Johnson is a whiny cunt though. Both McAfee and Peterson were better.
Charles Foster
Samuel Bennett
To a degree, but now he's the best we've got. Way better than Demagogue Don or Hypocrite Hillary.
Successful entrepreneur, successful governor, pretty chill dude overall. 10/10 would make good President.
Brayden Morales
He's the most "electable" at this point. And I'd rather make libertarian ideals more mainstream through a somewhat watered down approach
Blake Morris
Sebastian Cruz
Liam Evans
>3rd party candidate >hurting shillary I bet she'll raise money for them
Eli Barnes
No, Gary Johnson takes more voters from Hillary than from trump.
Julian Anderson
I'm on the bandwagon. It's time to fight for the freedoms so many great men have given their lives for.
Justin Wright
>has fudd levels of anti gun policies >pro open boarders >for dismantling the military so how do lolbertarians pretend to be anything other than deluded pinko's these days?
Eli Harris
Gary "Flood America with non-whites" Johnson
Isaac King
Camden Nelson
I don't like their stance on abortion and the pro choice memes
How do i deal with this?
Im pretty libertarian but that almost ruins int for me
Trump isnt Pro Life either.
What a disaster
>tfw im a #CruzMissile
Andrew Mitchell
25% of blacks are voting for donald trump. Its over. You lost
Ryan Morgan
>successful governor
he ran up the public debt
embarrassing that a Brit with a passing knowledge of US politics is more clued up than you
Easton Flores
Nobody cares about your faggy little party.
You're willing to risk 4 Supreme Court nominations going to liberals because of MUH OPEN BORDERS and MUH FREE TRADE
Cameron Peterson
isnt this suite pro open boarder? If so fuck him and get rid of him.
Jace Lee
Just a Democrat in disguise nothing to see here.
Jason Phillips
dude weed lmao
Jace Hill
>Open borders >dude weed lmao >refugees
Yeah, no. If you want to vote for a faggot that will destroy the nation, go feel the bern.
Elijah Gonzalez
Gary Johnson >pro gun control >pro forcing Christian bakeries to bake cakes for fags or face lawsuits from the federal government >pro open borders, pro moving more companies overseas >anti military
Wyatt Reyes
any libertarian that isn't supporting Trump needs to off them self, a third party NEVER has a chance to win and Trump is literally the anti globalist candidate.
Jack Sanders
rapefugees don't come because of open borders, they come because of gibmedats
Justin James
>I'm a libertarian because I like weed.
David Taylor
We need to start pushing this guy ironically in SJW cuck threads on Reddit. Mfw Shillary's supporters leave her for this nobody Mfw Sanders supporters that the Shill thinksshe will get vote for this guy instead. Anything to help the GODEMPEROR.
Caleb Powell
so the libertarians were hijacked by globalists and leftists
Luis Reyes
What race are they running in?
Gavin Richardson
most of them only want gibmedats, but if you work 1 hour in western europe it's more dosh than working 1 hour in the middle east The infrastructure that our ancestors built makes it possible to derive more value in the same time. There would still be "refugees" trying to take advantage of that, even if there were no benefits.
Benjamin Fisher
i used to be a trump supporter but now im a cruz missle
Jose Scott
There's a reason why Royalty lived in castles.
Connor Ward
Gary "NAFTA is my nigga" Johnson
Owen Bailey
the immigrants who actually work for a living aren't as bad though, and there would be much fewer of them
Brandon Scott
They are about 10% of the whole though.
Blake Bennett
we were surprised yesterday to see how many of the people in the panel were pro life.
but of course they chose the "compromise" candidate
Robert Rodriguez
Don't care, still voting Trump.
Elijah Anderson
Uhh, the Libertarians are having their convention now?
Thomas Lee
yeah, but like i said, if there were no welfare checks for them, they would have to work in order to survive
Jordan Parker
All he will do is steal votes from trump. Congrats on helping another clinton get in the White House
Samuel Campbell
>ITT nervous Trumpers
If Johnson gets into the debates, he'll fuck Trump so hard it will be an actual public rape.
>CNN will give him coverage all week >shiggidy
Nicholas Carter
Johnson was booed at the debate when he said he'd like to see proficiency with a motor vehicle before he let anyone drive. They would let blind people drive and sell heroin to 5 year olds. It was less of a debate and more like grandstanding to see who had the least restrictive policies.
