Goofy ass cunt

goofy ass cunt

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Chief Hunts at Whole Foods

If Bruce Jenner is a woman, and Rachel Dolezol is black, then this bitch IS indian.

High cheekbone roastie

>mfw a rich person tries to explain how every other rich person but them are bad

It's Wants To Speak With Managers, Pawnee Princess

Look at this ugly fucker Jesus Christ so goofy. She aged so badly.

why are old white women fixated on destroying america?


I wish she would stop indiansplaining ugh it's sooooo problematic

Rule 63 on Jeb?

Steady as the beating drum
Singing to the cedar flute
Seasons go and seasons come
Bring the corn and bear the fruit

>blue eyes


what an ugly horse teethed ngger

They get money from old Jews, and worship Satan and Big black cocks and Snakes together when they do it.

A real Native American Hero

The lost their special status for being pretty so they try to regain it by pandering to people who are in the wrong

You can see in her eyes that she is wild.


>muh pappaw
>muh mammaw
we wuz amerindians n shiet

so, how much native american blood is required to get benefits from it?

My dad is half Mohican, half Ukrainian from Ohio

but i look like a normal White guy. can i get shit from that?

Yes, your 1/4 Native ass qualifies for benefits

Here is your Casino and welfare, you wagon burner sonvabitch

She's actually pretty moe in that pic.

Annoying. Disgusting. Irritating. Race baiting.

These are the first words I thought of when I first encountered this atrocious woman.

I laughed a bit.


Top kek

Why is Stephen King such a lefty? I can't help but like the guy, he's my guilty pleasure.

>trump will never put you on suicide watch live on all news channels

Why even go on?

>liking Stephen King

Why? Everything he writes is trash.

>implying i'm welfare leech

i identify as White. White People work for their money


His writing may be trash, but his stories are generally okay. Up until the end, anyway.

Hey its Pocahontas

Who the fuck smiles this way? Close your goofy ass mouth bitch

You literally just saw the birth of a new lie

Looks like the weird faggot from Hannibal

>be Stephen King
>write a million books
>3 of them are above average

Yeah this qualifies you to have an opinion on politics that deserves to be listened to. :^)

He can't help it, he is bought by globalist, like a lot of celebrities.

He triggered that cunt behind him.



who is she????


She wants the Big Don D look at those expressions

her name is jessica unruh

Correction. You brown nose the kikes for your money. You're lying thieves just not nearly as good at it as your kike overlords. Jesus promises that he'll make you a full fledged kike though when he returns!

Wew, lad. Seems like i will vote Hillary now, just to piss you off ;)

You're going to tongue jewish ass, just like the other white trash.

>pretends he can vote in our governmental processes

i'm half american you dingus




Gotta be certified through your tribe mate. Called Certificate Degree of Indian Blood. I have a Cherokee card. Makes me wonder how warren could have just said she's Indian and gotten into college like everyone claims. I had to provide my card to prove I was injun when I went to school.

God, I hate that bitch so much.

Her, in her younger years.

Stop posting this ugly whore.

Probably depends on the school. There are a lot of legit indians even who are not members of any recognized tribe, so a school might try to include them by not asking for proofs.