late Tsar Nicholas II left unfinished. During the World War I , He [Tsar] sought to restore Constantinople (Istanbul) to Christendom and protect Russian maritime security by liberating Dardanelles and Bosphorus straits but fate prevented him," TASS Russian News Agency cited President Putin as saying on Saturday. We also advocate Greek sovereignty over the Cyprus, added Putin, and call the Turkish regime to end its decades-long occupation of this Mediterranean island.
Hunter Lee
where is that? looks beautiful
Isaac Gutierrez
Damn thats badass
Elijah Murphy
I love how Putin enjoys throw backs to pre-Bolsheveik Russia.
We might see a new Russian Empire in our time.
Jeremiah White
So embrassing desu.
Andrew Perez
Upper West Side of NYC. The tiling on the dome was done by Gustavino, same guy who did parts of Grand Central Terminal.
Joshua Wright
Second you need a tall emperor.
Parker Martinez
ataturk was only 5'7"
Joseph Ross
Get fucked commie
Christopher Kelly
What do you think is going through his mind, standing in one of the most sacred Orthodox monasteries in the world, if not the most sacred, in the exact place that the Emperor of Rome once stood?
Brandon Mitchell
I fucking hate Greece Glad they got BTFO by Turks
Ryan Turner
I'd still prefer Turkroach flag to exist. Imagine all the delicious butthurt after reconquest.
Isaiah Parker
Landon Kelly
And tearing down those koran verses hanging from the ceiling.
Bentley Howard
t. Ahmed Al'Finno
Nathan Rivera
the delusion is real lads
William Diaz
I have literally no reason to like Greece over Turkey. None.
Nathan Ross
All those events needed a vacuum and the dominant power to withdraw or collapse, usually after a war. Unless the US dominated NATO withdraws, Constantinople won't happen.
Angel Miller
>liking turkroaches, who follow a religion that wants to kill you and make your women sex slaves WHY WOULD ANYONE HATE TURKS GUISE?!?!?!
Nathaniel Kelly
Do hellenbro's understand this? is demotic close enough still?
Also i have a question about the greeks from the USSR, georgia/ukraine/russia. How many are there? Are they bro tier and integrated? Do they still speak Russian?
Jaxon Wright
Of course not, you're muslim
Colton James
So you're basically saying that turks should own byzantium what the heck you nigger everyone here shut the fuck up, turks don't get any say in this, byzantium was greek-only and maybe roman. Also, I'd rather a hellenic state rather than a byzantine empire.
Asher Wood
Turkey is secular. Also they're more bro-tier than Gayreeks will ever be.
Oliver Martin
You will
Dominic Adams
I know some pontic greeks from georgia. Pretty cool guys. Most still speak Russian (or more rarely Pontic), but most of them have learned greek. In the US, there's not really any difference, since a lot of greeks themselves have forgotten the mother tongue
Isaiah Gray
According to Wikipedia there are just a few tens of thousands in Ukraine/Russia/Georgia/Kazakhstan.
Most went back to Greece after the war of independence and after the communist revolution.
The ones that didn't ended up mostly in Kazakhstan or dead. I think Crimea still has a very small ethnic Greek community that doesn't speak Greek though.
Mason Mitchell
That's one of many reasons to like Greece over Turkey. Turkey and Russia are natural enemies, Greeks are Russian asslickers.
>Turkey is secular. Erdogan is supporting fucking ISIS and transforming Turkey into a muslim state. Are you autistic or do you just not read the news?
Cameron Russell
>but first pay those denbts
Eli Parker
>m- muh christian brotherhood ayy lmoa, turkey is secular anyway also geopolitics shouldn't be dictated by religion
Daniel Hernandez
Joseph Gutierrez
>Turkey >Secular not for long buddo
plus, 99% muslim support the birthplace of western civilization, not a backwards hellhole of mongol rape babies
Colton King
the spoils of war which we gather from your corpses will repay greece's debt
David Long
I don't even want this city, what would we do with all turks? kil them? Bosfor would be nice though.
Jace Wilson
>muh Memezantium >WE WUZ ROMANZ N SHIET
Xavier Wilson
kek, you deluded moron Erdogan won't die if he doesn't become Sultan of the second ottoman empire
last time we beat them with only 300
fuck romans who said anything about romans
Nicholas Robinson
>geopolitics shouldn't be dictated by religion They should be when you deal people planning to flood your country with immigrants because must spread islam. Erdogan literally said womens' wombs are their weapons.
Kayden Hernandez
>support the birthplace of western civilization modern gayreeks have nothing to do with ancient greeks
Asher King
Sebastian Morgan
german doesnt know his classical history
>keksimus maximus
Nathaniel Perez
The Byzantines for example.
Thomas Morris
>roaches btfo.jpg we know who in the end got BTFO by whom
Jonathan Baker
>a turko-mongol shilling for his turko-mongol cousins it really makes u think...
James Flores
Erdogan's Islamist regime hardly represents most Turks
Asher Nelson
>be fin >get hit with giza mass autism ray
Alexander Lee
You moron, you're the perfect example of we wuz kangs >"""""""Holy"""""" """"""""""""""""""""""ROMAN"""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""Empire"""""""""""
yeah, turks
lol prove it
Evan Reed
rather a mongol than a nigger
Parker Jenkins
not to like *
Nathaniel Powell
lol it doesn't fucking matter. Erdogan doesn't consider the opinions of farmers in Anatolia when decided his geo-political stances
Nicholas Edwards
ahmed hahaha wtf man just go away
Charles Reed
Jackson Turner
Neither does any government represent most of its people Stop being an autist
a haplotype that's it
Luke Jackson
>all these Christlosers ITT kek
Easton Ramirez
Didn't he win a landslide election victory a few months ago?
The majority of Turks clearly are consenting to the government
Nathan Howard
The European refugee crisis is a religious issue.
The Middle-East is a religious issue.
For 1400 years Muslims have wanted to wipe Christianity from the map. Now you have an actual Islamic Caliphate that espouses the original teachings of the founder of Islam and they want to bring the end of the world.
In the cities they occupy, locals are signing up with them to fight their religious opponents.
Immigrants and 'refugees' from Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Morocco, Afghanistan are coming in droves are express publicly a desire to bring about religious and cultural change in Europe, to turn Europe Islamic.
The UK, Belgium, and France actually allow for hardline Islamist schools that are run by people with known affiliations to terrorists.
There is no Christian/Muslim co-existence, it is one or the other, unless the Muslims keep their shit in their sandbox.
Thus, the current geopolitical struggles of Europe and Russia are inexorably linked to the religious makeup and history of the Middle-East and Europe.
Noah Jackson
How can you be attracted to a pimple-std-filled mongol
Luke Watson
>ev13 is nigger WE
Ian Hernandez
You nigger, the Byzantine is a term invented by historians, they called themselves Romans. I am not defending the HRE, it was a mess. Blame the Austrians for it though.