Matthew Lewis
So he's Trump, but thinks that people should be allowed to overdose on coke-heroine-speed while playing with their recreational nukes and fucking kindergarten prostitutes?
Carson Perry
He is the only one in the LP I wouldn't consider voting for (again) .Thanks for solidifying my vote for trump
Juan Wood
i thought he was against gun control?
Jordan Gonzalez
>an actual shill
Camden Smith
well yeah, open borders and welfare is just sinking the ship very fast
Dominic Carter
Thomas Torres
Libertarian party lost it's soul, this guy is a globalist phony.
Isaac Hill
Who cares? He's a lolbertarian and will steal votes from Antidemocrats, not Trump
Ryder Green
More like he is trumo who wants christian bakeries to "Just make the damn cake"
Joseph Nelson
No, he didn't. He vetoed the shit out of new programs that would have cost the state more than it could have afforded.
Luis Carter
Autism: the thread
Angel Perry
This. All of them are open border fags.
Aiden Rodriguez
Charles Cox
what where is this coming from? if he is open borders hes already out.
Gabriel Sanders
He actually steals more votes from Hillary though.
Caleb Hughes
Who cares.
Jacob Johnson
I use to consider myself strongly aligned with them and would spout the line, the main divergence was on open borders and I was told I "Wasn't real libertarian" because of I wanted regulated borders
No room for anyone who isn't a globalist it seems
Brody Phillips
Libertarians are basically the hipsters of politics they are desperate to feel smarter than everyone else. Ultimately it's only the feeling they want. They rarely even know the platform of the libertarian candidate
Jack Davis
>No, he didn't.
Yes, he did. Based bong is right.
Jose Price
Because of how I wanted regulated borders*
Kevin Brown
>muh non-aggression principle!! >implying retarded humans will ever follow it
dunno about you, but I kinda like not having to kill a nigger every week just to protect my own life
Jackson Richardson
I thought Trump was pro-life?
Noah Wood
he flipped flopped on it multiple times and supports planned parenthood
he also was pro choice all of his life so im not trusting him with this important question
Isaiah Phillips
Peterson was pretty anti abortion
Too bad he failed. He seems to be the future of the party
Nicholas Rogers
are you implying that the democrats and republicans are not globalists?
Justin Walker
Oh okay, I thought he was
I don't agree with him supporting PP
Joshua Jackson
>anti-gun policies >dismantling the military >libertarian
Well meme'd, my friend.
Austin Petersen is pro-life, and I'm pro-life as well. Being a libertarian and pro-life aren't mutually exclusive.
>he ran up the public debt
A Democratic Legislature ran up the public debt, not Gary Johnson. He vetoed every bill he could.
>implying Demagogue Don will put constitutionalists in those positions
He'll fill them with his cronies. Donald Trump does not value the Constitution in the least.
>implying Trump isn't a Democrat in disguise >implying free trade, limited government, and the rights of man are things Democrats would endorse
>pro gun control
"I don't believe the laws regarding guns are effective. We're allowed to bear arms. It's part of a free society."
- Gary Johnson
>muh globalism
Nice buzzword.
William Gonzalez
>nice buzzword
Not an argument
Daniel Anderson
>third party >having a nonzero chance of winning anything other than the Biggest Cuck Award
Logan Sanders
>using the word "globalist" unironically as a pejorative
You're not a Libertarian. The Libertarian has always been the Party of lassiez-faire capitalism and internationalism.
>calls Libertarians autistic... >with frog memes
What a disgusting and baseless smear of all Libertarians.
>libertarians are anarchists meme
Grayson Cooper
I use to be a Libertarian when I was 19 and it was the 2008 elections. That was of course when we had Obongo and a neo-con global agenda shill like McCain. But at least I was reasonable, and when I met fellow Libertarians I found out that most are "DUDE WEED LMAO" types and are less about preserving our heritage or culture but encourage open borders and unrestrained capitalism (See: corporatism). In other words they encourage the global agenda whether their smoked up pot head brains realize it or not.
Now we have Trump, and a chance to reform the Republican party for America first.
Also I was apart of a protest group that did not want a Wal-mart built next to a Civil War battlefield in Northern Virginia (Battle Of The Wilderness). If it's built, then a giant moat of cookie cutter McMansions will be built around it and it could cause pressure for the battlefield to be sold. We won and it wasn't built. The Libertardians would be the ones to encourage the Wal-mart to be built
Christian Harris
>Well meme'd, my friend. not an argument perhaps you should read more about your meme candidate :^)
Jordan Walker
>dismantle the police state!! >implying the police state isn't a needed reaction to offset the added violence brought in by multiculturalism >implying not letting the government do their most basic job isn't anachistic
Logan Gomez
Being libertarian is about virtue signalling in the other direction now. Trump probably has the presidency without them, but its sad to think about how such blind idealism can still be such a threat. This is a pivotal battle for the future of the free world and every last vote counts.
Angel Watson
Please explain to me why globalism is bad, using your Taiwanese laptop.
>I use to be a Libertarian
Lie. It's common knowledge that the Libertarian Party is the party of lassiez-faire and internationalism. If you were against those principles, you wouldn't be a Libertarian in the first place.
Shitpost somewhere else.
Thomas Jenkins
some are more globalist than others. Libertarians have asserted that they are the most globalist of all the politicians. They are because it means more freedom for humans and also more economic freedom on the whole.
Brody Diaz
No and that is not the point of my point of my post. Atleast the republican party has New wing of vocal anti globalists even if cuckservatives still run the show completely.
Logan Perry
>important question
>in germany
lol, you probably have polish blood.
Ayden Campbell
I agree with you, but your id leaves much to be desired
Nolan Ward
"I don't believe the laws regarding guns are effective. We're allowed to bear arms. It's part of a free society."
- Gary Johnson
Regarding your "dismantling the military" point, Johnson wants to cut the military's budget, not dismantle it.
Regarding your "open borders" point, the Libertarian Party does not advocate for completely open borders. There are exceptions as to who should be able to come in:
>However, we support control over the entry into our country of foreign nationals who pose a credible threat to security, health or property.
- LP Platform
Henry Turner
and you most likely have german blood
what ar eyou even saying?
Nicholas Carter
Im fairly protectionist now too even though I still lean their way on many economic issues
Gavin Jenkins
no, he should be a republican, the whole point of the libertarian party is to be socially liberal + fiscally conservative.
Daniel Long
no one cares about that issue in your country, they do in poland.
William Richardson
The Libertarian Party supports the maintenance of police and courts, and believes it is the fundamental duty of government. We just don't support police violating individuals' rights to their body and privacy.
>the libertarians are anarchists meme strikes again
Charles Ramirez
He is extremely socially liberal. Even more socially liberal than gary. Some people just think fetusus have rights like any normal person
Owen Wilson
Weld may fail his VP nomination
Kevin Lopez
Trump president
Republican majority in congress (nationalist)
Libertarian close minority in congress (freedom)
Democrats/Green etc forever btfo and non-existant.
This is my dream.
Ayden Jackson
>Implying Free trade ..[is a thing[.. the Democrats would endorse
A good chunk of them do. The Clintons are (or were, before Hillary's flip-flopping) some notable offenders.
And hey, a broken clock is right, twice a day. Free Trade is a sham.
>He'll fill them with his cronies. Donald Trump does not value the Constitution in the least
That's baseless speculation on your part.
Chase Wilson
>It's common knowledge that the Libertarian Party is the party of lassiez-faire and internationalism
But that's user's point. Many people like the idea of the LP until they realize they're possibly more corporatist than the GOP and DNC combined. Most people call themselves small L libertarians because DUDE WEED.
Also, how can you be "a strong constitutionalist" and respect national sovereignty when your party wants unlimited brown horde immigration and open borders? You realize they're mutually exclusive, right?
Henry Rogers
Can someone explain why lolbertarians are pro free trade?
Nolan Collins
>an actual mad faggot
Luis Jackson
Here come the brainwashed Trump kids who think they're part of a revolution because Fox News told them they are
Cooper Foster
Guys? Will Gary be okay?
Kevin Jackson
that's socially conservative, using big government to shut down private abortion clinics.
Hypocritical since he's against civil rights.
Elijah Jenkins
David Robinson
>Regarding your "dismantling the military" point, Johnson wants to cut the military's budget, not dismantle it. Cutting the military in it's current state would be effectively dismantling it. Clearly you have no understanding of geopolitics and the use of the american military or why it costs so much. >lolbertarians don't support open boarders >my idea of a boarder is where one truck goes from mexico into the united states seamlessly without ever being stopped-garry stu neck yourself you deluded aspie
Angel Sanchez
I mean I get that, ideally, thats what you want, but "ideally" is dream world. Thats why I'm Nat-Lib not just Libertarian.